I've heard this a lot and it doesn't make any sense. Cap is going to go way up from the new TV deal. If Dame is traded it's for an All NBA return, wouldn't his new team want him signed for as many years possible? I don't see why a team would trade for Dame and prefer he is signed for 1/2 years instead of 4. A team trading for Dame could always send him out in another trade in 2 years, they don't have to keep him all 4. If the Blazers traded for Giannis would you want him for 4 year or 1? Seems like an obvious choice, I don't understand the idea an extension lowers his trade value.
oh for fucksakes....the 'Blazers-suck-and-are-making-all-the-wrong-decisions' crowd have been screaming, loudly and incessantly, that Dame's extension is a huge fuck-up...that it will be a giant cap-killing millstone around Portland's neck....that is essentially dooms Portland to more years of mediocrity. Those people say that many times a day here and you are one of the people that has been trashing Blazer moves, ridiculing their quest for flexibility, and loudly predicting mediocrity. Now, you are saying that Dame's extension is a good thing? That it enhances his value? LOL Giannis, at 27, on a 5 year contract, is great value. Dame is 32. I think Portland needed to extend Dame's contract. I think they also understood that it would make him much harder to trade...but they didn't care because they have no intention of trading him personally, I think 4 and 5 year contracts, unless 1) they are on a young superstar or 2) are clear and obvious bargains, have negative trade value. I think Norm Powell's contract is a case in point and I think it's a main reason why he was traded for so little
You're older. Does your body not get injured more frequently? I don't think him getting fixed has much to do with him potentially reinjuring it. However, I do think father time is coming around and risk of injury can increase for a 32 year old over someone in their 20's.
Not logical. So you get older and work harder and expect to get injured less? You know better than this. We work less and use our heads more as we get older. Only the very young would think otherwise.
Hopefully Dame playing better defense (not more defense) allows him and the team be in the right position and avoid injuries. Dame trying harder on defense isn't going to be what makes us a better team. Having a better scheme and getting players to their spots is what's going to do it. That's my two cents.
Man, 32 is young these days with all the nutrition and fitness coaches. A guy like Dame seems to have taken care of himself. I don't he he will ever be great at defense but within Chauncey's system he should improve and be adequate. Just my opinion.
Dame doesn't play a high risk style of basketball....Nas however does play a high risk style of basketball...Dame's game will age very well...he's also had more rehab and rest than he's had in his entire career going into this stretch so I see him as entering what I'm seeing as his prime.
Sir, Id like to let you know that I drink from the fountain of youth! In all seriousness, I don't think any of us have the conditioning regime these guys do. Sure i work less making me more brittle. But if a person keeps their body in top shape, I'm not seeing the decline from 26-32 regarding brittleness that is being implied.
It's a fair point. I honestly didn't see noticeable decline until about 34-35 but even then it was very slight. Now at 40 I really watched my times and performance drop drastically. I was not playing NBA basketball however.
Everyones body is different. Father time never fails, though. It is not unreasonable risk of injury increases in your 30's. No matter how in shape someone is.
Just wrapped up a week of work and industry events. Let me tell you, it was a lot of food, wine, chatting and walking around in the heat. I’m aching all over the place today. Getting old is hell sometimes!
Shit. I'm on my back today (like your mother!). I'm dead to the world and beat after this past weekend, FAMS! So.... not a far fall!
Looks like he is still bothered by the ab thing......arguably the highest BBIQ player we have and is great on a team with other high IQ guys. So, not great.