<div class="quote_poster">durvasa Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">Juwan hasn't missed a shot the last two games. Good to see him playing well off the bench. We need that extra offensive boost from there.</div> Exactly why I want Juwan on the bench. He played awesome, I think he was like 7 of 7. JVG has to realize that the key to beating Suns is making them play our way. Our half-court slow paced game. If we try to play their way (Run and Gun) we are going to get our butts handed. Rockets were shooting and jacking up too many threes. LeAndro Barbosa killed us! He burned by every Rocket and scored. The guy is awesome. Rockets played poor defense. I know we can do better.
I'm convinced that the suns are the only team in the league that we can't beat.......we just don't matchup well with them....if we stay in the 5 slot, and win against the Jazz we'd see Dallas in the 2nd round.....I wouldn't mind that...
<div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">Chuck played good offensivley, but it came at the expense of Yao(who didn't get nearly enuff touches). I was more disappointed at KURK SNYDER NOT PLAYIN! I've come to the conclusion that JVG just doesn't understand the benefit of having athletes on a team. He damn sure knows how to use old players. But young athletes with quickness always end up either inactive or just simply sitting on the bench. I KNEW if we tried to out-shoot Phoenix it was gonna be impossible to win. WHY IN THE HELL DOES JVG INSIST on makin us a jump shooting team . THAT'S SUICIDE AGAINST THE SUNS! When you have Snyder sitting over there, it's only logical that he A) be inserted for defensive quickness or offensivley for getting to the rim. With Skip literally jackin up quick 3's and Battier non-existent, you'd think Snyder get some playin time (I thought the reason we signed him was strictly for quicker teams) JVG has know idea how to beat the elite teams in this league...........I hate games like this</div> word, captain stubborn just refuses to play people.....
<div class="quote_poster">Umair Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">Exactly why I want Juwan on the bench. He played awesome, I think he was like 7 of 7. JVG has to realize that the key to beating Suns is making them play our way. Our half-court slow paced game. If we try to play their way (Run and Gun) we are going to get our butts handed. Rockets were shooting and jacking up too many threes. LeAndro Barbosa killed us! He burned by every Rocket and scored. The guy is awesome. Rockets played poor defense. I know we can do better.</div> Chuck allows teams to play Yao tight. Even tho he played well, Phoenix was allowed to play Yao closer with Hayes's man. Go ahead and check my posts before the game. I basically outlined Phoenix's gameplan before they stepped on the court. There is no way we should let a team deny Yao that easily. Skip can be a terrible decision maker sometimes also, he just doesn't know when to shoot and when to pass.
<div class="quote_poster">Rock4life Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">Chuck allows teams to play Yao tight. Even tho he played well, Phoenix was allowed to play Yao closer with Hayes's man. Go ahead and check my posts before the game. I basically outlined Phoenix's gameplan before they stepped on the court. There is no way we should let a team deny Yao that easily. Skip can be a terrible decision maker sometimes also, he just doesn't know when to shoot and when to pass. </div> So, Yao couldn't get shots because of Chuck? Check the gameflow: http://popcornmachine.net/cgi-bin/gameflow...312&game=HOUPHO Yao played with Chuck in the first 7:50 of the first quarter and the first 8:04 of the third quarter. In that time, he was 0-3 from the field, 5-6 from the line, and 1 turnover. Yao played without Chuck in the first 6:25 of the second, the last 2:40 of the second, and the first 3:05 of the fourth. He was 1-6 from the field, 3-3 from the line (all from technicals), and he had 4 turnovers in that span. Yao wasn't getting him self good looks even without Chuck. He got 5 points on 6 scoring attempts with Chuck. He got 2 points on 6 scoring attempts without Chuck (plus 3 converted technicals). But you're right; Chuck got his numbers because the Suns were leaving him to pay more attention to Yao. Same thing happened with Juwan. And that's only looking at one side of the ball. You need quickness next to Yao to effectively defend a team like the Suns. Chuck does a much better job switching on pick and rolls and staying in front of their quick footed bigs (Amare, Diaw). You have to look at both offense and defense.
Sigh..gonna have to agree with Rock4life in this one, I really think making us a jump shooting team is a bad idea. We have good slashers in Rafer, V-Span, Snyder, T-mac but we never capitalize on that. Instead we spend the season trying to transform these slashers into shooters.
