I beg to differ, central AC is the greatest thing ever invented. Seriously though, this is absolutely fantastic. I really love that map feature and the music one is going to really be amazing to work with. Is this still a prototype or are they planning to sell this soon and use it in shops, etc? * EDIT: Nevermind bro, I found the answer to my question.
saw this on the today show. They plan to sell it to restuarants first but they do plan to come out with it. Seems to be pretty damn amazing
That's so nuts how it reads cameras and mp3 players when you set them on it. I can't see how this will work though, and it seems like it would be ridiculously expensive so i'm not sure if it will take off even in businesses.
computers and technology are getting cheaper by the day..It will be expensive when it first comes out just like everything else(dvd players, ps2,xbox,cell phones), but around a year after releasing it will probably affordable to any household
When has a microsoft product ever worked the way it was meant to? I'd be more confident if Apple came out with this technology. Very cool though. Reminds me of Minority Report.