Watch it online : It started right now and you can watch H.O.R.S.E. or G.I.E.C.O. Enjoy!
i have a feeling Amare will pay tribute to Dr. J in the dunk contest............I'm thinkin a fake Afro with an ABA uni.............
What media outlets are starting to do with facebook is great. They had the inauguration on there too.
It's only for the Saturday night. The H.O.R.S.E. contest is part of Inside the NBA. Then we will have Reggie Miller's dunk theater I believe, then the Saturday night. The TNT link should work for Skills, Three point, Shooting Stars, and dunk contest.
What time should the three point shootout get going? I don't give a flying fuck about shooting stars and skills, I'm not wasting my time with those.
Slam Dunk theater reminds me of one of the reasons why Lebron is going to have a tough time being as great as Jordan when all is said and done. Yes, getting swept in the finals hurts. But being too much of a wuss to participate in the dunk contest doesn't help Lebron's case much.