Rockets show interest in Walker

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets' started by JuLiO-R-, Jul 2, 2005.

  1. samaloh

    samaloh JBB JustBBall Member

    Jul 4, 2005
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    oh and 16ppg and 8 boards ain't nothing if he's gonna take more shots away from a highly efficient scorer like Yao. my god I'm gonna go crazy if Yao's gonna average less than 10 FGA in his fourth season, and becomes a pick-setting role-player permanently.

    ROCK4LIFE Active Member

    May 26, 2005
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting Trip:</div><div class="quote_post">Swift is also foul-prone, has no valid post moves, and a history of not working up to his potential. Not to mention that he's not a good rebounder. We've had this argument before man, and I've backed myself up with facts that you somehow overlooked.</div>
    I understand you're confusion. The one thing you seem to OVERLOOK is the fact that Swift is still a baby. He's still raw talent, but the key word is talent. Let's look at it like this, he can jump out the roof, he can block shots, run the court, and finish the break well. If we were to get Swift, then Luther Head would make more sense. We would have a bench that would speed the tempo of the game up. Obcourse he's not Karl Malone, but he could be reliable back up that can also play Center. He'd also be a nice alley hoop partner for Head. I'm not totally against Walker, but he shouldn't be the first choice. If Swift isn't a good fit for you, then who is? I don't understand you're logic. You seem to not like getting younger. You're not willing to give a young talent like Swift a chance, but you're more than welcome to keep a old, injury prone Charlie Ward. ??????
  3. jbbDWade3

    jbbDWade3 JBB JustBBall Member

    May 14, 2005
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    i don't think walkers a good choice. the rockets need more rebounding than anything. yao is 7'6" and only grabbing 8 a game. i think they should look at stromile swift or possibly eddie griffin

    true but he needs to get more powerful and more aggressive on grabbing boards too

    walker would take to many dumb shots and hes getting older. they need stro or shareef

    <font color="red">Please use the 'edit' feature in the future. ~Trip</font>

    ROCK4LIFE Active Member

    May 26, 2005
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    Yao also need to get the ball
  5. jbbDWade3

    jbbDWade3 JBB JustBBall Member

    May 14, 2005
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    true but he needs to get more powerful and more aggressive on grabbing boards too

    ROCK4LIFE Active Member

    May 26, 2005
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting DWade3:</div><div class="quote_post">true but he needs to get more powerful and more aggressive on grabbing boards too</div>
    I agree.
  7. jbbDWade3

    jbbDWade3 JBB JustBBall Member

    May 14, 2005
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    walker would take to many dumb shots and hes getting older. they need stro or shareef
  8. bbwAce

    bbwAce BBW Member

    Jan 6, 2004
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    Its already been mentioned that Swift and Donyell Marshall will both likely be out of our price range...therefore, this leaves us with players such as Evans, Haslem or even someone like Madsen...I feel that the Rockets are seriously considering either abdur-rahim or walker as our PF choices...and I dont understand the interest in Shareef, because hes just a j-howard clone...Walker gives you 19 points, 4 assists and 9 boards a game, as well as gets to the FT line 5 times a game...hes a matchup problem as well...He can post up or shoot, and I think that as this stage of his career, he'll be more than willing to become a third option...its not like he's gonna demand max money, and who else should we be willing to give all our MLE to?...although its likely we'd do a sign-and-trade deal...Plus, Walker is only 29, which means he probably has about 5 or 6 good more years in him, which means him, Tracy and Yao can afford to be the core of this team...
  9. Trip

    Trip 2000000000000000000000000

    Dec 14, 2003
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting Rockfan06:</div><div class="quote_post">I understand you're confusion. The one thing you seem to OVERLOOK is the fact that Swift is still a baby. He's still raw talent, but the key word is talent. Let's look at it like this, he can jump out the roof, he can block shots, run the court, and finish the break well. If we were to get Swift, then Luther Head would make more sense. We would have a bench that would speed the tempo of the game up. Obcourse he's not Karl Malone, but he could be reliable back up that can also play Center. He'd also be a nice alley hoop partner for Head. I'm not totally against Walker, but he shouldn't be the first choice. If Swift isn't a good fit for you, then who is? I don't understand you're logic. You seem to not like getting younger. You're not willing to give a young talent like Swift a chance, but you're more than welcome to keep a old, injury prone Charlie Ward. ??????</div>Ward is here because we are paying him. If we drop him, he's still on our payroll. Why not have him actually work for his share of the dough he's getting? If we're talking about signing Ward as a free agent right now, I'd be definitely opposed to it.

    Talent. Talent is the word that rides on almost everyone's shoulders. I had the impression that we're looking for immediate help in free agency, not getting a prospect who will mature only when Yao and TMac are past their primes. That's a reason why I think the underdeveloped Swift would be a good fit. All I see of him is an one-dimensional dunker. Maybe a poor man's Kenyon Martin. Then again, Martin is stronger, has a better post reportoire, better rebounder and plays better defense. Swift is just getting by on his hops and his speed alone. He has no real offensive and defensive game to speak of.

    I'm also opposed to getting a 35-year old in free agency. However, players who are around 30 like Marshall and Abdur-Rahim I won't be opposed to, as they still have a couple good years left in them and will know their role. They would also be laying their hearts out on the floor every night for a ring. Both have range, play good defense and can rebound the ball; something that Swift, despite all his physical advantages, seems to lack.

    ROCK4LIFE Active Member

    May 26, 2005
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting Trip:</div><div class="quote_post">Talent. Talent is the word that rides on almost everyone's shoulders. I had the impression that we're looking for immediate help in free agency, not getting a prospect who will mature only when Yao and TMac are past their primes. That's a reason why I think the underdeveloped Swift would be a good fit. All I see of him is an one-dimensional dunker. Maybe a poor man's Kenyon Martin. Then again, Martin is stronger, has a better post reportoire, better rebounder and plays better defense. Swift is just getting by on his hops and his speed alone. He has no real offensive and defensive game to speak of.</div>
    LOL. Swift isn't as bad as you make it seem. I'm not saying we should lose sleep over getting him, because if we can't afford him, fine. I'm saying that we could have gotten a player that can do similar things in the draft. I'm not worried about offensivley, more defense. A good weak side defender, and rebounder. We drafted Head to get some defense and speed, but who is he going to run with besides Tmac. We have nobody that finish the fast break. I hope we'll make some moves.
  11. Trip

    Trip 2000000000000000000000000

    Dec 14, 2003
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    London/Mississauga, ON
    Swift is not a defender and rebounder!!! How many times do I have to say that? He tends to lose focus in games and basically dozes off and become a non-factor on both ends. Do you want me to bring me a Grizzlies fan to break down Swift for you?

    The Rockets last season had no Luther Head, but we still got out on the break often and quite well. Could anyone second that? At least that is my impression.

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