This PIC blows my mind: (A Drone Photo) - IMO, Pleasure and Maximum Enjoyments goes in this order: Baseball in Yankee Stadium Baseball Yanx on the Road/Anaheim Little League/High School Baseball College W.S. Baseball NCAA-FBS (roll tide roll you fkrs) Parachuting High Elevation Mountain Excursions, tho' in my old age, I don't hike much, yet nothing quit compares, other than those noted above. Beach Combing, a weeks stay on Montecito's Beach, eating at the Big Yellow House, or Lobster Shack, great Oysters. "Holding hands and skipping stones"....
Pretty damn awesome! My list of pleasure and maximum enjoyments in order (of things I've done which is separate from my bucket list): Home Yankee game Concert [Metallica 4x (including the symphony tour) and U2 once among others] Hockey game (preferably a home Devils game) NFL game (Giants home) Rutgers Football Algonquin camping/canoeing/portaging trip Camping Williamsburg (Colonial, Busch Gardens, Water Country USA, Jamestown, Yorktown, etc.) Anything else in the woods Just got back from a weekend down the shore and I've had my fill til next September... can't stand the shore... I go for the kids.... I could just as easily do without though. Had a good time, but too many people to be a good time... trying to fit too much in to a short time-period...
Eastern shores differ so much from Left Coast shores, that's for sure. So. Cal beaches are mostly shit, eg, several Cities, like Santa Monica, literally dump their sewage 200 yards of the beach..... Beaches down by Tote, are very nice, San Clemente, Del-Mar, but its the Northwestern Beaches, that are beyond belief........ (again), not much diff than southern Georgia's Natl. Park beaches...... NICE LIST HAMMER, you nailed it Chief........!!! Oregon beachfront:
I'd love to visit the northwest one day... got family in Oregon... 1 cousin and her family and then another pair of cousins and their parents... yet never been out there.... they are WAY to liberal to desire to visit...
you don't have to hang out with the people... Thanks for the memory. Did Switzerland and much of western Europe with my family when I was a kid. Jungfrau/Mittaghorn/Lauterbrunnen Valley are still some of my favorite places on earth. That was the same summer that I saw a bullfight and a topless beach on my 8th birthday. The beach scared me more.
Well, the family I'd like to, but the 2 cousins and the parents eat, sleep, live NPR radio and all the idiotic liberal and socialist ideals... I wouldn't be able to avoid it if I were there... But we almost went a couple years ago when my cousin renewing her vows...
List of favorite things....lets see Watching a doberman run balls out Watching a gangbanger scream like a little girl being chased by a doberman The smell of desert sand approximately six feet below the surface
Not all people in Oregon are Libtards, kinda like you pointed out. There's some great Conservative minded folks in the NW too. Oregonian's often get stereotyped due to those Libtards, which come from Conservation Corps, and many University Cities, Towns, et al. You'd fall in love with Oregon Hammer, as far as the scenery, as far as the Woods being everywhere, literally from east to west, north to south, much like my Wife told me, as well as your own mention of those gorgeous Poconos........?
Don't believe him. We are all libtards out here in Oregon and we are aggressive, too! Most likely if you visit you will be enslaved by libtards and held prisoner in a yurt making hemp clothing until you finally accept Bernie Sanders as your savior. It's best to stay away. Idaho is safe territory, though. Wyoming safer. barfo
I know... the family I'd love to spend time with aren't libtards... the other family most definitely are...
Barry Sanders I can relate too, not Bernie....... Yep, Idaho is as Conservative as it gets for a North Western State, quit gorgeous too....