<div class="quote_poster">durvasa Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">So, Yao couldn't get shots because of Chuck? Check the gameflow: http://popcornmachine.net/cgi-bin/gameflow...312&game=HOUPHO Yao played with Chuck in the first 7:50 of the first quarter and the first 8:04 of the third quarter. In that time, he was 0-3 from the field, 5-6 from the line, and 1 turnover. Yao played without Chuck in the first 6:25 of the second, the last 2:40 of the second, and the first 3:05 of the fourth. He was 1-6 from the field, 3-3 from the line (all from technicals), and he had 4 turnovers in that span. Yao wasn't getting him self good looks even without Chuck. He got 5 points on 6 scoring attempts with Chuck. He got 2 points on 6 scoring attempts without Chuck (plus 3 converted technicals). But you're right; Chuck got his numbers because the Suns were leaving him to pay more attention to Yao. Same thing happened with Juwan. And that's only looking at one side of the ball. You need quickness next to Yao to effectively defend a team like the Suns. Chuck does a much better job switching on pick and rolls and staying in front of their quick footed bigs (Amare, Diaw). You have to look at both offense and defense.</div> Our main objective is to have the best players that compliment Yao & Tmac. I think we'd both agree that the better shooters a team has on the floor, the better spacing you have for ur superstars. For instance, Phoenix is so effective on the court because all their players can shoot. However, if you have a player who only gets buckets around the rim then his man is able to double Yao and get back on Chuck without covering as much ground. Marion is quick and long enuff to do this. My whole argument was with Howard on the court, his man would be forced to come out to contest his shot eventually. If we started the game with this in mind, maybe we'd of got off to a better start against Phoenix. I stated earlier that the better teams are gonna take advantage of Hayes starting. Phoenix did exactly that.........
Wait. You criticize us for being a jumpshooting team, yet endorse Juwan Howard as a starter? Hell of a penetrator eh.
<div class="quote_poster">Rock4life Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">Our main objective is to have the best players that compliment Yao & Tmac. I think we'd both agree that the better shooters a team has on the floor, the better spacing you have for ur superstars. For instance, Phoenix is so effective on the court because all their players can shoot. However, if you have a player who only gets buckets around the rim then his man is able to double Yao and get back on Chuck without covering as much ground. Marion is quick and long enuff to do this. My whole argument was with Howard on the court, his man would be forced to come out to contest his shot eventually. If we started the game with this in mind, maybe we'd of got off to a better start against Phoenix. I stated earlier that the better teams are gonna take advantage of Hayes starting. Phoenix did exactly that.........</div> Your theory is looking at only one element of the game -- spacing. Against a team like Phoenix, Chuck is far better defensively than Juwan. That's crucial considering Yao is slow footed. We'd get murdered on the other end starting two slow-footed bigs. On offense, Chuck is a better offensive rebounder and cutter to the basket. These are also things that can relieve pressure on Yao. Yao shoots 55.7% and scores 32.8 pts/40min when Chuck is next to him on the season. Is that struggling? Does that indicate he isn't getting open looks because of Chuck? What's Yao doing when Chuck isn't in the game? He's shooting 49.8% and scoring 28.2 pts/40min. That's looking at the entire season. And if you only look at the game against Phoenix, again Yao was no more effective without Chuck than with him. In fact, he played worse when Chuck wasn't in the game, and he wasn't getting any better scoring opportunities. Or, if you like, we can look at the games in which Chuck wasn't playing and Juwan started. How did Yao do there? Well, he scored 26.2 ppg but he shot 38.7% from the field. Yao didn't shoot above 50% in any of those games. We lost 2 out of 4 in that stretch, after just winning 4 in a row. What happened? If you're wondering, when Chuck returned, we won our next 3 straight and Yao shot 66% from the field in those games. Just saying. You can't just look at a result (we lost to Phoenix on the second night of a back to back when Yao still isn't in shape, *shock*) and assume your theory is correct. <div class="quote_poster">Locke Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">Wait. You criticize us for being a jumpshooting team, yet endorse Juwan Howard as a starter? Hell of a penetrator eh.</div> It has nothing to do with spacing with Rock4Life. That's just an excuse for him to bash Chuck Hayes. He's endorsed using a lineup of Spanoulis, Snyder, Bonzi, Juwan, and Yao. Yeah -- there sure is some great spacing from that group.
although Chuck is better defensively I have to agree with Rock4life on this one...no matter how good your defense is, Phoenix is going to keep scoring....no matter how much you slow it down, play defense, etc. you still need at least 100 points to beat these guys....I think starting Juwan against Phoenix would be the best decision because if he's hitting his open jumpshot then the defense will have to respect that.....it also allows for better spacing on the floor....chuck is good for stretches against them, but the rockets aren't the type of team that can afford to get down, because we really don't make comebacks...the best way to avoid being down is to get off to a great start, and I think Juwan gives us the best chance of doing that....
