Losman looks like

Discussion in 'AFC East' started by Bearsfan1, Sep 2, 2005.

  1. Pats37

    Pats37 The Next Big Thing

    Dec 18, 2003
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (tko51)</div><div class='quotemain'>When I was hyping up Losman, he was doing good - and I was able to follow the game on a Bills message board - I only posted what happened with out trying to hype it up - like When I said Losman shook a packer d-lineman, and ran it in for a TD - where's the hype in that? That was exactly what happened - he barry sander'd his way into the endzone.

    I was unable to follow the Bills against the Bears and the Lions games because my computer was kinda screwed up. From what I heard, he didn't look too sharp (but we were winning with him in the starting lineup against the Bears and our D was forcing them to punt on every drive after three plays until our starters quit coming in).

    The Lions game, I don't care about it - I've got mixed reviews from a Bills board - some of which were quoting TD (Tom Donahoe) as saying that he (Losman) had looked his best against the Lions - as far as his composure growing in the pocket is concerned.

    Make no mistake, we will win games this year with our D - a lot of them.</div>

    Beep...Beep...Beep.. Thats the sound of you backing the bills bus up. You have over-hyped your team and QB due to preseason "reports" and games from day one and all of a sudden thers no stock? I'll even lay off the "barry sander'd comment for a moment because thats just crazy but Come on at least continue to have blind faith in a guy intead of flip flopping.....and if you don't beat the texans..then it will be a long season for you.
  2. tko51

    tko51 nfl-*****s member

    Jun 11, 2005
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    Yeah, it was the first Bills football action that I got to see for the year, and am I wrong for wanting to see my team do good?

    Yeah, I am full aware that it's preseason, but I still like to see my team win, and if they don't, I can easily write it off as simply that - preseason.

    Make no mistake though, you know our D will bail us out of a lot of games, and I also fully expect Losman even still to prove to be a very solid QB at some point during THIS season. I also know he will make some mistakes - how many times do I have to make this statement?
  3. vikingfan

    vikingfan nfl-*****s member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    There is an easy way out of this...admit that you talked the Bills up and Losman up too much. You've already let us know that you were working off of a bad source (a Bills board which is guaranteed to be filled with homers) and we can all move on. It will be a quick and slighly painful post, but it will diffuse anyone from being able to say that you were wrong.

    Now if you lose to the Texans....
  4. panthersare#1

    panthersare#1 The GM

    Jul 4, 2005
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    TKO just wait till week one or two when Losman starts to look better to talk about how good he is, right now the only word that can describe him is uncertaity
  5. porky88

    porky88 King of Kings

    Jun 24, 2005
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    Man I used to like the Bills. I was even excited about that team for the future. Sorry fins,Jets, and Pats fans. In 2 or 3 years maybe even the Super Bowl but now I hope they loose every game. I hate biased. I can't stand it one bit.

    Judging by some of these posts it looks like other members are starting to want to blow up the Bills train with some dynamite. I've never seen a team get hyped up like this by one fan.
  6. tko51

    tko51 nfl-*****s member

    Jun 11, 2005
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    just ask any team how hard it is to score on us, or if maybe they'd rather see our O on the field then our D.

    Willis McGahee is the real deal.

    Lee Evans is already Losman's favorite target - Moulds makes a great contingency plan now in our passing game, and our O line WILL be better then solid before week 6.

    what ever porky88, I don't care if you hate the bills because of me or not - if you do, good, I've hated the pack ever since I've met you on here almost. Only difference between us, is that I'm "hyping" up a better team then you are. Enjoy!!

    I have not been biased, I've been optimistic while pointing out facts to support my optimism, and you can try to spin that 'til you're blue in the face. I could be wrong, but I don't think the Bills were really too eager to show anything in the preseason, as most teams aren't, but I can assure you, the team you saw in the last two preseason games on our O will not closely resemble the team you see come out of the tunnel on 9-11.

    And Losman will prove to be worth what we invested in him by midseason.

