Random Thoughts Thread (NSFW)

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by M Two One, Jun 10, 2007.

  1. Run BJM

    Run BJM Heavy lies the crown. Staff Member Global Moderator

    Apr 25, 2005
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    <div class="quote_poster">shapecity Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">Sounds like you have it figured out then. Maybe your mom can help Smitty get a job working at pizza hut, too. [​IMG]</div>

    I'm sure he'd prefer the commute to Bethlehem over potentially being robbed at gun point.
  2. The Dream

    The Dream mama there goes that man!

    Nov 7, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">She did tell him that it was expired and then he proceeded to yell profanities at her. How do you justify that he was right when she already mentioned the coupon was invalid. The customer should've realized the mistake instead of going off on her.</div>

    I agree.........I don't mind assisting a customer, but when you start yelling and cursing at me then I could give a damn about your needs...yes I know that sounds bad, but it's the truth...if a customer calls and really needs help I will try in every possible way to help them, even if that means doing something a little extra, but I will not tolerate someone acting like a jerk off when I've given them no reason to.......
  3. Bleed Green

    Bleed Green NFLC nflcentral.net Member

    Jun 26, 2005
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    lol F*** Pizza Hut, I applied for a job there and they never called me back.
  4. Karma

    Karma The Will Must Be Stronger Than The Skill

    Nov 20, 2003
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    lol, Gilbert Arenas is a joker.

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">
    Usually I give out awards at the <font color="#800080">end of the year</font>, but somebody won the “Best Interview of the Century” award this summer. If you guys haven’t seen it, you need to search “Marbury interview” on YouTube. If you don’t think this is the best interview in history, something is mentally wrong with you. It was so good, I watched it 12 times just to make sure that what I was watching was actually real and I wasn’t imagining it.

    He’s like, “I’m going to average 10 points, 11-12 dimes, four assists …” And I’m like, “What? Last time I checked, dimes and assists were the same thing.” Then he answers his cell phone in the middle of the interview. And at the end he just starts screaming, “Do it with me now! Do it with me!” I had to rewind it just to make sure it was really Stephon Marbury on there. So, I present Steph with the "Interview of the Century" Hibachi Award!

    Good to see even NBA players are acknowledging that Marbury must have been on crack during that interview.

    VC, I was feelin "The Zephyr Song". What a trippy video.
  5. Bleed Green

    Bleed Green NFLC nflcentral.net Member

    Jun 26, 2005
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    lol let's see Marbury vs Adidas now.
  6. Smitty

    Smitty brush em off.

    May 3, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Run BJM Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">I'm sure he'd prefer the commute to Bethlehem over potentially being robbed at gun point.</div>

    [​IMG] Ahahahaha. I don't think I could be a pizza guy.

    I am about to quit Walgreens though.
  7. Really Lost One

    Really Lost One Suspended

    Jan 25, 2005
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    United States
    <div class="quote_poster">Smitty Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">[​IMG] Ahahahaha. I don't think I could be a pizza guy.

    I am about to quit Walgreens though.</div>

    Are you gonna be a waterboy for the Philadelphia Soul?
  8. CLos

    CLos JBB=The Originals

    Apr 18, 2006
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    <div class="quote_poster">Skillz Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">lol F*** Pizza Hut, I applied for a job there and they never called me back.</div>

    You have a problem with Pizza Hut, you have a problem with me.[​IMG] Nah man, I've worked there since May and it's kinda wack actually. I suggest no one work there.[​IMG]
  9. Run BJM

    Run BJM Heavy lies the crown. Staff Member Global Moderator

    Apr 25, 2005
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    <div class="quote_poster">CLos Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">You have a problem with Pizza Hut, you have a problem with me.[​IMG] Nah man, I've worked there since May and it's kinda wack actually. I suggest no one work there.[​IMG]</div>

    You could probably say that about all retail type low level jobs. They suck ass but you've got to start at the bottom, get some experience under your belt and then you'll be considered for some better jobs. I've been getting basically minimum wage at a Longs for almost a year now (11 months and a few weeks I think). Pay sucks, job sucks, but I stick around because I've become really good friends with some co-workers and it fits my schedule during school.

    I might quit soon though since I now have some low level working experience, references, etc. but I'm not totally sure yet. I'll see how busy this school year is for me, I'm due up for a raise here in a few weeks too. It'll only be 50-75 cents an hour but its a big improvement from 7.50-ish an hour to 8.25 or so.
  10. Smitty

    Smitty brush em off.

    May 3, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Brian Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">Are you gonna be a waterboy for the Philadelphia Soul?</div>

  11. CLos

    CLos JBB=The Originals

    Apr 18, 2006
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    <div class="quote_poster">Run BJM Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">You could probably say that about all retail type low level jobs. They suck ass but you've got to start at the bottom, get some experience under your belt and then you'll be considered for some better jobs. I've been getting basically minimum wage at a Longs for almost a year now (11 months and a few weeks I think). Pay sucks, job sucks, but I stick around because I've become really good friends with some co-workers and it fits my schedule during school.

