Oh yea, about my Chemistry regent, I pretty much failed. The multiple choice part wasn't really difficult, but when it came to Part 2, I was completely screwed. Out of like 30 questions, I must of copied around 28 from this girl in front of me. If it wasn't for her, that whole section would be blank. How embarrassing. I got a 93 on the History regent though, so that's good.
<div class="quote_poster">Karma Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">If a skinny person were to run/jog constantly, would that hinder from thier weight gaining?</div> Pretty much, since you're essentially burning off what you're putting on. What does everyone think of the Draft layout on the forum?
I like it. Lin, and Noah should be interesting to see in the NBA. Who do you think will be a bigger bust?
<div class="quote_poster">NTC Wrote</div><div class="quote_post"> What does everyone think of the Draft layout on the forum?</div> It's tight. Does anyone have tips on how a beginner should start working out?
Nice layout....yeah right. Who the F put Noah's ugly ass mug on that ****? 0/10 for Noah's ugly ass face being on there. Man, ruined a good banner.
<div class="quote_poster">Legacy Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">Does anyone have tips on how a beginner should start working out?</div> 1. Join up to a gym When starting out, you need to make sure you're doing the exercises correctly, so getting a PT for a couple of lessons is a good idea. Also dont be afraid if you can only curl like 5kg or somthing, everyone else in the gym started out the same way you did, and no one is going to think less of you for not being able to do much, but you will get stronger as you go obviously, I went from doing like 10kg (20kg total) dumb bell press 8 months ago to doing 22.5kg (45kg total) now, so you can see an improvement pretty quickly. <div class="quote_poster">Mamba Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">Nice layout....yeah right. Who the F put Noah's ugly ass mug on that ****? 0/10 for Noah's ugly ass face being on there. Man, ruined a good banner.</div> Guilty as charged Just got a phone call from one of my friends, going out tonight WHOO!!
<div class="quote_poster">Karma Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">If a skinny person were to run/jog constantly, would that hinder from thier weight gaining? Or would they simply be gaining endurance/toning? I want to run more to increase my endurance for soccer and basketball but I really wanna start gaining some pounds starting this summer as well. I don't know if it's such a good idea to be endurance training at this point.</div> Well obviously depending on what you put in, and what ratio of cardio vs. strength you put in will affect what you will be able to do. 1. If you want to become a powerlifter, never do any cardio and just do 1 really heavy rep. 2. If you want to be a marathon runner, then obviously no weight lifting for excess weight, and just run. I'm guessing that you are going to avoid those extremes, although there probably is nothing wrong with going with #2, because it seems healthy, and there is physical strength along with cardio strength developed, while #1, doesn't seem to be productive as how often do you have to lift a 400 pound object 1 rep. My guess is, if you want to keep your endurance and build strength, then run, and do 8-12 reps of strength training. Karma in 5 years, you might be wondering where your wonderful metabolism went, and will require running to keep body fat down lol. My brother is a similar body type to you I think, he is crazy cardio, and 6'3, which is good for bball.
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting NTC:</div><div class="quote_post">What does everyone think of the Draft layout on the forum?</div> Much easier on the eyes than the last couple layouts. The colour scheme's nice and I like the text on the banner as well.
Lol for real NTC, the banner is tight as ****, I love the text work, but I just can't stand Noah's ugly mug.
