Discovery Channel

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Drake24, Jun 2, 2007.

  1. Drake24

    Drake24 BBW Elite Member

    Feb 16, 2006
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    I know there have been threads on this before, but there are some really cool shows here and I mainly made the thread to point out the "Man vs. Wild" show, so focus on that. My favorites:Man vs. Wild: Bear (the guy's name) is really fun to watch and he makes this show great. He doesn't just point out things (like quick sand) but he purposely gets in situations to show you how to get out. It is a fun educational show and I might have to put the stuff I learn to use when I am in the acre of woods close to my house some day. :dunno: New episodes of this starts like June 15th. Or around there. Whatever day that is.Myth Busters: My second favorite show. Everyone knows what Myth Busters is. I like how they go beyond what they were trying to do. If they were trying to see if a car blows up for whatever reason, and the myth doesn't work, they blow up the car anyways.Deadliest Catch: I watched it for the first time yesterday and it was kind of interesting. I thought it would be a show about a bunch of fish stories, but I guess it follows a few ships on a "some kind of crab" fishing season. It is dangerous stuff. There seems to be a storm all of the time, or at least in that episode, and they say you can pretty easily get sucked into sea and then basically dead.There are some other cool shows on here (like to catch a theif or whatever it is) and I think the Discovery Channel deserves some credit. Although, I am not a fan of "Dirty Jobs."Any shows on this channel you guys watch?
  2. pjcolpitts?

    pjcolpitts? BBW Elite Member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    I watch those shows as well. I do like Dirty Jobs though. To me its a pretty interesting show. My favourite would be Man vs Wild though. I pretty much agree with you on the shows.Couple of my favourite episodes of Man vs Wild would be where he gets dropeed off in the Alps, when he gets dropped off on the Hawiian Volcano, and when he gets dropped off in the desert in the Western U.S.EDIT: By chance you know if they have the seasons on DVD or if they are going to make them? I'd sure as hell would buy Man Vs Wild on DVD.
  3. Drake24

    Drake24 BBW Elite Member

    Feb 16, 2006
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    36's what I got when I googled it. It looks like it's $21.99 per show though. You get about 43 minutes of it at that price. A little bit to pricey for me. I would wait around and see if they don't just smack'em on one DVD or something. Although, if Discovery Channel is making the money doing this, I doubt they will. Perhaps when later seasons come out they will put the previous on DVD all together. Who knows.
  4. pjcolpitts?

    pjcolpitts? BBW Elite Member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    Eh, I knew they sold the seperatly, but damn, I'm not gonna do that. :thumbdn1: Too much for me as well. Think I'll just catch reruns and hope they someday make a season package.

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