    I might quit soon though since I now have some low level working experience, references, etc. but I'm not totally sure yet. I'll see how busy this school year is for me, I'm due up for a raise here in a few weeks too. It'll only be 50-75 cents an hour but its a big improvement from 7.50-ish an hour to 8.25 or so.</div>

    Well, my manager said I would get a raise every 90 days. Also, I get paid only 6.75 an hour. I mean there's no way of moving up in that company unless I decide to be a cook (which I could be) or a driver but I have to be 18. As far as the coworkers themselves, I like them all because they're all cool.
  12. Karma

    Karma The Will Must Be Stronger Than The Skill

    Nov 20, 2003
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">The one thing I absolutely hate at my job is when I tell someone what mistakes they made with their application and how to correct it, but they don't want to spend the extra day doing work so they ask me to do it for them, because we're the same ethnicity. So damn lame. That's my last work-related rant, since I'm quitting tomorrow</div>

    [​IMG] Happens to a lot of other people I know as well, just in different contexts. It's supposed to be a brown-to-brown thing I guess lol.

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">Well, my manager said I would get a raise every 90 days. Also, I get paid only 6.75 an hour</div>

    wtf that's messed up. That seems extremely low to me.

    I remember working at Tim Hortons and I used to make like $7.10/hr at the beginning. After 3 months, me and my friend were to get mandatory raises based on performance. We had a bet who'd get the higher raise; we were expecting like 25-50 cents each. So we get the cheques and look at the new amount, and it turns out I got a 10 cent raise, while he got a 5 cent raise [​IMG]

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">Nah man, I've worked there since May and it's kinda wack actually. I suggest no one work there</div>

    Every kid in high school says that about almost every job they get. A lot of the girls I know from high school are starting to get jobs as receptionists so they're starting to get it easier than the guys. Most of the guys I know are working in factories or places like Home Depot, Sunoco, Canadian Tire, etc. I only know like one guy who has a job in his field already, just sitting and typing. I really want to get a job at a bank next year. One of my really good friends works at a bank in my city, and I'll ask him if he can hook me up with an interview or something to that extent. My main aim though is getting a government student job...not only does that look good on your resume, but you get paid pretty well as well I've heard.
  13. CLos

    CLos JBB=The Originals

    Apr 18, 2006
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    <div class="quote_poster">Karma Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">wtf that's messed up. That seems extremely low to me.I remember working at Tim Hortons and I used to make like $7.10/hr at the beginning. After 3 months, me and my friend were to get mandatory raises based on performance. We had a bet who'd get the higher raise; we were expecting like 25-50 cents each. So we get the cheques and look at the new amount, and it turns out I got a 10 cent raise, while he got a 5 cent raise [​IMG]

    Every kid in high school says that about almost every job they get. A lot of the girls I know from high school are starting to get jobs as receptionists so they're starting to get it easier than the guys. Most of the guys I know are working in factories or places like Home Depot, Sunoco, Canadian Tire, etc. I only know like one guy who has a job in his field already, just sitting and typing. I really want to get a job at a bank next year. One of my really good friends works at a bank in my city, and I'll ask him if he can hook me up with an interview or something to that extent. My main aim though is getting a government student job...not only does that look good on your resume, but you get paid pretty well as well I've heard.</div>

    Yeah well I'm in Florida and I guess that's the legal minimum wage for our state. We are supposed to get a 25c raise every 3 months but I haven't gotten one yet and she says I need to do more. So me and her her arguing[​IMG] because I've cooked, cleaned, answered phones, and basically everything as well as make wings. I like the job but just the fact that the amount of money is low.
  14. Bleed Green

    Bleed Green NFLC nflcentral.net Member

    Jun 26, 2005
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    I feel good. Found 60 dollars on the floor on my way back from the park. Gift from God because I've been really broke this whole summer.
  15. CLos

    CLos JBB=The Originals

    Apr 18, 2006
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    ^60 dollars?? Man I've only found a 20 at most! Was it 3 20 dollar bills or what?
  16. Bleed Green

    Bleed Green NFLC nflcentral.net Member

    Jun 26, 2005
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    lol yea 3 20's. When I first saw it, I could've sworn it was a Benjamin but then I picked it up and it was $60. Can't say I'm disapointed though lol.
  17. CLos

    CLos JBB=The Originals

    Apr 18, 2006
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    Man that could possibly be straight up luck. I've never seen anything like it. I could see like possibly 1 20 but 3? Were they all nicely placed on the ground?
  18. Bleed Green

    Bleed Green NFLC nflcentral.net Member

    Jun 26, 2005
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    lol yea they were all together. Prolly gonna take this girl to the movies with it too.
  19. CLos

    CLos JBB=The Originals

    Apr 18, 2006
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    ^Aww snap yeah finding money and then getting points with the ladies. Somebody's having a good day
  20. The Walrus

    The Walrus JBB JustBBall Member

    Jun 6, 2007
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    Don't ever work at Old Navy. You'll seriously kill someone...hahah

    The Music sucks... And management makes you try and shove old navy credit cards down customers throats.

    Plus I'm a highclass individual and that's why i now work at Burger King.[​IMG]

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