    FLORIDA PACKER nfl-*****s member

    Feb 2, 2005
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    Wow your already calling the Bills a Better team, and on paper they are but we just wont know until the 11th, I know their D is mile stones ahead of ours but Losman hasn't had to play much more than quarter against 1st string Defenses.
  8. favre4mvp

    favre4mvp nfl-*****s member

    Aug 25, 2005
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    Although I agree Willis is good, can you really call him the real deal after only 1 year? And with Losman, he is not a good QB by any means... there d is good, but I dont think there a playoff team, maybe if they were in the NFC.
  9. tko51

    tko51 nfl-*****s member

    Jun 11, 2005
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    why don't we all just shut up until the 11th?
  10. porky88

    porky88 King of Kings

    Jun 24, 2005
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    haha now the Bills are already a Better team than the Pack because of a Preseason game. haha well have whens the last time the Bills won a divsion title. Who has more Champioships. But the Bills are still a better team. So they beat GB in a Preseason game. PRESEASON!!

    Has for me hyping the packers. When have I gave the Packers more than 10 wins. When have I had them going to the NFC Title game. When have I ever said they would win the divsion title. Hell just the other day I said they might not make the playoffs and I am not expecting much out of them. So that is hype to you.

    You piss and moan all the time about people putting words in your mouth and what do you think you just attempted to do to me?? hmmmmmmm I have also never marked my words and guarntee a sweep on a divsion rival.

    You say wait til the 11th but isn't this the same guy who said "take that Green Bay" in a Preseason game. Who bashed the Packers in a SCRIMMAGE. Are you kidding me buddy? A scrimmage. Preseason. Tell me you were joking. Yet where suppossed to wait. hmmm
  11. Thoth

    Thoth Sisyphus in training

    Dec 18, 2003
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    the 801
    [quote name='tko51'] I have not been biased [/quote]

    Yeah. Sure.

    [quote name='tko51']I've been optimistic while pointing out facts to support my optimism[/quote]

    Sounds more like wagon circling before the fact

    [quote name='tko51']and you can try to spin that 'til you're blue in the face. [/quote]

    You would know about spin. You do it so much you must have been born on a merry go round.

    [quote name='tko51']I could be wrong, [/quote]

    Could be?

    [quote name='tko51']the team you saw in the last two preseason games on our O will not closely resemble the team you see come out of the tunnel on 9-11. [/quote]

    Why? Will there be a mass trade w/ the Chiefs?
  12. tko51

    tko51 nfl-*****s member

    Jun 11, 2005
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (porky88)</div><div class='quotemain'>haha now the Bills are already a Better team than the Pack because of a Preseason game. haha well have whens the last time the Bills won a divsion title. Who has more Champioships. But the Bills are still a better team. So they beat GB in a Preseason game. PRESEASON!!

    Has for me hyping the packers. When have I gave the Packers more than 10 wins. When have I had them going to the NFC Title game. When have I ever said they would win the divsion title. Hell just the other day I said they might not make the playoffs and I am not expecting much out of them. So that is hype to you.

    You piss and moan all the time about people putting words in your mouth and what do you think you just attempted to do to me?? hmmmmmmm I have also never marked my words and guarntee a sweep on a divsion rival.

    You say wait til the 11th but isn't this the same guy who said "take that Green Bay" in a Preseason game. Who bashed the Packers in a SCRIMMAGE. Are you kidding me buddy? A scrimmage. Preseason. Tell me you were joking. Yet where suppossed to wait. hmmm</div>

    No, the bills are a better team then the pack because of our stifling D (defense does win championships - see the Buccaneers, Ravens, Pats, Cowboys of the early 90's etc...). Our excellent special teams, and a young budding offense with no shortage of weapons. I've got an idea, why don't you post a poll asking people who they think is the better team - the Packers or the Bills? I'll bet you anything the Bills would get the nod. If our schedule would have been rearranged a little last year so we could have played like the 9ers, cardinals, browns earlier, and maybe the raiders in week 7 or later, I guarantee you our record would have been at least 2 games better (11-5 or better). We were not the same team last year at the end of the year that we started out as. Yeah, we beat up on some sorry NFC West teams last year, but that's what a good team is supposed to do - kill bottom of the barrel teams. No matter what you say, if Bledsoe wasn't starting in that steelers game, we may very well have won and been in the playoffs (we were winning until Bledsoe handed it off to a steeler LBer who took it to the house - the score was 29-24 Pittsburgh)

    The only reason you can give the packers 10 wins is because they play in a weak NFC division - but even that seems like quite a stretch to me right now. I'd bank on 8-8 myself.

