Bell's Foul is Cause for Great Concern

Discussion in 'Phoenix Suns' started by Shapecity, May 3, 2006.

  1. BigBalleR8

    BigBalleR8 JBB JustBBall Member

    Apr 12, 2005
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    Raja Bell is a biach. He flops on every freakin play. And if he couldnt open his jaw, how the hell was he talkin on the press. Hes a Joke. I lost a lot of respect for that punk.
  2. emannen

    emannen JBB JustBBall Member

    Jul 17, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting shapecity:</div><div class="quote_post">Source

    I find this in bad taste by Jerry Colangelo. You cannot justify your player intentionally hitting another player in the neck. Clothes lining isn't even tolerated in the NFL, and it doesn't matter what lead up to it, the end result was Raja Bell going right after Kobe. He didn't even attempt to make a play on the basketball, his intent was to injure Kobe Bryant and then stood around and smirked about it.

    Jerry Colangelo should be embarrassed someone representing the Suns organization would resort to those tactics. What if the shoe was on the other foot? What if Smush Parker strangled Nash in the next game and stood around him like he just knocked someone out in the boxing ring?

    What's even more disappointing is Colangelo is the head of Team USA basketball.</div>

    Your comments about Jerry Colangelo are uncalled for and I won't even go into it. As a "leader" on this forum I would expect more of you.

    Raja Bell's foul was a dumb play, but if it was consistent with the officiating in the series it should not have lead to a suspension.

    Did a certain Lakers player, who is being investigated for sexual assault (familiar???), elbow Boris Diaw in the face and then stand over him in a taunting fashion with his crotch in his face????

    You cannot justify Brown intentionally hitting another player in the face. Elbowing in the face isn't even tolerated in the NFL, and it doesn't matter what lead up to it, the end result was Brown going right after Diaw. He didn't even attempt to make a play on the basketball, his intent was to injure Diaw and then stood around and committed an almost homosexual act.

    [​IMG] I think I read this somewhere.

    Was Brown ever suspended or fined? Was Kobe for pushing Diaw, and causing a melee? Was Walton for nearly tackling Thomas?

    The bottom line is Bell overacted. In his defense he has not gotten a single call this series. Even a homer Lakers fan can realize that. Bell quite simply never gets a call when he is on the offensive end (he does frustrate Kobe when he flops though[​IMG] ). After the referees missed an elbow to the face, and a push to the ground Bell lost it.

    Also Bell was smirking and taunting Phil Jackson after the "Hall of Fame" coach did some unprofessional things in his own right. At the other end of the court just before Bell threw Bryant down, Bell said he complained to referee Greg Willard about getting hit in the face, and Lakers coach Phil Jackson hollered out that Bell "deserved it," and added a profanity to emphasize the point. Nice!!!

    Quite simply, I can?t stand the Lakers. It must be depressing to cheer for a team with so many bad people. Lamar Odom (marijuana), Brown (sexual misconduct), Kobe (adultery). It?s easy to root for the Suns because they have players who are professionals on and off the court (Nash, Matrix, Amare, Thomas, Bell, Barbosa, etc).

    If you would like to unfairly criticize one of the most respected individuals in all of basketball please be more concerned with your team first, especially Kuame Brown who is in some unfortunate legal trouble.
  3. emannen

    emannen JBB JustBBall Member

    Jul 17, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting BigBalleR8:</div><div class="quote_post">Raja Bell is a biach. He flops on every freakin play. And if he couldnt open his jaw, how the hell was he talkin on the press. Hes a Joke. I lost a lot of respect for that punk.</div>

    Will the Lakers homer please ban this man. Profanity is not tolerated here, unfortunately.
  4. MondoGecko

    MondoGecko JBB JustBBall Member

    May 3, 2006
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    That is rediculous I was at the game, the calls have been so one sided that it is unbelieveable. Go Suns, but I wont buy another ticket to see a game.
  5. MondoGecko

    MondoGecko JBB JustBBall Member

    May 3, 2006
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    Have you ever been popped in the jaw? Does not mean you can't move it. OMG. Who is this guy??? Can you not tell me that the calls have been bias? You can seriously say they are calling it fair? I thought so. Plain and simple.
  6. MondoGecko

    MondoGecko JBB JustBBall Member

    May 3, 2006
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    Everyone knows that Phil Jackson "Hall of Famer" has never won anything without 2 (that means two) superstars on the same team. He is just lucky to get 2 players. He is a pathetic coach. When he wasnt winning, he leaves and criticizes his players. Awesome
  7. BigBalleR8

    BigBalleR8 JBB JustBBall Member

    Apr 12, 2005
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    ^Lol nice post. Ur dumb. What is he doing right now then if he cant win without 2 superstars. Ppl said that this laker team isnt gonna make it to the playoffs. And dont forget were winning the series 3-2 and its about to be 4-2 on thursday.
  8. Tha CTown Knick

    Tha CTown Knick JBB JustBBall Member

    Apr 2, 2006
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting BigBalleR8:</div><div class="quote_post">^Lol nice post. Ur dumb. What is he doing right now then if he cant win without 2 superstars. Ppl said that this laker team isnt gonna make it to the playoffs. And dont forget were winning the series 3-2 and its about to be 4-2 on thursday.</div>

    Well the Suns chanes sure as hell didn't get better with the 1-game suspension of Raja Bell..
  9. jbbCoville

    jbbCoville JBB JustBBall Member

    Apr 27, 2006
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    The reason he is suspended is he did not even make a play for the ball, he clotheslined him and pushed his face into the ground.



    Luke at least tried to stop a wide open lay up, the pushing incident that insude, that was a cluster **** of people and really nobody should have been called for a tech/flagrant or w/e.

