Notice From My Cold Dead Hands......

Discussion in 'Blazers OT Forum' started by THE HCP, Nov 30, 2021.

  1. Fairly-Hard

    Fairly-Hard Former Member Gone New!

    May 2, 2021
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    Currently the apartment in the Moda
    I understand your point but the fact is Texas is getting more Blue every year.
  2. julius

    julius I wonder if there's beer on the sun Staff Member Global Moderator

    Sep 16, 2008
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    Right, like the GOP will ever be ok with spending money on a Public school.
  3. Fairly-Hard

    Fairly-Hard Former Member Gone New!

    May 2, 2021
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    Currently the apartment in the Moda
    Again all you are doing is watering down the conversation. Children were killed. Again.
  4. Chris Craig

    Chris Craig (Blazersland) I'm Your Huckleberry Staff Member Global Moderator Moderator

    Jun 25, 2015
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    Not quick enough
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  5. Fairly-Hard

    Fairly-Hard Former Member Gone New!

    May 2, 2021
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    Currently the apartment in the Moda

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  6. Phatguysrule

    Phatguysrule Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2008
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    Yes, and if the doors were locked that wouldn't be a problem.

    If the police were responsive that wouldn't be a problem.

    If we had healthcare and education watching for signs of troubled kids like this that wouldn't be as much of a problem.

    Making snide comments about how stupid people are for not agreeing with you and refusing to have an honest conversation about an important issue is not how anything gets done. I promise you it will do nothing but cost lives with regards to gun crime.

    People who do that are every bit as much of a problem as the other side. It's just politics costing poor kids lives and trying to place the blame on the "other team".
  7. Phatguysrule

    Phatguysrule Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2008
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    And if the left keeps doing what you're doing more children will continue to be killed. And it will be just as much your fault as the Republicans.

    Just my opinion.

    But I get it. You don't actually care about solving the problem, just pointing at the other side, and using the deaths of these poor kids to try and push your political agenda... It's pretty common.
  8. riverman

    riverman Writing Team

    Nov 15, 2013
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    I think this post of yours was very unfair and divisive concerning kids dying and people not caring.....stop with the "other side" approach and talk with folks without assuming political agendas....I don't have to have any political agenda other than outrage at how gun supporters have gone over the top to make sure this is looked at as an attack on's not...children are the victims here first and foremost. ..people need to start addressing each other as concerned citizens rather than some two party civil war bullshit here...this is about American law...not left or right. Around this forum people do care about solving problems...situation, problem, process, solution...we haven't gotten past the problem yet....we outlawed assault weapons in the 90s through 2004 and had a 43 percent drop in mass shootings.....after 2004 laws expired the mass shootings tripled. Explain that to me. No gun lobbyist has been able to since these mass shootings have become increasingly regular.........this has brought me around to the belief that a heavily armed population provides more dangers than a country where you can't have such the process starts with restricting magazine capacity and rapid fire gun development. We need gun reform. There's no chart or graph that'll make me think guns are making us safer...they are not. If we are invaded and at war...sure....allow the weapons of war but we're shouldn't be at war amongst 2 cents. Unlike many here I have lived under both systems and assure you ...the safer country has no guns available to citizens.
    Last edited: May 28, 2022
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  9. Phatguysrule

    Phatguysrule Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2008
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    In response to two posts where it was implied that I was just trying to muddy the water and didn't care about the kids? After I have been trying to have policy based discussions on this the entire time and have encouraged other thoughts and ideas?

    But I get tired of being called out and retaliate to an attack, you immediately jump to the defense of the person who attacked and insulted me multiple times?

    And you don't have a political agenda? Really?
    I made a post about that with a possible explanation above, with a chart and dates.

    You might try reading it rather than just dismissing my attempts at polite conversation the way you have also done so far.
  10. calvin natt

    calvin natt Confeve

    Jun 30, 2017
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  11. MARIS61

    MARIS61 Real American

    Sep 12, 2008
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    Published May 28, 2022 12:37pm EDT
    West Virginia woman with pistol shoots, kills man firing at graduation party: 'Saved several lives'

    Charleston police said no partygoers were hurt in the incident

    By Julia Musto | Fox News

    A woman in West Virginia fatally shot a man Wednesday night who had begun firing an AR-15-style rifle into a crowd of dozens.

    Charleston Police identified the man as 37-year-old Dennis Butler.

    The people were attending a birthday and graduation party outside a Renaissance Circle apartment complex.