<div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post"> 1. Join up to a gym When starting out, you need to make sure you're doing the exercises correctly, so getting a PT for a couple of lessons is a good idea. Also dont be afraid if you can only curl like 5kg or somthing, everyone else in the gym started out the same way you did, and no one is going to think less of you for not being able to do much, but you will get stronger as you go obviously, I went from doing like 10kg (20kg total) dumb bell press 8 months ago to doing 22.5kg (45kg total) now, so you can see an improvement pretty quickly. </div> Would you, (or anyone else who works out for that matter) mind PMing me or pasting a sample workout schedule I should follow while starting out (I'm assuming this is for the first 3 months)? I have a mini-gym in my basement (my bro works out there sometimes, but I don't get to see him all that much and he is quite busy) so equipment won't really be a problem. I have a Captain's Chair (I think that's what it's called...it's for abs) and a pull up/shoulder pull-up bar, as well as a bench pressing machine with a calf roller/thigh lift machine attached to it, as well as a shitload of dumbells. <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post"> Karma in 5 years, you might be wondering where your wonderful metabolism went, and will require running to keep body fat down lol. My brother is a similar body type to you I think, he is crazy cardio, and 6'3, which is good for bball.</div> lol, that's what my brother tells me too. He used to be really skinny before but gained a lot of pounds once he hit 20. I just find being skinny frustrating, the incentive to gain weight is harder when you don't see results unless you work at it continously. I don't want to be a power lifter or a marathon runner, I'm aiming to go for a "soccer" body, which means high endurance but also very toned. But in order to get to that point, I need to put on a ton of pounds first because right now I don't have much to shape my body with. I'm assuming most of you train here for basketball? Or you just work out to be healthier/get in shape?
<div class="quote_poster">Legacy Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">It's tight. Does anyone have tips on how a beginner should start working out?</div> Like NTC said, join a gym first. Its probably good to find someone who knows what they're doing to show you how to properly use all the machines and achieve whatever it is you want to achieve so that you can go by yourself after and you know what you're doing. Also like NTC said, you should start on a weight that isn't challenging just to sort of ease into the process. You need to get a feel for doing the exercises right so you have to be under control when you're learning them, you may feel like an idiot only doing like 25 lbs but you'll learn use the machines and whatnot properly. Plus you can probably increase the weights five pounds a day until you feel that you are really being challenged, then work on that weight until you feel you're ready to move up higher. The hardest part for me (just started going back to the gym at the beginning of summer) was getting back to running. Probably doesn't help that I've been smoking a lot more since summer started but my stamina is horrible. I lost my Ipod too so its just a pain in the ass to run on a treadmill or similar machine and theres no basketball court at the gym I go too. I could walk down to the rec center here and play basketball non-stop for like 4 hours but I can barely run 15 minutes on a machine, its got to be a mental thing because I enjoy basketball so much and I'm competitive but jesus the disparity between the stamina is huge. I need to find something to push myself so I can et my stamina back up.
Just a heads up, our Training forum is a good place to ask about specific training programs, etc. Its watched over by Bahir, who probably knows more than any of us: Link. <div class="quote_poster">Quoting Skiptomylue11:</div><div class="quote_post">Karma in 5 years, you might be wondering where your wonderful metabolism went, and will require running to keep body fat down lol. My brother is a similar body type to you I think, he is crazy cardio, and 6'3, which is good for bball.</div> I can vouch for this. Karma, I had the exact same problem as you and the important thing is to keep up cardio no matter what. It doesn't have to be a lot, but your metabolism will start slow down about this time and it will catch you off guard. It becomes a lot easier build weight around now too, but its important to stay in shape while doing it. I used to be in excellent shape when I played soccer and I lost it when I went into university. I'm only now starting to regain my physique and stamina.
Well I officially got my first real job today. I'm going to be working at Steve & Barries (sports/clothes store) for 7.15 a hour. Sure its not the most money, nor is it my ideal job, but at least I'm going to have some money in my pocket doing something that comes easy to me. I have orientation Tuesday.
<div class="quote_poster">Kidd Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">^Crap music at it's finest.</div> Haha, I know, but the beat is addicting me. I'm so Krispy.
Anyone like this song?? I love it. Invalid Video Link Bone Thugs 'N Harmony ft. Akon -- I Tried So Hard
Bone Thugs ain't the Bone Thugs without Bizzy Bone. He was the best emcee in that group. On another note, Bill Simmons sounds like a nasaly nerd in his podcast.