    Finally when Kwame threw Diaw to the ground, it was after Diaw had gotten denied by Kwame in the post and Kwame was cleaning it up off the ground which Diaw reached from behind and become intangled with Brown.

    It isn't like Kobe was on a fast break for the game winning shot or the game was on the line and he needed to foul. THEY WERE UP BY 15 or whatever. No reason for the foul.

    I think David Stern sums it up best:

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">"It was a very unmanly act, and it was unnecessary for our game," commissioner David Stern said before Wednesday night's game in Cleveland. "And if that doesn't put our players on notice that we're here to protect them -- protect them -- then I don't know what will." <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post"></div></div>
  10. emannen

    emannen JBB JustBBall Member

    Jul 17, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting Coville:</div><div class="quote_post">The reason he is suspended is he did not even make a play for the ball, he clotheslined him and pushed his face into the ground.



    Luke at least tried to stop a wide open lay up, the pushing incident that insude, that was a cluster **** of people and really nobody should have been called for a tech/flagrant or w/e.

    Finally when Kwame threw Diaw to the ground, it was after Diaw had gotten denied by Kwame in the post and Kwame was cleaning it up off the ground which Diaw reached from behind and become intangled with Brown.

    It isn't like Kobe was on a fast break for the game winning shot or the game was on the line and he needed to foul. THEY WERE UP BY 15 or whatever. No reason for the foul.

    I think David Stern sums it up best:</div>

    The visuals are not necessary, everyone saw the play. Bell made a stupid mistake. But this mistake should not have lead to a suspension based on the rest of events in this series.

    Luke Walton made no attempt on the basketball. He may have wanted to stop the lay-up. Lakers fans should inform Luke that a tackle is not the greatest way to deny two points from being scored.

    A great example of the bias of the officials is the melee that ensued after Walton's flagrant. Diaw was called for a technical when he ran into players after being PUSHED from behind by Kobe Bryant!

    Kwame's play was not a basketball play. It was an intentional elbow. If the play was not intentional why did Kwame walk on top of Diaw with his crotch out like a homo? Obviously you did not study the play. Diaw was in NO way at fault on that play. He was making a basketball play trying to steal the ball. Kwame seemed to take offense and elbowed him in the face. There was no foul called. There was no fine. There was no suspension. In my opinion, that indicates the bias in the league today.

    If David Stern wants to protect his players tell him to watch the ENTIRE series and not SportsCenter.
  11. kobe23

    kobe23 JBB JustBBall Member

    Jan 4, 2006
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    College Undergrad
    if bell wants to fight kobe he should ask him... thats it period
  12. Chutney

    Chutney MON-STRAWRRR!!1!

    Jul 8, 2004
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    I think the more interesting question that comes out of this issue, is who do you think would win if they actually fought? A one-on-one, fists only, street fight. I'd pay to see that.
  13. Lostmyluggage

    Lostmyluggage JBB JustBBall Member

    Nov 4, 2003
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    Raja Bell is garbage and anyone who is even remotely standing up for him or his actions in any way, shape, or form should be ashamed. What a disgrace to the NBA. You call it a mistake, I call him a joke.
  14. GatorsowntheNCAA

    GatorsowntheNCAA Omaha Bound 2010!

    Jan 26, 2003
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting Lostmyluggage:</div><div class="quote_post">Raja Bell is garbage and anyone who is even remotely standing up for him or his actions in any way, shape, or form should be ashamed. What a disgrace to the NBA. You call it a mistake, I call him a joke.</div>

    I haven't seen anyone back Raja Bell's actions. The only complaints are if Bell gets suspended, why doesn't Kwame Brown for his foul on Diaw and Walton with his flagrant foul and Kobe for pushing Diaw into Thomas. They just want consistency.
  15. Lostmyluggage

    Lostmyluggage JBB JustBBall Member

    Nov 4, 2003
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    Big difference between those fouls and what Bell did. He didn't even try to not make it obvious.
  16. emannen

    emannen JBB JustBBall Member

    Jul 17, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting Lostmyluggage:</div><div class="quote_post">Big difference between those fouls and what Bell did. He didn't even try to not make it obvious.</div>

    Did you see what Kwame did to Diaw, don't be a homer!
  17. TheHitman

    TheHitman JBB JustBBall Member

    Dec 6, 2003
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    Raja Bell should have been suspended for at least 5 games in my opinion.
  18. unbeliever

    unbeliever JBB JustBBall Member

    Jun 19, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting TheHitman:</div><div class="quote_post">Raja Bell should have been suspended for at least 5 games in my opinion.</div>

    Hah! Then kobe should be out for at least 2, Kwame and Walton as well.

    Seriously, do people even WATCH the games they bitch and moan about?
  19. dtpxcore

    dtpxcore JBB The Regulator

    Dec 8, 2005
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting MondoGecko:</div><div class="quote_post">I just want to say I really hope that Kobe takes his 50 shots, they will have no chance to win. Or I would love to see Kobe get an elbow and see how he feels. Remember how bad he cried like a $%$#@ when he got bumped on his head? Get a life. Kobe is a joke, should never be considered for MVP</div>
    And remember when Nash got dunked on [​IMG] Take out Kobe from the Laker team and see how many wins they will get?
  20. emannen

    emannen JBB JustBBall Member

    Jul 17, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting dtpxcore:</div><div class="quote_post">And remember when Nash got dunked on [​IMG] Take out Kobe from the Laker team and see how many wins they will get?</div>

    Do you mean when Nash was in perfect position and took a charge? His feet were planted and he was not on the restricted line. Another call that went Kobe's way!!!!!!!!! For him to get dunked on he must challenge the shot!

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