Hard to believe that the shooter was...11? 12? Back in 2016. I've read that he was a registered Republican, but it's worth noting that half of the photos going around of the shooter are of a lookalike on Twitter named, and I'm not kidding, "jewgazing" Not much to go on, but my guess is that if he was 20, registered Republican, and hates Trump, I doubt it was because he loved Jeb Bush as a kid, or wanted DeSantis to be the nominee. I would lean towards him being motivated by commentators around his age like Nick Fuentes saying Trump is controlled by Jews.
And, no drones. In our high tech world, no drone surveillance of the area. This was certainly a failure on the part of the secret service. Not a complete failure though. Trump survived. It's not that I want Trump dead. I don't condone killing, war, the death penalty, etc. . But, in the case of a traitor, or national security, such as losing our democracy. Then yes, Trump must be put down, at all costs to save our democracy. Period. It is the only logical course of action, imo. What, no good guy republicans with a gun to stop the shooter?!? For shame on them.
This has to be the lookalike trolling right? The reporting around this has been terrible by the way. Without even getting to the nypost randomly claiming that the shooter was an Asian guy for hours.
Yeah. They were running this guy's photo as the shooter, so he made this video after the shooting. He and his buddies were cracking about it on Twitter.
I fundamentally struggle to believe a 20 year old would die in a hail of gunfire to save the party of Reagan. 20 year old disgruntled Vivek supporter is a tough sell lol. The same Laura Loomer who claimed Biden had a medical emergency on the tarmac a week ago.
Well, like I mentioned earlier, almost immediately after the shooting right-wing Twitter was posting pics of a guy who looked like Manny from "Modern Family" all grown up and IDing him saying he was an antifa member. It wasn't long before that was debunked and it was discovered the guy was from Italy. Some right-wing sites STILL are running that he was the shooter. And, yeah, some media outlets have been using the photo of this guy as Tom Crooks and now he and his buddies are having fun with it. Welcome to modern media, where everything is about being first and not being best.
Roger Stone has been tweeting that the shooter actually was Maxwell Yearick, who was arrested for protesting a Trump rally in Pittsburgh in 2016.
No one seems to know anymore. I've seen a half-dozen names for the shooter now. I don't know if the guy in the video is really Crooks or just playing with being identified as Crooks. Right-wing sites now are saying it's Yearick, but some followers of those sites are contesting it ... saying the ears, eyebrows and chin don't match the corpse.
My first thought when I heard the news was that it was a staged, a stunt, political ploy etc.. I still feel that way. I watched a show on PBS or one of the channels awhile back that was showing how another assassination of a president or presidential candidate on US soil is nearly impossible these days. They do such a detailed perimeter and are posted up in a mile radius. This freak shooter just casually strolls into this event on a hot summer day with a long rifle or semi automatic gun and posts up and starts shooting 150 yards away?? Just doesn’t make sense. Especially with a figure as hated by some as Trump.