I will be missing for a short time. Those who have been here awhile know that my Dad has been fighting Leukemia. We got the call this morning that we needed to come down to see him while he was strong enough to talk. He will probably be on a respirator by tomorrow and we are heading out in a few minutes to go for as long as we are needed. I would appreciate the prayers of everyone that is of that persuasion, and the well wishes of the others. Hope to be back soon. God bless.
Your in my prayers, my brother. Don't forget that you have my phone number and I'm here for you 24/7.
Really sorry to hear that kcgsc. Hope all goes well, and I'll keep you and your family in my prayers.
I'm back. I wish it was with better news. My father passed away on Friday morning, July 15th at about 11am. They had to put him on the respirator and he was sedated by the time we arrived. I never got to speak to him on this trip, but I had been calling him every day for months because I knew those minutes would not be able to be replaced later. His body had just had all the chemo it could handle, and everything started shutting down. His aorta had clotted off Thursday night and he had no pulse in the lower half of his body anymore. His kidneys failed when that happened. He fought to breath normally on the respirator and they had to put him to sleep so it could do it's job. Friday morning, I was standing and holding his hand and watched the blood pressure slowly decrease until a reading could not be taken. Then the heart rate slowly decreased and stopped. After all the abuse his body had been through, it was a fairly peaceful way to go. I am thankful to the Lord that my Mother did not have to make the decision to take him off of the respirator. She was really struggling with the decision. But the Lord's timing had come. After 3 and a half years and 7-8 rounds of chemo (2 remissions), his body just didn't have the strength to continue fighting. I stayed home this week to try and help my Mother get some of the financial (and other) things in order. She is going to have it rough financially for awhile. Your continued prayers for her will be greatly appreciated. Good to be back. You guys are the best.
Speaking as someone who's lost both parents in the last seven years, I'm truly sorry to hear about your loss. Keep your chin up, buddy...