The Eagle touched it when he was out of bounds. By rule, that should have been a penalty and the Eagles should have gotten it at the 40.
The ball wasn't, the player was. If you are out of bounds and the ball touches you, then the ball is out of bounds. Check the rule book....
Was he out of bounds? I have no idea, I'd have to see it again. I'm not even sure anyone touched it. Meh doesn't matter anyway. Win-Loss record is random as hell sometimes, tough.
It doesn't matter, I'm over it. Cardinals won, they deserved it. We didn't lose on the PI non-call on Curtis. It's our fault we came out the gate absolutely flat. Defense was pretty much non-existent early on, same with offense. McNabb mis-keyed a lot of his throws in the first half, and the receivers dropped a couple of easy ones. They put together nice drives later on in the game, got the lead, unfortunately it wasn't enough. At least there's some positives to look towards for next season. Defense is good for the most part, and young. Desean Jackson and Brent Celek are amazing. I'm just upset we came this far, and this close yet again, and still couldn't get the job done. Same thing every year it seems. As for the PMSing I'm done. Football is over as far as I'm concerned. I swear if the freaking CARDINALS win the Superbowl before us, I'm really gonna start asking myself what the hell is going on with this team. But anyways, better luck next year (like always). I guess the Cardinals just wanted it more. Y'all can pile up on me some more I don't really care. I admit I jumped the gun too far by calling it "game," but given what the Eagles go through every year, it sorta seemed like deja vu. I never gave up on the game though, that's BS. I wouldn't have wasted my time watching the game if I gave up. The post was a stir of the moment type of thing, probably should have thought it out before I posted it. As for the Eagles, they proved me wrong. I admit after the Skins game I thought the season was over (look at what had to get done for us to reach the playoffs), they proved me wrong. I never expected them to come so far, I never expected the defense to be so good (besides today). The Cardinals proved me wrong as well. I got a lot of people to answer to on Tuesday. I was confident as fuck heading into the game, then the game started and I immediately lost that swagger. Oh well. Maybe I should be a better "fan" by having more faith and being more optimistic. Sorry I'm not. Today didn't really help the cause either.
It's a matter of emphasis. The Eagles got screwed on that call, but its a judgment call that officials always have the potential to get wrong. To say the Eagles got fucked out of that game, doesn't put enough blame on McNabb and that offense for dicking around for three plays and letting their season fall into the hands of the officials. I'm always hesitant to shift the blame for a loss away from the players. The best example of a team being totally screwed out of a win by the refs was that San Diego-Denver game in the beginning of the season, and this one was nowhere near that bad.
I generally agree with your sentiment, that didn't seem as egregious as other non-calls I've seen in the post-season, and if I were the QB of the Eagles I'd just own up to the loss (not due to him, but just the final result I mean).
Yeah, I just think that PI was so blatant and critical that it was equally as horrible. I only feel comfortable blaming the refs because neither team is my team.
There's no point arguing the PI call I would've liked to see a flag, but at the end of the day, there wasn't one. It didn't decide the game. Nobody knows if we would've even scored a TD. We got beat, plain and simple. They just wanted it more, evidenced by the way we came out to play. Maybe we were the better team (as the second half showed), so that's a shame. But there's nothing more that can be done.