A responsible governor tries to mitigate natural disasters and slow global warming. A stupid governor attacks insurance companies as "woke" and does nothing. A responsible poster deletes duplicate and triplicate posts.
"Natural disasters"?... who creates those, "God"?...nah, gotta be the Devil. (rolls eyes) Florida has been plagued by hurricanes and other "natural disasters" for centuries without 40% increases in insurance rates...the difference between then and now is clearly De Santis.
Say all you'd like. It still ain't a bad place to live and breathe. We love our little place down there and are always excited to stay. Many others love it as well. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/07/13/the...ng-americas-best-economies-for-residents.html
Sure you can cite all kinds of stuff about people leaving the state, insurance rates, DeSantis, etc. Nonetheless, it's still a growing state. Say that about California. https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2022/12/florida-fastest-growing-state.html
Dude, California has over 3x the GDP of Florida, but not 3x the population. And it has almost 10X the GDP of Tennessee, but yet not 10x the population. how about you stay in your lane.
Heh, I was mentioning people leaving the state. And that's not simply a lane....it's a wide-open highway exodus. https://abc7.com/are-people-leaving-california-where-should-i-move-to-housing-in-moving/12826300/
Yes. Hate gays. Ban books. Forced pregnancy. Stop Black people from voting. Deny global warming. Don't teach anything that makes white people uncomfortable. Private police force. Use guns against your neighbor. I previously compared Florida to The Giver. Everyone obeys, no one reads, no one has sex.
you'll be waiting for a long time. Still waiting for any shit you say to not be full of ignorance. That wait will be longer.
I was in San Francisco Wednesday. Nothing untoward happened. Had a meh food court lunch at Westfield mall and saw Les Miserables at the Orpheum. It was terrific. I read the book but never saw the play. Then took BART home.
Death Valley California ain't a bad place to live and breathe either...that is, if you're fucking Gila Monster. I Don't need any lessons on Florida... I was born and raised in Fla ...so was Dad, so was Mom...Mom lived im Orlando for years, but between Trump and DeSantis, Mom couldn't take Florida any longer and moved up here last October. We built her her own place in February and she loves out here in the country.
wait for what? Hurricanes or 90 degree ocean water temps or for the Gestapo to chase out all the brown people and gays? On the other hand I hope every MAGAtard on the west coast moves to Florida and Tennessee or Texas
Heh, the regular suspects come out like ants. I'll be sure to have Dame send out love letters to y'all.
Turn on the lights and the cockroach will scurry back under the sink again. (Written on the rental agreement of all Floridian time shares) Crawl that crawl Tucker!