Well all this Yuta Tabuse talk and then he goes and signs with the Clippers..... Not a big deal b/c he would've been a 3rd stringer, but it's news none the less. http://www.nba.com/clippers/news/tabuse_signed_050915.html
Every free agent we go after never comes to us... either it's that they just don't want to go to Canada to play, or Babs isn't trying hard enough to get these free agents... have we even signed a new player this off season yet?
LOL oh man babcock always talks sh** he always says the team is trying to persue a FA and they end up not coming to us
so this summer we have been rejected jay williams (the dude that almost died two years ago), mcleod (a journeymen pg) and tabuse (a 5'7 japanese pg with really no nba credit.) i think i'm going to stop admitting i'm a raptor fan from now on.
um Jay William never said no to us im honestly hoping to see this guy in a RAPS uniform next season he will become the starting PG for us in a few years (IMO)
deception, Jay Williams is actually very close to signing with the Raptors. No other teams have offered him a contract even though he worked out in Miami and Houston and this is the ideal situation for him to get back to full strength. If you read the Jay Williams thread, you'll see that Babcock has offered $640,000 non-guaranteed contract to Jay. Bill Duffy (Jay's agent) owes us a favour because Babcock gave his other client - Chris Duhon - a huge payday by forcing the Bulls to match.
Who was actually excited about getting this guy, it's not like he would've changed anything on our team, I don't really care about "losing" him.
Only thing that pisses me off is that the Raptors won't bring back Omar Cook because they thought they could get Tabuse.
I'd rather have Jay Williams over Omar Cook. The risk is minimal with Jay because he won't make much more than what's been offered but the reward would be huge if he manages to become 3/4 of what he was.
Me too, but I don't think Toronto will get him. I would've liked to see Cook at least get an invite, but Babcock didn't give him one for some reason.
I'm going to keep my fingers crossed on this one and say we are going to get Jay. I don't see any other teams stepping up to the plate with significantly greater money. Besides, Bill Duffy better return the favour by getting us Jay or he is going to be lynched
Well, if wants playing time, and a style that will fit his game, he will come to TO, if he wants a championship, he will go somewhere else. BTW, did Swirsky really say that? I was howling when I read that.
Tabuse is better than Cook, Tabuse has been given a contract, while I'm confident that Cook will get no contract absoutely anywhere. <div class="quote_poster">Quoting deception:</div><div class="quote_post">so this summer we have been rejected jay williams (the dude that almost died two years ago), mcleod (a journeymen pg) and tabuse (a 5'7 japanese pg with really no nba credit.) i think i'm going to stop admitting i'm a raptor fan from now on.</div> Haven't you done that already in practically all your posts?
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting deception:</div><div class="quote_post">so this summer we have been rejected jay williams (the dude that almost died two years ago), mcleod (a journeymen pg) and tabuse (a 5'7 japanese pg with really no nba credit.) i think i'm going to stop admitting i'm a raptor fan from now on.</div> Haven't you done that already in practically all your posts?
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting SkiptoMyLue11:</div><div class="quote_post">Tabuse is better than Cook, Tabuse has been given a contract, while I'm confident that Cook will get no contract absoutely anywhere. Haven't you done that already in practically all your posts? </div> At least Cook has shown he can decently run a team and play some defense. Tabuse is only going to get a contract because he could be a marketing machine. He definitely isn't better than Cook.
Yarg! Cook can't hit longrange or midrange jumpers. He isn't very strong, or even quick considering his size. He doesn't penetrate well, and doesn't pull in second defenders from his drives, because he can't get past his man. I will give him credit that he can run an offense and pass well, but it gets to a point where he has little offensive threat and isn't on the floor because of any defensive prowess.
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting SkiptoMyLue11:</div><div class="quote_post">Yarg! Cook can't hit longrange or midrange jumpers. He isn't very strong, or even quick considering his size. He doesn't penetrate well, and doesn't pull in second defenders from his drives, because he can't get past his man. I will give him credit that he can run an offense and pass well, but it gets to a point where he has little offensive threat and isn't on the floor because of any defensive prowess.</div> Were we watching the same player? Omar is quick, and he can penetrate. Defense > Offense. Cook wouldn't need to score, Toronto gets plenty of offense, they would need smart decisions, and defense, two things that Cook brings to the table.
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting Bobcats:</div><div class="quote_post">Well, if wants playing time, and a style that will fit his game, he will come to TO, if he wants a championship, he will go somewhere else. BTW, did Swirsky really say that? I was howling when I read that. </div> He doesn't need a ring at this point of his career; he's only 22. Raptors only offered him a one year deal so it's not like he'll be stuck with the team. Yes, Swirsky did actually say it. He didn't mean it to sound in sexual ways though. He meant it as it is - he would love to dunk on Tara Reid if he could and get a poster of it.