    Butler had been at the apartment complex earlier in the evening in a vehicle and was warned to slow down because children were playing, according to authorities.

    He left but later returned and parked in front of the complex before shooting.

    The woman was attending the West Virginia party. She drew a pistol and fired on Butler.

    No one attending the party was injured.

    The woman then waited for police to arrive, and she and several witnesses have cooperated with the investigation.

    "Instead of running from the threat, she engaged with the threat and saved several lives last night," Chief of Detectives Tony Hazelett told news outlets Thursday.

    Hazelett said no charges would be filed against the woman.

    In an interview with MetroNews' "Talkline" Thursday, Police Chief Tyke Hunt said Butler was a convicted felon who had "been to prison a few times."

    Hunt said Butler illegally possessed the gun he fired, adding the matter was still under investigation.

    WSAZ said the Kanawha County Prosecutor’s Office is investigating.

    The Associated Press contributed to this report.
  12. Phatguysrule

    Phatguysrule Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2008
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    Yeah, when you join the military you no longer have the same rights as other Americans...

    You agree to that when you sign up.

    I am all for educating civilians and offering training. And even paying civilians to go. I think that's a great idea.

    We've covered what "well regulated" means in the constitution (with links to expert analysis) and why the Supreme Court has upheld it. It means capable, well functioning. Because that was the intention at the time of signing.

    This guy should probably do some research on the constitution before he starts trying to educate people on it.
    Last edited: May 28, 2022
  13. calvin natt

    calvin natt Confeve

    Jun 30, 2017
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    Feels like the point went over your head and you’re too smart for that.
    Fairly-Hard likes this.
  14. Shaboid

    Shaboid Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2014
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    Tried to take a couple days off from this thread for my mental health, and I'm not sure if it worked. Especially since I just got totally caught up. On my lunch on Friday, I was minding my own business in my car eating my burrito and some drugged out psycho stared me down for a full 45 seconds and then made the 'fingers across his throat sign'. WHY? Couldn't tell you. That fucked me up a bit, but I got the hell outta there and made the proper report, not that anything is going to happen.

    All that to say, he could probably buy nearly any type of firearm and follow through on whatever thoughts he was having. That scares the shit outta me and nobody should have to have that unneeded thought, especially a child. Something needs to change.

    Yea, mental health is struggling lately. Thank god I at least have semi-decent health coverage to take care of myself, but a lot of this country doesn't.
  15. Phatguysrule

    Phatguysrule Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2008
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    No I got his point. But I don't agree with restricting the rights of American citizens as though they are military drones.

    While that's easy for the government in an autocracy like the military, it's not how democracy should work.
  16. MARIS61

    MARIS61 Real American

    Sep 12, 2008
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    Border patrol agents who went in and took out the Uvalde shooter defied local police chief who told them to keep waiting outside the classroom
    Doc Holliday
    May 28th, 2022 11:47 am
    This horrific story keeps getting more and more tragic and baffling.

    NBC is now reporting that the dozens of local police and federal agents on the scene of the shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, TX were under orders from the chief not to enter the classroom — for over an hour — even though the shooter was still active and shooting kids inside. Somehow these orders were obeyed by dozens of armed officers on the scene.

    Border patrol agents in tactical gear arrived at the scene and initially fell in line. But after a half hour of sporadic shooting and God only knows how many more kids dying from shots and lack of medical attention, the federal officers decided to disobey and storm the classroom, where they took fire and killed the shooter. From NBC:

    Feds entered school to kill gunman after local cops asked them to wait
    Two senior federal law enforcement officials said the federal agents decided after about 30 minutes not to wait any longer and entered the school to find gunman Salvador Ramos.

    Federal agents who went to Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, on Tuesday to confront a gunman who killed 19 children were told by local police to wait and not enter the school — and then decided after about half an hour to ignore that initial guidance and find the shooter, say two senior federal law enforcement officials.

    According to the officials, agents from BORTAC, the Customs and Border Protection tactical unit, and ICE's Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) arrived on the scene between noon and 12:15 p.m. on Tuesday. Local law enforcement asked them to wait, and then instructed HSI agents to help pull children out of the windows.

    The BORTAC team, armed with tactical gear, at first did not move toward the gunman. After approximately 30 minutes passed, however, the federal agents opted of their own volition to lead the "stack" of officers inside the school and take down the shooter.

    Steven McCraw, the director of the Texas Department of Public Safety, said Friday that Peter Arredondo, the chief of police for the Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District, had stopped at least 19 officers from breaking into the school as the gunman opened fire for at least an hour.

