No love for Franchise in NY? Why?

Discussion in 'New York Knicks' started by Pakman, Oct 9, 2006.

  1. Pakman

    Pakman JBB ITS ON ME!!!

    Aug 8, 2006
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    Lets see...

    Francis used to be my favorite player back when he played in Houston. Crossed the mess out of so many people, hit so many clutch shots, made so many stunning moves. So many people used to love him. He used to go to the AllStar games over many other guards.

    Had I asked someone "Who is better out of Francis and Marbury?"
    I bet most people would've replied "Franchise, man!"

    Ever since he left Houston, he went downhill, he played bad in Orlando...
    But this is what surprises me... just because his trade value was low and Knicks acquired him easily, they dont expect much of him.

    Its just like .. ugh... in NY, his value is so low .. it bothers me to see a great player like him go down like that. And he might even be benched this coming season.

    C'mon guys, this is the same guy who made the All-star team so many times, crossed up so many people, did amazing dunks...

    Whats your thoughts on the Steve Francis AKA Franchise?
    I think he's still a good player, just had a bad season and now everyone thinks he's sorry.
  2. Bahir

    Bahir User power factor: ∞

    Dec 2, 2003
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    I think he is one of the most egoistical players in the league, and I really don't like what he did when he was drafted. Just because you don't like the team you get drafted by, doesn't mean that you are allowed to break the rules of the contract you signed (like he did). I feel sorry for the Knicks for aquireing him, or rather, for the Knicks fans.
  3. lakerskb24

    lakerskb24 JBB JustBBall Member

    Apr 30, 2006
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    Franchise Killer
  4. Moo2K4

    Moo2K4 NBA West Producer

    Jul 8, 2003
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    The reason not much is expected is purely because of attitude issues. He's never had the best attitude in the world and always wants to be the top guy. In NY, I don't see that happening. It's Marbury's team whether he likes it or not, and he's going to have to share the ball a lot more than what he used to.
  5. Mr. J

    Mr. J Triple Up

    Aug 25, 2004
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    Steve Francis was brought here by Larry Brown contrary to most people's beliefs. This was NOT an Isiah Thomas move. Francis is not getting any love and neither is Marbury or the other Knicks. But as my coach always said, "You're always as good as your last game." With the Knicks and Francis struggling last season, no one is expecting much out of them.

    Most of the time Francis gets knocked for having a bad attitude or being egotistical, just like Bahir and Mook mentioned. But at the end of the day, none of that matters. What does matter is his production on the court and in New York, Francis has yet to do that. There are many reasons for this: no chemistry because a lack of training camp, no specified role with Larry Brown, all of the confusion and losing in New York, going through the motions being traded, etc. But this year it's put up or shut up for not only Francis, but Marbury, Curry, and the rest of the Knicks.

    The biggest concern I have with Francis is how he will fit in. We really don't have a purpose for him; he's more of a luxury. With Francis and Marbury getting into the seams of the defense, we will have so many easy scoring opportunties for the guys on the wings, not to mention we'll be getting to the free throw line at a much higher rate. If he really is more team-oriented like he said he is, then the Knicks could be a very dangerous team this year from the backcourt. Many say Marbury and Francis won't be as successful because they play similar, however, this will just make them more potent if they are able to collapse the defense at any given point and make things that much easier for the rest of the players. Plus we have to remember that this is a three-time all-star who once led the Rockets in points, rebounds, and assists. He and Marbury definitely have the talent to make this work; now it's all a matter of putting it together.

    Francis is playing in the hardest city to play for in the biggest market, so he will get scrutinized for everything he does and after having a bad season last year, until he proves them wrong, people will continue to doubt him. So this year will be pivotal for Francis and might might be the last opportunity he has to ressurect his career.
  6. monty001

    monty001 Sonics belong in Seattle

    Aug 30, 2005
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    ^^ I agree...if the Knicks can get their sh** together, they will be really good. That back court is made for getting to the hole. Starbury, Franchise, and Nate Robinson. If those guys can get to the basket, there will be plenty of open shots around the perimeter.
  7. kidd4ever

    kidd4ever JBB JustBBall Member

    Sep 14, 2006
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    They need to trade either Franchise or Starbury because they'll never have chemistry with those 2 together and they play the same position.
  8. Notorious

    Notorious JBB Fear is Death

    Oct 2, 2006
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    <div class="quote_poster">monty001 Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">^^ I agree...if the Knicks can get their sh** together, they will be really good. That back court is made for getting to the hole. Starbury, Franchise, and Nate Robinson. If those guys can get to the basket, there will be plenty of open shots around the perimeter.</div>

    Exactly, they just need to get their act together and the back court needs to learn to work together, then theyll start coming together and build as a team.
  9. CLos

    CLos JBB=The Originals

    Apr 18, 2006
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    Francis and Marbury are two PGs that can score at will. Franchise, however, is more of a ballhog and will take development time for the younger guys on this team. Francis will most likely get traded and trading Ariza for Francis was a bad move as Ariza is a guy with a lot of potential.
  10. Franchise73187

    Franchise73187 JBB JustBBall Member

    Dec 20, 2003
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    Who the hell in they right mind would say trading Ariza for Francis was a bad move. Thats like comparing a hundred dollar bill and a penny. Ariza will never be valued or as good in any aspect then Francis even in Francis rookie year. Whoever said that must be like Trevor Ariza little brother or somethin cuz u really gotta be a Ariza fan to make a statement like that. Francis is still one of the most talented players in the nba. Ariza not even a nba incluced in some nba games let alone household name. The closest he will get to all star in n nba live 06 when he got time on the knicks. Yes nba live the videogame! No matter what people say francis and marbury are 2 top 2 players in talent at their position. Add Curry and a great rookie n Frye. The talent is there. Lets just see if the chemistry is. Who ever liked Ariza that much need too watch more basketball.
  11. CLos

    CLos JBB=The Originals

    Apr 18, 2006
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    <div class="quote_poster">Franchise73187 Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">Who the hell in they right mind would say trading Ariza for Francis was a bad move. Thats like comparing a hundred dollar bill and a penny. Ariza will never be valued or as good in any aspect then Francis even in Francis rookie year. Whoever said that must be like Trevor Ariza little brother or somethin cuz u really gotta be a Ariza fan to make a statement like that. Francis is still one of the most talented players in the nba. Ariza not even a nba incluced in some nba games let alone household name. The closest he will get to all star in n nba live 06 when he got time on the knicks. Yes nba live the videogame! No matter what people say francis and marbury are 2 top 2 players in talent at their position. Add Curry and a great rookie n Frye. The talent is there. Lets just see if the chemistry is. Who ever liked Ariza that much need too watch more basketball.</div>

    Man, you must really like Steve Francis a lot kid!!!!!! First off, Ariza hasn't fully developed yet. The Magic traded away a headache and a distraction in the locker room for an up&coming player. Francis is overrated, has a bad attitude, and a bad contract. Sure, the man was an all-star. Who votes for the All-Stars?? The FANS do!! So, Francis USED to be a fan favorite in Houston. What the Knicks need to do is trade Francis and keep Marbury. Stephon has had his problems but isn't nearly as bad as Francis. Sure, Francis has talent, but that doesn't help your chemistry at all!!!

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