Darnell Mayberry: Thabo Sefolosha confirms he will join the Hawks, tells The Oklahoman: "I definitely got a big smile on my face right now.” Hawks are one of the teams interested in Monroe . . .
They are saying $4 Mil a year. His stats aren't impressive, but at that price you would think the Thunder would want to keep his defense.
I'm fine with Mo leaving for Dallas. He was just too feast or famine last year and was arguably the worst defender (who got minutes) on the team. If there's money left, I think Vasquez would be the ideal fit. No defense is not his calling card, but he can actually run a team.
If I am Olshey, I contact LBJs reps with the lure of playing with Aldridge, Lillard, Lopez and Matthews. Batum, Meyers, McCollum and whatever else it takes for the salary to match.
It seems at Least to me, Olshey suffers from limited beliefs when it comes to this team and market. I think that could hinder him when it comes to recruiting him. But like the idea.
Fuck if olshey could pull that off, I would expect Allen to erect a Neil Olshey statue where the fountain used to be.
Will Barton: Wanna play in the Drew league & Barry Farms after the summer league. Twitter @WillTheThrillB5
Adrian Wojnarowski @WojYahooNBA 23m Another team official who met with James' agent, Rich Paul, in Cleveland tells Yahoo: "I think it's all a smoke screen." All a dog and pony show?
I took the tweet to mean all of this meeting with teams is a smokescreen, and he's really going back to Miami, according to the team official.
Not saying LeBron would even think about it or even consider it, but I mean why wouldn't you at least try and get a meeting with him? Think about it: LeBron says he likes it here when he plays, is a huge UO duck fan, loves Nike (thats why he spends a bit of time here) and we offer a SOLID, YOUNG core. Now you add Kaman? Why WOULDN'T you lay out a plan to LeBron and show him how can get the max, via S&T, with Miami. And you BET YOUR ASS Miami would be interested in that package for LeBron, that is youthful promising talent as well as a legitimate player (Batum) as well. Lillard/Wes/LeBron/Aldridge/Lopez Kaman/TRob/Barton/BAE and I'm sure we could land an older vet who is championship chasing as well.
Marc Stein @ESPNSteinLine 30s Story soon to hit online: ESPN sources say Rockets will turn attention to trying to pry Chris Bosh out of Miami IF Melo passes on Houston I think Morey is overrated, he just seems to try to go after every big name possible.
I think Olshey is smart and knew that there was no reasonable shot at any of those big names, and is teas of wasting time he targeted reasonable targets and snatched them up before they were gone. Pretty smart if you ask me!
Retweeted by Probasketballdraft NBA Central @TheNBACentral 39m Report: The Houston Rockets are preparing to give Chris Bosh a max contract.
Giving up hope on Carmello, lol. They put in one hell of an effort on his recruitment, but can't blame them. Is Miami falling apart? Where is Lin going? Philly?
He will just tell LBJ to stay one year then next year they willl throw a max contract at a third Max guy like Marc Gasol or LMA.