I'm seeing view counts on Main Event's blog. What is the issue? I see 112 reads on yours, 129 on MikeDC's, and 233 on Pegs'
rep? no points but just a way of adding a personal note to someone's post. i like to be able to say, "dude that was funny" but don't think the whole forum needs to see it. i know it can get abused but i'm a big fan of the note portion of a rep system.
Just thought that I don't know if people are reading it, if I need to publisice it. But now you have told me I can last about a month more without knowing.
Some sort of post thank system? instead of just having to rep someone thank that post and or comment? and a bar under your name shows how many thanks you have?
Similar to Xenforo's notifcations? Wont subscribing to a thread do the same thing? True it would be delivered to your email and maybe you don't want that. I will have to check and see if vB has a hack for that.