Mo Williams has been balling this year and has really improved their backcourt IMO. Plus he's a PG like Jameer
I'd say, as guards go down, it should be as follows. 1. Ray Allen - scoring at a good volume and at an extraordinary efficiency. No doubt he has the best stats of the remaining non-allstar guards, but he's also on the best team in the league. 2. Mo Williams - good volume on good efficiency, while being on one of the best teams in the league. 3. Ben Gordon - scoring at a good volume with a good efficiency, although isn't doing too well, they're only 1 1/2 games out of the playoffs. 4. Vince Carter - good volume with pretty good efficiency, but his team already has one allstar, and with his team being about the same as Gordon's Bulls, with the Bulls not having an allstar yet, Gordon has to get the nod over him. 5. Andre Iguodala - lags behind both Gordon and Carter statwise, with his team being just marginally better. 6. Rajon Rondo - role players shouldn't be in the allstar game. The Celtics have 3 stars, and they will most likely all be represented in the allstar game. Rondo's a role player. He's a good one, but he's not a star. His scoring efficiency actually leaves a lot to be desired given that he's the fourth option on offense. 7. Chris Duhon - He's just as good as Rondo, if not better...unfortunately he doesn't play with that Garnett guy, or that Pierce guy, or that Allen guy, so his team sucks quite a bit more.
LOL @ Rondo being included. Seriously? I know you're a Celtics fan but Rondo is a role player who benefits from playing with three superstars. That's all.
Mo Williams has had a better season than Jameer and should've been picked over him in the first place. He's my choice.
Mo Williams - the Cavs have been great this season and I think Mo's impact has been overlooked by a lot of people. He's been a great player who has been able to step up to the mark time and time again. I can understand the arguments for the individual play of Ray Allen, but for every other contender to have two all stars (and in the case of Orlando three) whilst the Cavs have two is ludicrous, especially when you consider the way that Mo Williams AND Zydrunas Ilgauskas. I'm not saying Z should be chosenn, but there's no way neither of them should make the big game.
Yeah...but plug Chris Duhon in for Rondo, are the Celtics in any different of a situation? Probably not.
I don't know. All I can tell you is that there is a pretty significant difference in the team's play with Rondo vs. when Rondo is on the bench. I think an injury to him would hurt them more than an injury to one of the big three.
It's gotta be Mo. As others have said, the Cavs are pretty much the only contender with one All-Star. I don't think Ray Ray or Rondo will get it, not this time.