The team has moved beyond that. The expectations are higher. This would be like if someone offered you a job and the pay was what you made when you first started out. Would you accept the shitty pay as a win or would you know that you can do better?
Our local just overwhelming voted down a $16 raise that would put us at $92 an hour. Most likely will be going on strike also.
I hope so the problem is when companies increase wages they usually pass them onto consumers and renters. Cost of doing business as a percent of sales is what they all look at. Ive notified by PGE, Water, NG that prices are going up again. cant wait toes my prop tax statement next month. This Great Pacific NW has always been one the worst when iy comes to housing prices as a percent of income.
my first official hourly wage was $1.15 and I was thinking pretty highly of myself and making big plans for that money
This is a housing regulation issue. It's absurd how much housing has shot up in the last five years. Borders on criminal honestly.
Honestly that is total package at $92. We get almost $48 as a journeyman with $5 over for foreman wages on the check. This raise would probably go mostly on the check because our pension is over funded at about 103%. Health insurance is expensive but we have very good insurance and dental as well as life. Part of that package also goes to annuity and PTO. Superheroes are not cheap!
Yeah, I never gave that career field a second thought after I saw this picture. I wonder how many of those guys made it to retirement. Ciggies probably killed them.
I agree. I have a couple rentals. I (Like pretty much every other property owner) refinanced when rates were very low. We all benefitted from the increased value of the property. I held my rent rates at a reasonable amount. Yes some increases in Insurance and Taxes are making me increase a little bit but some of these greedy landlords are going nuts.