I think it's really about the roster here, the team having a use for him and a chance to win. If all that made sense Dame isn't petty enough to worry about who is in some office. That said it's probably unlikely all those things align for Dame to come back.
Ive thought about this and initially would say know. But i think Dame knows he put Cronin in a no win situation and i think hindsight has shown Dame his disappointment lies more in Olshey than Cronin. Dame didn't give him enough time. I would hope they could set the past aside and work together for the future if indeed Dame wanted back. BUt reality is… likely not.
Cronin never seems to have enough time. As I type this Cronin hasn't had "enough time" to do the right thing with this rebuild. Either Cronin can't make the right deals happen because he's a shitty negotiator or he doesn't know the right deal when it presents itself or how to reimagine the right offer from another GM to work for both sides. There is no reason that Grant should be on this roster right now. There really isn't a logical reason that Simons is either. I don't want to relitigate this for seemingly the hundredth time but Cronin had the 3rd pick, the 23rd pick and by his own admission a way to access our future firsts that are still being occupied by that shitty Bulls trade, that by the way we can't divorce Cronin from completely because he was the assistant GM when all of the terrible Olshey shit went downs. Cronin had Ant's contract and Nurk's to match whatever salary needed to be matched. Cronin also had a draft before that and a trade deadline to get Dame what he needed to stay. It was fucking shameful that he couldn't pull off any deal that could get Dame all star level help, especially when he had a good third option guy in Jerami waiting to sign a new contract. Every time we've needed Cronin to do something big for this team the dude has punted. He's the fucking master of kicking the can. Sure when he explains himself I want to like the guy because he isn't a pompous ass like his former boss and predecessor but just because Cronin continues to explain his incompetence nicely doesn't make it acceptable. I hope somehow Joe is able to change his ways and make some bold moves that make sense with the direction he claims our team is headed in but I'm not holding my breath. I have not been impressed in any way by Joe's tenure as GM but I'm hoping against hope that he figures shit out or falls ass backwards into something that can give this rebuild a kick in the butt and rid us of this ridiculous fence straddling.
The fact is none of PORs recent picks will likely be stars. Neil and Joe missed em all except for Dame.
No, I don't mean Cronin. I'm talking about Dame. He seemed to want to stick it to Cronin on the way out. Would Dame want to come back?
It's still kind of early to tell what the Blazers have. SGA played a full 82 games for the Clippers. I guess he wasn't likely a star either? Do I have to mention Jermaine O'neal? The guy who played 4 seasons for the Trail Blazers, got traded, then became a 6-time All Star?
Some people are just never happy or satisfied with less than perfection, but seem to forget, there is no such thing as perfection. Some choose this mental state for themselves. No Blazer player/management/owner has forced this on you or anyone. Only unrealistic expectations set by fans. Snap your fingers and change the team Cronin!!! Dammit. our big three suck. But trade them now and get value dammit!!!! This type of double standard leaves for a very negative stance because it’s impossible to please. You choose to not be pleased due to unrealistic expectations/demands.
Some fans also repeatedly justify stupid actions of the team. An accurate critic justifies when it's appropriate as well as praises when that is due.
stupid is subjective. I prefer not to judge when i don't know all the facts behind situations, like what trades were available. What the real return was, etc. For example, you are pissed at Cronin and thinks he sucks, but yet you aren't correct on what he actually gave up in picks. ( see other thread where someone corrected you on which pick goes out in 29’)So your hate is based on inaccurate information. Judge all you want. Doesn't mean you are correct in your judgement. I dont mean to sound harsh, but it is reality. The judgement of stupidity has a very fragile foundation to build such an opinion off of.
I don't to me it seemed real clear that Dame believes Cronin lied to him about what he intended for the Blazers. I don't think Dame would forgive that
c'mon man...that's nuts. This isn't a court of law, this is a fan message board in a free country for chrissakes, and I, for one, (cue Animal House music) will not stand by and let you bad-mouth the United States your logic means that the only people that can post on S2 about Blazer personnel, past and current, draft picks made and future classes, trades & contracts, are Blazer GM's and owner(s). They are the only ones in position to know the 'facts'. I guess we can post about the weather, but only if we are climatologists?