<div class="quote_poster">durvasa Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">Your theory is looking at only one element of the game -- spacing. Against a team like Phoenix, Chuck is far better defensively than Juwan. That's crucial considering Yao is slow footed. We'd get murdered on the other end starting two slow-footed bigs. On offense, Chuck is a better offensive rebounder and cutter to the basket. These are also things that can relieve pressure on Yao.</div> I don't think Chucks that much better defensivley. You act like we're losing a significant advantage defensivley by starting Howard, which is not the case. <div class="quote_poster">durvasa Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">Yao shoots 55.7% and scores 32.8 pts/40min when Chuck is next to him on the season. Is that struggling? Does that indicate he isn't getting open looks because of Chuck?</div> Like I said, against Phoenix and other elite teams we're gonna be tested. It's obvious they use Hayes's man to smother Yao. Why would you invite that? If I were JVG I'd take that away by starting somebody to space the floor. Even tho Chuck made the few layups he took, Phoenix shut Yao down. By denying Yao the ball they had our offense outta sink. THEY WEREN'T EVEN GUARDING CHUCK FOR CRYIN OUT LOUD! Chuck's man stayed in Yao's lap the whole night. Howard makes it harder for teams to use that strategy because he's so much effective at spacing the floor. Which is more important than any other aspect............... <div class="quote_poster">durvasa Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">What's Yao doing when Chuck isn't in the game? He's shooting 49.8% and scoring 28.2 pts/40min. That's looking at the entire season. And if you only look at the game against Phoenix, again Yao was no more effective without Chuck than with him. In fact, he played worse when Chuck wasn't in the game, and he wasn't getting any better scoring opportunities.</div> That's after he started poorly. Phoenix's strategy to take advantage Chuck's lack of range worked. JVG knew they were gonna do that and didn't make the proper adjustments. Against the ELITE teams Chuck will be exposed easily. <div class="quote_poster">durvasa Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">Or, if you like, we can look at the games in which Chuck wasn't playing and Juwan started. How did Yao do there? Well, he scored 26.2 ppg but he shot 38.7% from the field. Yao didn't shoot above 50% in any of those games. We lost 2 out of 4 in that stretch, after just winning 4 in a row. What happened? If you're wondering, when Chuck returned, we won our next 3 straight and Yao shot 66% from the field in those games. Just saying.</div> Howard's play has picked up since then and could benefit Yao better. <div class="quote_poster">durvasa Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">You can't just look at a result (we lost to Phoenix on the second night of a back to back when Yao still isn't in shape, *shock*) and assume your theory is correct.</div> We should've won that game, simple as that. Phoenix smothering Yao combined with the fact Snyder never played is why we lost. Snyder not get playin time on this team just doesn't register to me. Especially against team like Dallas and Phoenix. Does JVG understand what Kurk brings to the table <div class="quote_poster">durvasa Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">It has nothing to do with spacing with Rock4Life. That's just an excuse for him to bash Chuck Hayes. He's endorsed using a lineup of Spanoulis, Snyder, Bonzi, Juwan, and Yao. Yeah -- there sure is some great spacing from that group. </div> That line up isn't that bad, but I wouldn't play Spanoulis. Against Phoenix we'd had the most success with this lineup: Tmac Head Syder Howard Battier I was waiting for this lineup to come out there. But we're prolly NEVER gonna see much of Bonzi or Snyder with JVG's foolish 8 man rotation. It's a shame because we need some quickness and athleticism BADLY.
