...lol, wouldn't it make sense to get a new GM before you implement your master plan and sell off the roster?
And that's why I get on the front office as often as I do. No one can sit here with a straight face and say Soriano is a good move. It's a move to make one to make to dumb spoiled fans happy. I am not bashing the GM and front office for kicks. They are seriously terrible.
So lets here it. They great 59's plan. Lay it out there. Who are these great free agents you are getting for reasonable deals. How are you filling these holes to be a top team next year without getting a tick from the farm?
...uhhh, no...wrong again...unlike you I don't pretend and presume to have a "plan" ...no wait, the plan is to fire Cashman (never heard that before) and sell, sell, sell. ...wooooooot ! ...yeah, you're right, you have a great plan...don't break your arm patting yourself on the back.
...lmafao...again, unlike you, I have never presumed to know how to run a MLB franchise...but it is however, funny as hell watching you flap your arms as if you do. ...sleep tight.
Oh so you have no plan. Doesn't put you in a position to question anyone else's then. And firing cashman instead of letting him stock pile 40 year olds at a record pace sure seems like a great start to a plan to me.
Yea that's right you just sit on your horse and fire off while adding nothing of real value. Typical. Don't question people if you don't even have the balls to offer up your own suggestions.
Your problem now is that the team is losing. They haven't gone the play the kids & farm route every since they lost to Arizona in 2001. That's when the big money guys started as they brought Giambi in. The 2009 series was won with what? New home grown guys from the farm or with guys like CC, Arod, Damon, Matsui, Tex and Swisher mixed in with the dynasty years guys like Jeter, Posada and Andy?
...lol...lemme get this straight...you think your master plan has "value"?...why, just because you typed it?...that's rich...and yeah, that really takes "balls" on an anonymous message board...you're a real earth shaker and difference maker ! ...and I'll "question" you whenever I feel like it.
It's not my problem, it's the reality of the situation. The Yankees have not produced many players since the old core. That old core continued to at at a very high level for a very long time. The problem is cashman failed the farm. He failed to draft well and his player development is among the worst in the game. So the Yankees were forced to fill every new hole or every mistake with yet another bad free agent deal. The farm is still not producing but now the core is gone or close to it with very few low cost replacements to speak of. So what will happen? To be a great team they will have to overpay all over again, repeat those same mistakes again. That's why I say they have no plan. All the talk about bad contracts and getting under 189... For what? To do it all over again, but this time with no established core to even build on.
Go ahead and question it. It's empty coming from a coward who does nothing but question others without any suggestions of his own. Yea lets go get soriano! That'll save the season. WS here we come!
..."coward"?...lmfao...now you're just getting pissy...you really need to separate the real world from your message board persona. But yeah, your half baked plan of selling off the team really takes courage...again, you're a real world shaker and difference maker. ...and have I been pimping Soriano and claiming it would save the season?...no. don't think so, and I don't know where you got that from.
Blah blah blah. Go find a other thread you can fire off your empty questioning to or offer up your suggestions for the Yankees 2014 plan.
You calling anyone pissy is kind of funny. Hey at least we gave this new board a good old fashioned espn board show, eh? Hope they were paying attention. School is out.
...yeah, you did look pretty bad...but like I said, it'll be OK....my God, get over it and let it go.