    This is absolutely maddening.

    So if the details don't change AGAIN, here is the new timeline, as compiled by NBC and the Wall Street Journal:
    • 11:28 a.m.: The shooter crashed his grandmother's truck into a ditch next to Robb Elementary School. He had just shot her in the face at her house. He exits the vehicle and begins firing at people at a funeral home across the street.
    • 11:30 a.m.: A 911 call was placed by someone reporting the shots. The shooter then climbed a chain-link fence onto school grounds and began firing outside the school.
    • Either 11:33 (NBC) or 11:40 (WSJ): The shooter entered the school unimpeded via a back door that was propped open and began shooting in classrooms 111 and 112, which were connected.
    • Just 2 minutes after the shooter entered the school: At least three police officers entered the same door the gunman did.
    • Just 10 minutes after the shooter entered the school: As many as 19 officers had arrived and were in the hallway outside the active shooting scene.
    • Between noon and 12:15 p.m.: Federal border patrol agents, armed with tactical gear, arrived on scene. They are told by the local police chief not to enter the classroom. They obey for approximately half an hour.
    • Either 12:40 p.m. (WSJ) or 12:50 p.m. (NBC): The border patrol agents defy orders from the local police chief and stormed the classroom after, confusingly, having to find a staff member with a key to the door. They exchanged fire with the gunman and killed him.
    You are not reading that timeline incorrectly.

    Numerous police were at the scene, within feet of the shooter, just 2 minutes after he entered the school and began firing. Dozens of police were at the scene just 8 minutes later. About 20 minutes after that, federal agents armed with tactical gear were on the scene. And it wasn't until another half hour later that they entered the classroom to engage the shooter.
    Not one armed officer entered the classroom where little kids were being massacred until over an hour after they began arriving at the scene.

    The gunman fired over 100 shots and murdered 19 little kids and 2 teachers.

    None of this makes any sense and we need answers.
    UncleCliffy'sDaddy likes this.
  17. calvin natt

    calvin natt Confeve

    Jun 30, 2017
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    Hm. Funny but I don’t feel like we should shoot at kids like they are military drones
  18. MARIS61

    MARIS61 Real American

    Sep 12, 2008
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    This federal agent grabbed his barber's shotgun when his wife texted "help" from the Uvalde school, then got his lady, their daughter, and dozens of students to safety ✊
    Facebook / Jacob Albarado
    Jesse James
    May 27th, 2022 11:35 am
    When your wife texts "help," it activate's something in a man's brain that nothing can stop.

    You dudes know what I'm talking about. If your wife and kids are in danger, you will stop that danger. Period.

    Case in point: This federal agent who literally jumped out of his barber's chair and stormed the school to save his wife and daughter.

    Heroic officer rushed into Uvalde school with barber’s shotgun to save daughter, wife
    “There’s an active shooter,” she wrote. “Help,” she sent before sending a chilling: “I love you.”

    Jacob Albarado had just sat down for a haircut when he received the horrifying message from his wife, Trisha, a fourth-grade teacher at the Uvalde, Texas, elementary school, he told the New York Times.

    "There's an active shooter," she wrote. "Help," she sent before sending a chilling: "I love you."

    He immediately leaped out of his seat, grabbed the barber's shotgun and sped off toward the school.


    The other officers at the scene need to take note.

    Texas officer says police didn't go in to Uvalde school right away because they "could have been shot." THAT'S YOUR JOB, BRO!
    If you wear the badge, you represent the law. If you represent the law, you put your body between the innocent and the criminals who would wish to hurt them.

    The Uvalde police department is located four minutes from Robb Elementary, so why did it take police 15 MINUTES to respond to the first reports of a gunman?
    The details surrounding the Uvalde shooting continue to get more and more bizarre by the hour. We learned today, for instance, that the shooter fired off shots outside of the school for a whopping 12 minutes before he walked inside:

    Albarado is a US Customs and Border Protection agent. The school was not in his jurisdiction. He didn't take time to get armor, squads of men, or fancy weapons. He grabbed his barber's shotgun (most Texas thing ever) and WENT TO WORK.

    His daughter, a second-grader, was locked inside a bathroom while his wife hid under desks with her students, the Times reported.

    When Albarado got there, the officers were milling about trying to figure out how doors work or something like that, so Albarado came up with a plan to get other students out while they took point on taking down the shooter.

