haha yeah I heard him drop that. Maybe next time he'll talk about Roger Mason Jr. as the future of the franchise.
Okay I have to step up and say I like Woody Paige. The guy has a really good sense of humor, if being a little off the normal beat. Gotta love the chalkboard.
Someone called Skip a pussy once. Skip replied with "you are what you eat" That same guy said to Skip "I didn't know douchebags were edible" This was the only time in recorded history that Skip Bayless shut up for five seconds.
hahaha that's awesome. Skip Bayless is like Stephen A, in the sense that he gains fame through notoriety. What at least makes Stephen A better than Skip is that he's always "fresh." Skip Bayless will form an opinion of a player and refer to them in that manner forever. Is he even on 1st and 10 anymore?
I don't know but the only good thing about him is when he takes your side in an argument. You feel like you are a genius because everyone else must be stupid to disagree with him.
It's probably just easier to have him agree with you, rather than try to converse with someone who will reply with yelling at your general direction.
Gammons just said: "If there are baseball gods, they will make sure that Manny doesn't get a decent contract after the way he weaseled out of Boston."