No fucking way. They are too salty and sprinkled with head cheese. That cheese gets caught in my teeth and I am on a low sodium diet!
Mags.... You've already stated several times you more than it the asian stereotype from the waist down. But I don't hate you for it. It's all love dude. No need to reflect your anger and disappointment onto others. I still love you. Your wife still loves you. It's all good, FAMS! Now when are we going to ban this fool? :MARIS61:
I also hate to see poor people..I think everyone should be able and willing to buy into the American dream..hell, even China is promoting the China Dream, where everyone has the chance to gain wealth..
This whole thread is winning. It poked fun when things were getting tense. Mags got banned. What's not to like?
I didn't see that (and as far as I know, it doesn't exist, but I've had enough blackout nights, I wouldn't put it past you to try to take advantage of me).