It doesn't pick up where the last one left off, it is a concurrent storyline with the first game. So I think it'd be fine.
The DLC runs parallel to Isaac's quest in Dead Space 2, the beginning of the DLC is a tad later than the beginning of the game for Isaac, because you go to the locations in the reverse order that Isaac is, so you'll see some things he's destroyed or people who has died. The main character for the DLC is a dude from the Wii game, Dead Space: Extraction.
Portal 2 for me. I bought the The Orange Box for Xbox 360 and loved it. My favourite remix of a game song originates from Portal
Mine at the moment are only Batman Arkham City and Mortal Kombat Those 2 game are going to be to freaken awesome for words.
I've been tempted to get LA Noire. Haven't looked much into yet, but when I get the chance I'll look.
LA Noire is GTA V, basically. Looks really good. Apparently you get to investigate a naked dead women in the beginning of the game... Thats Rockstar for you..
Mortal Kombat demo is now available on the PS3. I'm excited...and downloading now. Too bad I won't be buying it on the PS3, but at least it gives me a taste of the game.
Just picked up Crysis 2 today. Haven't played it yet, but I'll be doing so later tonight. I'm hoping that the game looks up to the hype that it's received.
Finally got around to playing Crysis 2 tonight. For starters, the gameplay is fantastic. Secondly, this game is the single most gorgeous game I've ever seen.
I'm getting both. I'm also now thinking of getting WWE All Stars after playing the demo. The game is a blast, especially when playing against a friend.