You would need to actually check the linked articles to get the full history up to date, but I understand some people just like to look at the pictures.
The parties today are nothing like they were even 50 years ago, bringing up ancient history of the parties to discredit them now is like bringing up moves of an NBA team 50 years ago to completely discredit the moves of what the team is doing today.
Not a lot of women in office back in 1871.....definitely no black women in office....the good old constitution was written by men for both the dems and republicans were actually the parties of men..aiming for a paternal's not all about race or's also gender inequality....I always wonder if the people touting the greatness of America realize there were only 13 states back then and slavery, misogyny and genocide were tools of those who formed the first American govt here. Also notice the lack of Native American representatives at the French on the other hand welcomed Native American leaders as guests of the state....France was way ahead of the US when it came to equal rights
Perhaps monopoly is the wrong word. But if you said, one party has a long history of racism, it would be difficult to prove untrue. It would also be true, that this same party has significantly changed their image if not their results.
It is surprising how often you seem to remind me of the story of the one eyed man in the land of the blind.
Personally, i am voting early and often for the whig party next election. They have a lot of great ideas on deregulating snake oil.
We need more snake oil regulations, not less! For fucks sake, they’re already passing off worm oil as snake oil and our government tuns a blind eye
You probably should take your personality type test again to recalibrate your senses eh? The test has apparently failed your intuitive side.