<div class="quote_poster">Rock4life Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">I don't think Chucks that much better defensivley. You act like we're losing a significant advantage defensivley by starting Howard, which is not the case. </div> What are you talking about? Juwan doesnt do a good job of contesting shots. Why do you think Hayes averages more blocks (despite being shorter, and according to you less athletic) then Howard? Juwan is at best a below average defender. Why do you think the opponents score more when hes on the court? <div class="quote_poster">Rock4life Wrote</div><div class="quote_post"> Like I said, against Phoenix and other elite teams we're gonna be tested. It's obvious they use Hayes's man to smother Yao. Why would you invite that? If I were JVG I'd take that away by starting somebody to space the floor. Even tho Chuck made the few layups he took, Phoenix shut Yao down. By denying Yao the ball they had our offense outta sink. THEY WEREN'T EVEN GUARDING CHUCK FOR CRYIN OUT LOUD! Chuck's man stayed in Yao's lap the whole night. Howard makes it harder for teams to use that strategy because he's so much effective at spacing the floor. Which is more important than any other aspect............... </div> You think Juwan's man didnt smother Yao? You honestly believe that they think Howard is a big enough threat that they won't double Yao? You only see a narrow perspective. Go back and watch the game. <div class="quote_poster">Rock4life Wrote</div><div class="quote_post"> Howard's play has picked up since then and could benefit Yao better. </div> Yet you provide nothing to back that claim up, just like all your other bogus claims. <div class="quote_poster">Rock4life Wrote</div><div class="quote_post"> We should've won that game, simple as that. Phoenix smothering Yao combined with the fact Snyder never played is why we lost. Snyder not get playin time on this team just doesn't register to me. Especially against team like Dallas and Phoenix. Does JVG understand what Kurk brings to the table </div> At this point, I think you are smoking something. Yao was fatigued. Mcgrady played like crap. You honestly believe that we could have beat Phoenix simply by bringing Kirk in and starting Howard?
why didn't Lucas receive more playing time...I thought he did an excellent job on Nash, but I never saw him again for the rest of the night...
<div class="quote_poster">Rock4life:</div><div class="quote_post">I don't think Chucks that much better defensivley. You act like we're losing a significant advantage defensivley by starting Howard, which is not the case. </div> Against a team like Phoenix, whose offense is predicated on pick and roll and outquicking the other team's bigs, we would definitely be at a significant disadvantage defensively. <div class="quote_poster">Quoting Rock4life Wrote</div><div class="quote_post"> We should've won that game, simple as that. Phoenix smothering Yao combined with the fact Snyder never played is why we lost. Snyder not get playin time on this team just doesn't register to me. Especially against team like Dallas and Phoenix. Does JVG understand what Kurk brings to the table </div> You haven't addressed the fact that Yao did not play any better, and in fact played worse, when Hayes wasn't in the game. He wasn't getting good looks against Phoenix either way. You haven't presented a shred of evidence that Yao plays better with Howard alongside him. Everything is conjecture with you. And if you think we should have beaten Phoenix, when we were on the road, on the second night of a back to back, without Yao 100%, and with Phoenix being on pace for 60-65 wins, you're nuts. If we're on top of our game, we have a chance. That's it. But when Yao can barely go 5 minutes without looking dead tired out there, he has no chance to be effective against them, and we as a team have almost no chance of winning.
<div class="quote_poster">THE DREAM:</div><div class="quote_post">although Chuck is better defensively I have to agree with Rock4life on this one...no matter how good your defense is, Phoenix is going to keep scoring....no matter how much you slow it down, play defense, etc. you still need at least 100 points to beat these guys....I think starting Juwan against Phoenix would be the best decision because if he's hitting his open jumpshot then the defense will have to respect that.....</div> Defense and offense matters, in any game. If you're giving up more points on one end, you have to score that much more on the other. Does starting Juwan help our offense more than it would hurt our defense? That's the question. I say no, and I don't think it's close. With the starters, I believe Juwan will have a marginal impact on the offense, if any. But our defense would absolutely crumble. Juwan's impact can be felt much more off the bench (because he'd get more chances to score while our big guns are resting). <div class="quote_poster">Quoting THE DREAM Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">why didn't Lucas receive more playing time...I thought he did an excellent job on Nash, but I never saw him again for the rest of the night...</div> I agree. I would have liked Lucas and Snyder to get more minutes.
