How one Epstein victim was said to be recruited from Mar-a-Lago, and all the other connections between the accused sex trafficker and Trump's Palm Beach resort Court Documents: Trump Banned Epstein From Mar-A-Lago For Alleged Assault On Underage Girl
Oh no, he can't play golf there anymore . I'm sure that taught him a lesson. If someone assaults an underage girl at one of your businesses are you going to ban them? Or call the police?
not true. paying the hookers hush money and then not reporting it is illegal. It was obviously done to avoid a scandal during the campaigning which is illegal reported or not.
I made a thread a month ago saying Biden would NOT be the nominee. And that was purely based on him having mashed potatoes for brains, I didn’t even know he was a raper at that point.
If Biden does drop out and they go to the convention with this all unsettled, is a party push for Cuomo completely out of the question?
Excellent question. Or Gavin Newsom. It would likely be a free for all and it might be easier to go with a new, politically hot commodity than to choose from the reject pile of failed candidates.
Probably not but I would think several of the previous candidates would push for support. It will come down to whoever the DNC & media endorse.
And then we have this story. Let's see, knowing what we know about trump would it be likely that he unfriend someone over a battle for a property or unfriend him over a sexual allegation that had been going on well before he was "banned" from Mar A Lago.
Funny you mention that as I was thinking that last week with the success and support that Coumo has received. He would likely wipe trump off the political map.
Yep--seems to me, based on the general disparity in public perception in their respective handlings of the pandemic, that he would be a slam dunk winner in November. If the priority truly is defeating Trump, I can't imagine why they wouldn't at least explore that route. Of course, his dad famously had absolutely zero interest in the presidency, so it's very possible that he's wired the same way.
I don’t think Cuomo will want to run this year. I think the first step would be to convince Biden to drop out. If he doesn’t want to drop out, then the DNC would be stuck with Biden. There are plenty of good candidates available.
Wait... I'm not saying you wrong, but it sure doesn't sound right. So you are saying is I can go to Vegas, go to a legal brothel and then say to the female I was with, "oh... here is an extra $500 to not take a picture of me and to not post anything on FB and keep this hush hush so no one knows...." That's illegal? Not so sure about that. Sounds like a consensual agreement. Now if it was a threat to maintain silence... I owe you , but not paying if you talk... I believe that would be illegal. Or if it was, hey ill pay you to not say anything about me buying drugs, that would be illegal, because there was an illegal act that was covered up through payment.
If Biden really did what he is accused of he should most definitely resign. But as with Kavanaugh, it was many years ago and there is NO (real) proof. I am genuinely sorry for Ms. Reade, but she should have spoken out years ago. Now all she is is a political weapon. It’s way too convenient......and all too familiar. Men in power (generally speaking) have always taken advantage of women. As with so many of these allegations, they only surface when it is politically expedient. After Trump and Kavanaugh getting free passes for this kind of behavior, the Republicans have no moral high ground whatsoever. They should shut the fuck up and sit down. I’m not a Biden fan but ousting Trump is the highest priority this country has. And shame on us all for allowing us to reach this nadir.
I don’t think Republicans are really going there. It’s more about the media not covering Biden as they did with Kavanaugh. CNN alone produced 700 articles on the Kavanaugh story.