The Avengers - 8/10 It was a good movie, 3d was a crap that is why it scored lower and the fact there was no XMEN characters in it.
The Raid: Redemption -- 8/10 -- I discovered that watching this in Malay is probably about the same as watching it in English in that the dialogue doesn't really matter. The story isn't what this is about. Guns start going off about five minutes into the film and only occasionally let up for some fairly brutal, Tony Jaa style martial arts sequences heavy on Muay-Thai. Well shot and choreographed and worth seeing if you like the genre. Tucker & Dale vs. Evil -- 8/10 -- Really fun and funny. There are parts where you wonder if you're watching an American imitation of Pegg & Frost but it is still good. Strikes the right balance between absurd and keeping the fourth wall intact.
Greenberg: 8/10. You'll either love it or hate it. True character study. A movie about growing apart, battling with our insecurities, letting the little things bother you, and complete lack of empathy towards others (friends or the like); Freudian psychology. Roger Greenburg is someone who can’t get out of his own way. He’s someone who has an idea of himself, based on his highest ambitions when he was in his early 20s, his fantasy. It’s 20 years later, and he never became that person, but he’s still trapped in the disappointment and self-consciousness of never becoming that person. He keeps holding on to an idea with himself. As he got older, it’s become a real internal fight for him between the person who he really is –who I believe is – a stranger to him, and who he ‘thinks’ he is. The film can really resonate with a lot of people in life. You probably know someone like him, or see some of those traits within yourselves. Personally loved this film. I was completely stoned with a few beers while writing this, so I apologize if that’s not what anyone else gets out of this film.
Iron Sky -- 7/10 -- imaginative, crazy, and fun to look at; exactly what you'd expect in a movie about space Nazi's. Pootie Tang -- 6/10 -- In 2001 BFF's Chris Rock, Louis CK, Wanda Sykes, and Lance Crouther got together and made two movies: Down to Earth (remake of Heaven Can Wait) and Pootie Tang. Rock & Sykes act in both. Down to Earth wasn't appreciated by critics but made a decent 2-to-1 return on the budget. Pootie Tang bombed. I don't know if the plan was just to have fun making a movie with their comic buddies (at least a dozen stand-up comedians appear in Tang) and recoup the losses through the other, more mainstream film? In any case, Pootie Tang is like a 90-minute in-joke between CK and Rock that isn't nearly as funny for anyone else. It has become a stoner classic in recent years. Wanda Sykes steals all of her scenes in both movies.
The Darkest Hour -- 5/10 -- I actually shut this one off. I like watching bad movies but this one was too bland. They couldn't even make a 28 Days Later style abandoned Moscow interesting. There isn't anything overtly bad about it, per se--looks good, CGI is decent, actors are able to deliver their lines--but there is nothing to get you hooked. Prometheus -- 8/10 -- fun to watch but try not to think too much about it afterward. Written by one of the Lost writers--should give you an indication of whether things make sense or pay-off in the end.
This is typical nowadays, sadly. Supposedly Jim Cameron is going to film three Avatar sequels at once in 2012-13.
Get the Gringo -- 7/10 -- yeah yeah I know we're supposed to hate Mel Gibson now but I liked Apocolypto as well as this one, his latest direct-to-DVD (basically) feature. Unique setting and a fast-paced story combine with Gibson's frantic charisma to make for a good watch. Dean Norris (Breaking Bad) features early but sadly doesn't come back. 21 Jump Street -- 6/10 -- derivative but has enough funny bits in it to keep you entertained. A few genuine laugh out loud moments. Better than I expected but not a great comedy.
Unstoppable 8/10. Really good movie, I love trains but watching it again you see some errors which were made.
The Dark Knight Rises IMAX -- 8/10 -- Nolan's "Return of the King" was well-executed. Didn't have the panache of the last one but was still outstanding.
The problem with Dark Knight Rises is the environment of the film. Felt too much like New York and not enough like Gotham.