<div class="quote_poster">foo82 Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">What are you talking about? Juwan doesnt do a good job of contesting shots. Why do you think Hayes averages more blocks (despite being shorter, and according to you less athletic) then Howard? Juwan is at best a below average defender. Why do you think the opponents score more when hes on the court?</div> The problem with fans like yourself is you base everything off perception. Ur perception of Juwan Howard has been that he's old, and he doesn't play defense. But the FACT is he's a solid one on one defender who (contrary to popular belief) has made big defensive plays this year. I don't really go by +/- stats to judge a players individual skills. I'm not the only one who's complimented Howard on his defense. I can name multiple ocassaisons when the commentators have pointed out his play on defense. Not ONCE have I heard anybody say he's a below average defender. If so, show me....................... <div class="quote_poster">foo82 Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">You think Juwan's man didnt smother Yao? You honestly believe that they think Howard is a big enough threat that they won't double Yao? You only see a narrow perspective. Go back and watch the game.</div> The most crucial part of the game is the beginning of the game. Phoenix used Chuck's man to smother Yao and take him out of his rythm early. After shutting him down early, Yao seemed to get tired. What's so "narrow" about that? They basically outlined that being the reason we lost in the post-game show. So my assement was right. <div class="quote_poster">foo82 Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">Yet you provide nothing to back that claim up, just like all your other bogus claims.</div> So ur tellin me Juwan Howard's play HASN'T PICKED UP SINCE YAO GOT HURT? Not only is that obvious, but you'd have to be Stevie Wonder if you haven't noticed Juwan's production increasing. HAVE YOU BEEN WATCHING THE GAMES? This coming from a person who boldly stated that he hasn't seen Tmac play point guard for us ^^^Why I waste my time responding to you baffles me <div class="quote_poster">foo82 Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">At this point, I think you are smoking something. Yao was fatigued. Mcgrady played like crap. You honestly believe that we could have beat Phoenix simply by bringing Kirk in and starting Howard?</div> So you don't think Snyder could've changed the outcome of the game. Snyder's the most active SF we have on the team. He defends, rebounds, and gets to the rim. All of which we FAILED to do against Phoenix. It's like you don't pay attention to anything that goes on in the games. I'd liked to see Howard start and Kurt get 15-20mins. That could DEFINATLEY have changed the outcome of the game against Phoenix. Put it this way, I've been right about more things than you've thought of in here. U don't have 1/4th of the knowledge I have of the Rockets or basketball period. Step ur game up dude!
<div class="quote_poster">durvasa Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">Against a team like Phoenix, whose offense is predicated on pick and roll and outquicking the other team's bigs, we would definitely be at a significant disadvantage defensively.</div> I'm not convinced of that. The defensive gap isn't as significant between Howard and Hayes. I've seen BOTH have good defensive games. The problem wasn't defense anyway, we actually did a good job defending Phoenix. The PROBLEM was we couldn't score. Which leans towards my conclusion more............... <div class="quote_poster">durvasa Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">You haven't addressed the fact that Yao did not play any better, and in fact played worse, when Hayes wasn't in the game. He wasn't getting good looks against Phoenix either way. You haven't presented a shred of evidence that Yao plays better with Howard alongside him. Everything is conjecture with you.</div> They took him out early and he got tired. Which explains why he NEVER got going. My point is we should start Howard over Hayes. We haven't really committed to Howard starting w/ Yao this year, so we haven't seen the benefits. Howard's ability to hit jumpers opens the court up for Yao. It's my opinion, and when Howard gets his chance we'll be a better team. NOBODY thought Juwan would contribute this much this season but myself. So I bring credibility to this argument. JVG is the ONLY coach in the league that Chuck Hayes could start for. He's NOT A STARTER. He's a utility guy that should be coming off the bench. <div class="quote_poster">durvasa Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">And if you think we should have beaten Phoenix, when we were on the road, on the second night of a back to back, without Yao 100%, and with Phoenix being on pace for 60-65 wins, you're nuts. If we're on top of our game, we have a chance. That's it. But when Yao can barely go 5 minutes without looking dead tired out there, he has no chance to be effective against them, and we as a team have almost no chance of winning.</div> ABSOLUTLEY! We could've won that game. But our coach doesn't play the bench much for some odd reason I can't explain. That's THE WHOLE PURPOSE of having a bench, to take up the slack on nights when ur starters are tired. But not JVG He REFUSES to expand his bench, even when he has FRESH LEGS. I personally think we have a team that has the ability to win a ring. But I'm not sure we'll win it with JVG. He's too stubborn and doesn't trust his subs. He also REFUSED to play Bonzi against Dallas in 2nd half. That was the game Bonzi played great in the first half and disappeared afterwards. Aquiring Bonzi and Snyder is turning out to be useless!
<div class="quote_poster">Rock4life Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">NOBODY thought Juwan would contribute this much this season but myself. So I bring credibility to this argument. JVG is the ONLY coach in the league that Chuck Hayes could start for. He's NOT A STARTER. He's a utility guy that should be coming off the bench. </div> You aren't the only one who thought Juwan was capable on contributing. You did, however, say that we should have cut Chuck Hayes after the preseason. There goes your credibility.