    Yeah, I did bash the packers in a scrimmage - and it was justifiable - they did look like crap and you can't deny it. That's about the only thing preseason is good for get excited about how your team is doing, and if they stink it up - you just write it off for what it is - preseason. What's so wrong with being happy to see your team doing well - even if it is only preseason - I don't care, I still like to see my team do good - no matter how meaningless the game is - if I were a steelers fan in week 17 - even though that game was meaningless for them, I'd still be excited that my team won - especially with that 15-1 record.
  13. porky88

    porky88 King of Kings

    Jun 24, 2005
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (tko51)</div><div class='quotemain'><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (porky88)</div><div class='quotemain'>haha now the Bills are already a Better team than the Pack because of a Preseason game. haha well have whens the last time the Bills won a divsion title. Who has more Champioships. But the Bills are still a better team. So they beat GB in a Preseason game. PRESEASON!!

    Has for me hyping the packers. When have I gave the Packers more than 10 wins. When have I had them going to the NFC Title game. When have I ever said they would win the divsion title. Hell just the other day I said they might not make the playoffs and I am not expecting much out of them. So that is hype to you.

    You piss and moan all the time about people putting words in your mouth and what do you think you just attempted to do to me?? hmmmmmmm I have also never marked my words and guarntee a sweep on a divsion rival.

    You say wait til the 11th but isn't this the same guy who said "take that Green Bay" in a Preseason game. Who bashed the Packers in a SCRIMMAGE. Are you kidding me buddy? A scrimmage. Preseason. Tell me you were joking. Yet where suppossed to wait. hmmm</div>

    No, the bills are a better team then the pack because of our stifling D (defense does win championships - see the Buccaneers, Ravens, Pats, Cowboys of the early 90's etc...). Our excellent special teams, and a young budding offense with no shortage of weapons. I've got an idea, why don't you post a poll asking people who they think is the better team - the Packers or the Bills? I'll bet you anything the Bills would get the nod. If our schedule would have been rearranged a little last year so we could have played like the 9ers, cardinals, browns earlier, and maybe the raiders in week 7 or later, I guarantee you our record would have been at least 2 games better (11-5 or better). We were not the same team last year at the end of the year that we started out as. Yeah, we beat up on some sorry NFC West teams last year, but that's what a good team is supposed to do - kill bottom of the barrel teams. No matter what you say, if Bledsoe wasn't starting in that steelers game, we may very well have won and been in the playoffs (we were winning until Bledsoe handed it off to a steeler LBer who took it to the house - the score was 29-24 Pittsburgh)

    The only reason you can give the packers 10 wins is because they play in a weak NFC division - but even that seems like quite a stretch to me right now. I'd bank on 8-8 myself.

    Yeah, I did bash the packers in a scrimmage - and it was justifiable - they did look like crap and you can't deny it. That's about the only thing preseason is good for get excited about how your team is doing, and if they stink it up - you just write it off for what it is - preseason. What's so wrong with being happy to see your team doing well - even if it is only preseason - I don't care, I still like to see my team do good - no matter how meaningless the game is - if I were a steelers fan in week 17 - even though that game was meaningless for them, I'd still be excited that my team won - especially with that 15-1 record.</div>

    There is nothing wrong with rooting and cheering for your team. Nobody said that but when you HYPE them up to be nearly unbeatable because of a defense then your traveling on that thin rope thats about or already did snap. Washington last season has the 3rd best defense in football. How did the finish?

    My point is TKO your bashing other teams when it's preseason. Last season the Pats went 0-4 and where did they end up at the end of the season? Answer that.

    So you want to post a poll and that will tell you what? Do you think I care what other people think. The indisputable TRUTH and FACT(sorry DD) is that they don't play this year so we can't judge on who is the better team. All I know is that Green Bay went 10-6 and the Bills went 9-7. The Packers also didn't play the NFC West. So to make assumptions such as "we're better". "Well we had to play in a tough conference". "Well so what we're better"! Your taking a first year starting QB and expecting him to do what. Win 12 games. Carson Palmer was the first overall pick 2 years ago and last year and he won 7 or 8 games as the starter pending his injury. But "we got a defense". Washington had a defense to! "Well we're still gonna sweep the Jets". "Mark my words". The Jets were and still probably are a playoff contending team. You don't see any Vikings fans going mark my words we'll crush the Packers. Divsion games are played in a different atmosphere than any other. Records don't matter in that case. You should know that!

