You've got a good board over there and many a good posters from the old ESPN board. I use to stop by from time to time and after the latest bullshit on this board I may be stopping by more often. And you did right by not allowing the bullshit from this site leak over to yours. See you soon. & Go Yankees.
So this is how you act when someone disagrees with you. Just wow. You said the link I posted and you read was only good for one man. My response was that it isn't, and I backed it up with a good amount of detail and fact. Sorry you didn't like it.
I don't give a shit that you disagreed with me, it was how low & insulting you went in doing it. I thought I was going to read some proven survey about many instead of one persons opinion which I've no doubt is shared by many. Just as I've no doubt that many agree with my opinions. You need to get off that high fucking horse you've placed yourself on & come down & join us little people. Yeah, I'm sure you're real sorry I didn't like it. Because you're right, I didn't like it, Blind & spite full ignorance always pisses me off.
Another fine thread example of the gay mafia at work. Never fear, current theory is that your affliction is epigenetic in nature, and like autism, someday we'll find a cure. And in the ultimate irony of fate, the jack booted government thugs you created will come for you and impose the cure upon you. Until hen enjoy the ride on the short bus, keep you helmet chin strap nice and tight.
"The gay mafia" seems rather horrifying, they make you let them blow you before they execute your whole family
...msambrato, some care to post here, some care to post elsewhere...I really don't see the problem and I really don't see the need to create a problem., you simply refer to me as "a handful" but away from here (below) your words take on an entirely different slant...try being consistent for a scurry back to your little hole;
Denny does & has. And because of it he's going to drive regulars like myself right off this fucking board.
OK folks, haven't we beaten this dead horse enough? Now this is still spring training, I don't need my starters throwing out their arms on a split squad simulated game.
So Gardner got a whopping large contract...I thought Ellisbury was basically an upgrade over him, so we have a slap hitting left fielder, a right fielder who hopefully lasts the full season, a bench hitting slap hitting right fielder that is superior defensively ....and Alfonso. Going to be a fun year this year.
...actually, I think the Yanx have one of the better outfields in all of Baseball. I don't worry about Els and Gardner not being power hitting OFers because their defensive skills and runs saved should help offset that. ...IMO, the IF is the real question mark.
I totally agree that defensively this group should cut down on extra base hits and provide great range. I worry about the on base ability of Gardner and Ellsbury as they get older and the wheels start to decline.
...oh yeah, their "wheels" will start to desert them in their mid 30's...and Gardner is and will always be a slap or Punch and Judy type hitter...he's not a good bunter and not a savvy base stealer and strikes out way too often.