<div class="quote_poster">Rock4life Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">The problem with fans like yourself is you base everything off perception. Ur perception of Juwan Howard has been that he's old, and he doesn't play defense. But the FACT is he's a solid one on one defender who (contrary to popular belief) has made big defensive plays this year. I don't really go by +/- stats to judge a players individual skills. I'm not the only one who's complimented Howard on his defense. I can name multiple ocassaisons when the commentators have pointed out his play on defense. Not ONCE have I heard anybody say he's a below average defender. If so, show me.......................</div> I dont go solely off that. I watch games. Juwan doesnt really contest shooters. Quicker people do burn by him. Anyone can have a solid night on defense. The question is consistency. Also the commentators are Rockets commentators. Of course you are going to hear the defensive stops. You cant go based off what you hear. Tonights game, Ive seen numerous plays where Hayes contributed to defensive stops that just doesnt show up on stats nor commentators. He rotates much better than Juwan. He follows his man much better, and best of all, he contests EVERY shot. If someone shoots it, he will most likely jump up with him. The fact that Hayes follows his man really well + the fact that he contests every shot is why he gets into foul trouble. <div class="quote_poster">Rock4life Wrote</div><div class="quote_post"> The most crucial part of the game is the beginning of the game. Phoenix used Chuck's man to smother Yao and take him out of his rythm early. After shutting him down early, Yao seemed to get tired. What's so "narrow" about that? They basically outlined that being the reason we lost in the post-game show. So my assement was right. </div> You still havent addressed the fact that they wwill rotate off Howard, which they will. Anybody that plays the 4 will be rotated off of to double Yao. <div class="quote_poster">Rock4life Wrote</div><div class="quote_post"> So ur tellin me Juwan Howard's play HASN'T PICKED UP SINCE YAO GOT HURT? Not only is that obvious, but you'd have to be Stevie Wonder if you haven't noticed Juwan's production increasing. HAVE YOU BEEN WATCHING THE GAMES? This coming from a person who boldly stated that he hasn't seen Tmac play point guard for us ^^^Why I waste my time responding to you baffles me </div> Seriously, you really have problems following what I am saying. I don't see anywhere in my post that says Howard has been playing poorly. What I did mention, which is obvious to anyone with half a brain, is that Hayes+Yao+Mcgrady is a very solid mix. You said you want Howard to spread the court. If everyone is spread, whos going to get the rebounds? You really think Howard is going to be a scoring option with Tmac and Yao on the court? Those two are going to be the primary scorer. I would MUCH rather prefer Howard off the bench where he can provide the scoring option when either Tmac or Yao is sitting out. I don't know why you are so dense as to not follow that. <div class="quote_poster">Rock4life Wrote</div><div class="quote_post"> So you don't think Snyder could've changed the outcome of the game. Snyder's the most active SF we have on the team. He defends, rebounds, and gets to the rim. All of which we FAILED to do against Phoenix. It's like you don't pay attention to anything that goes on in the games. I'd liked to see Howard start and Kurt get 15-20mins. That could DEFINATLEY have changed the outcome of the game against Phoenix. </div> HELL NO. We still would have lost the game. You think Snyder can contribute to a 20 point deficit? Jesus. You still havent provided why Hayes would better off the bench then howard. Our bench is when our offense struggles. Why the hell would you want someone "who is an offensive liability" to play when our offense is at its weakest? We obviously dont lose much offense when Hayes is with the starters. We do however get much better defense. <div class="quote_poster">Rock4life Wrote</div><div class="quote_post"> Put it this way, I've been right about more things than you've thought of in here. U don't have 1/4th of the knowledge I have of the Rockets or basketball period. Step ur game up dude!</div> Such as what? Howard contributing (which is the only thing you were right about)? You throw so much bullshit claims up there that some are bound to be right, none of which you back up. Its hard to be wrong when you never admit you are wrong. You don't know ****. You just make bullshit claims and back it up with absolutely nothing except what you make up in that fantasy world of yours. Ask anyone on this message board who is a better defender and by how big of a margin. Ask anyone on this message board who is a better fit for starting. Ask anyone on why your lineup wont work. Ask anyone on this board if rockets would have won if they started Howard and played Snyder against Phoenix. I'm sure they are all disagreeing with you not because you have more knowledge than everyone else. It may just be the opposite.
<div class="quote_poster">Rock4life Wrote</div><div class="quote_post"> They took him out early and he got tired. Which explains why he NEVER got going. </div> Or the obvious answer is that this is the second game of a back to back after coming off an injury in which he STATED HIMSELF THAT HIS BIGGEST SETBACK IS HIS CONDITIONING.