    As for Bledsoe not starting against the Steelers. I am sure if you threw JP Losman out there against the best team in football at that time in his first career start the outcome wouldn't of been any different. You don't hear me saying well maybe if the Packers went with Craig Nall against Philly last year we might of had a chance. The logic is that Losman would of got man handled by the Steelers in his first game unless you want to go with your 3rd stringer whoever it is. Alex Van Pelt or whatever was there. I doubt it! So what kind of logic is that. Green Bay lost to 3 games they should of won. Giants,Bears,Titans early in the year and that would put us at 13-3 but before this did I mention any of that sort. No!! The FACT is we lost and theirs no changing the past. On that day the Bears,Giants,Titans were better teams. Just like the Raiders were a better team early on. Just like the Steelers were a better team later on.

    Is this getting through your head. If you've read this far anyways. I hope so! If your gonna trash talk don't do it in preseason cause this (is not an insult) but T it makes you look like an idiot! Wait til the week before the game or something. Your avatars and sigs are yours and that is fine to bet them but to make stiff statements about Losman, will and is gonna come back and bite you in the a$$. Also no one is out to get you. I saw one or two people pick the Texans to win and you posted boy are you guys out to get me. No we're not. I personally don't hate you. I don't hate any fans. I hate the Teams as a fan of another but I don't hate you. I don't know you but I am assuming that no one is out to get you on here. We all are happy to have you here and post. Your the only Bills fan here so that must suck but hey you keep coming back and fighting the cause. For that I respect you but when something starts to go this long......... thats when you just got to stop and let the teams do the talking. Sunday will be a great day for all of us! We should be looking forward to it. Dam this is long!
  14. DolfanDale

    DolfanDale Active Member

    Dec 18, 2003
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    Louisville, KY
    Porky, I think you might actually have better luck arguing with this guy!

    I tell you that J.P. Losman is the second coming of Kenny Stabler! Pfffffttt!!!
  15. vikingfan

    vikingfan nfl-*****s member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (porky88)</div><div class='quotemain'>You don't see any Vikings fans going mark my words we'll crush the Packers.</div>

    Mark my words. We'll crush the Packers. [​IMG]:D:D:D:D
  16. tko51

    tko51 nfl-*****s member

    Jun 11, 2005
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    That kind of reminds me of that movie "The Pest" where he's talking to the two german dudes that want to hunt him and he's all there like "man the next time someone says something bad about Germans, I'm gonna send them here, so what if you started a few wars, it's not like you ever won any of them" - then the main german dude's sidekick is all there like "We kicked France's @$$"

    Then the Pest says - yeah, but who hasn't?
  17. porky88

    porky88 King of Kings

    Jun 24, 2005
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (DolfanDale)</div><div class='quotemain'>Porky, I think you might actually have better luck arguing with this guy!

    I tell you that J.P. Losman is the second coming of Kenny Stabler! Pfffffttt!!!

    errrrrrr we've been out of game for awhile. I am sure something will come up we're have one of our "classic" debates. [​IMG]
  18. porky88

    porky88 King of Kings

    Jun 24, 2005
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (vikingfan)</div><div class='quotemain'><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (porky88)</div><div class='quotemain'>You don't see any Vikings fans going mark my words we'll crush the Packers.</div>

    Mark my words. We'll crush the Packers. [​IMG]:D:D:D:D</div>

    Are willing to put your sig and avatar up for that. Vikings sweep the Pack? [​IMG]
  19. porky88

    porky88 King of Kings

    Jun 24, 2005
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (tko51)</div><div class='quotemain'>That kind of reminds me of that movie "The Pest" where he's talking to the two german dudes that want to hunt him and he's all there like "man the next time someone says something bad about Germans, I'm gonna send them here, so what if you started a few wars, it's not like you ever won any of them" - then the main german dude's sidekick is all there like "We kicked France's @$$"

    Then the Pest says - yeah, but who hasn't?</div>

    My gut seems to be telling me you can't come up with a good enough response so you talk about a Germans. Thats ok. Lets just say Game Over! [​IMG]
  20. Pack Attack

    Pack Attack The KISS Army

    Dec 22, 2003
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'>Mark my words. We'll crush the Packers.</div>

    And then...you'll wake up. [​IMG]

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