I can’t tell if he’s one of those players you overrate when your roster is terrible or if he has a legitimate shot at being a star. His numbers are bizarre. Anyone have strong thoughts on his play?
I wish I could somehow transfer his finishing ability to Dunn...he takes the ball to the rack better than anyone on this Bulls team. Failing this, he needs to add some kind of outside game to be taken seriously.
I’m not worried about Dunn’s finishing ability. I think for some guards it just takes a while to figure out how to use angles around NBA shot blockers. I think he’ll have that sorted out by the end of the season. I think I agree with your take on Nwaba. He has some transcendent facets to his game but he is going to have a hard ceiling at small forward, and especially at shooting guard without expanded back court skills. Teams are going to make the adjustment to him soon, and then it will be up to him to respond.