    He said he entered the wing of the school where he knew his daughter was located, and as he searched for her, began "clearing all the classes in her wing," he told the Times.

    Two officers with guns drawn provided cover while two others guided dozens of "hysterical" children and teachers out to the sidewalk, he said.

    Everything in this story screams "leader" to me. This guy had a just a shotgun and came from getting his hair cut, but he took point with two officers covering him.

    When Albarado finally saw his 8-year-old daughter, Jayda, they embraced, but he kept moving forward to bring more students to safety.

    "I did what I was trained to do," Albarado told the paper.

    That's a hero.
    In a Facebook post just after midnight Wednesday morning, Albarado said one of his daughter's teammates and friends was among the 19 students who were killed.

    "I'm so angry, saddened and grateful all at once. Only time will heal their pain and hopefully changes will be made at all schools in the U.S. and teachers will be trained & allowed to carry in order to protect themselves and students," he wrote.

    There's still so many details swirling about what happened. We know so little about the chain of events.

    But as we wait for the truth to come out, I'm glad that a man like Albarado was there. ✊
  19. riverman

    riverman Writing Team

    Nov 15, 2013
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    I didn't jump to the defense of anyone...I took issue with YOUR post about what YOU said concerning empathy and the left and I have read your posts and posted about the process of addressing gun laws just like you have.....what you said about people using death to promote their political agenda....I agree about most of your political views regularly here but this one I think you've gotten a bit off track here and yes.....I think you're showing little interest at least what I have to say about the're welcome to that opinion as I am welcome to mine. This topic is a trigger for you I'd guess and pardon the pun. Just get this clear....nobody here wants kids to die so they can pass laws.....they want to pass laws so kids don't die
  20. MARIS61

    MARIS61 Real American

    Sep 12, 2008
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    Do not rely on the police.

    You must arm yourself and be prepared to defend your family.

    It is your responsibility.

    May 27th, 2022 4:45 pm
    On Friday, we learned the awful truth of what many of us had suspected all week: That law enforcement in Uvalde, Texas, waited around unconscionably while a psychopathic gunman was given free reign over a classroom full of 10-year-olds.

    The professional implications of this inaction alone are almost unthinkably huge. One should anticipate, in any event, that a great many public servants in Uvalde, Texas are on the verge of losing their jobs and potentially facing legal consequences of some kind.

    Beyond that, however, the comprehensive failure of law enforcement in this scenario has underscored yet again one of the basic and incontestable facts of life: You cannot depend upon the police to save your life in a life-threatening emergency. You must take care of yourself, and those around you, yourself.

    We live in a strange time where that sort of principle is regarded as dangerous, reckless and foolish, and that we should not expect the average American citizen to be prepared to defend himself outside of calling the police and huddling in the corner.

    It is not clear how, or why, we have arrived at this point, where courage is discouraged and practical cowardice is hailed as a virtue. The end result of that worldview, of course, was on full display in Uvalde this week, as nearly two dozen cops crouched in a hallway while a madman killed child after child with impunity.

    Here is some practical advice: Do not expect the police are able, or even all that willing, to save you. Police are valuable parts of any civilized society, but they are neither saints nor angels and they should not be treated as either. It is not unreasonable to assume the best while planning the worst: That the police will fail to protect you in a life-threatening situation, either through incompetence or cowardice, and that you will die.

    In fact, America's Founding Fathers never had police in mind when they wrote the Second Amendment. The best way to prevent crime and tyranny was to have a well armed and well trained citizenry, just as the best way to protect against government corruption in the judiciary is to be judged by a jury of one's peers.

    "The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole [police] are armed" – Not Noah Webster

    "The [police] are not to be disarmed of their weapons. They are left in full possession of them."- Not Zachariah Johnson

    In fact, this is what George Mason had to say:

    I ask who are the militia? They consist now of the whole people, except a few public officers.

    The next step is clear: Buy a handgun. Learn how to use it safely and well. Train regularly at the shooting range. Get a concealed carry permit. Push for constitutional carry laws. Keep the gun with you wherever you can. Get bigger and better blasters as needed. Practice unimpeachable gun safety 100% of the time.


    Recognize that you will probably never have need to draw your weapon, let alone use it—but be prepared, always prepared, to do both to defend your lives and the lives of those around you.

    The alternative, of course, is to be defenseless, to hope for the best, and—if a gunman should show up—to call the police and hope they show up in time.

    Maybe they will and maybe they won't—and maybe they'll just end up hanging out in the hallway either way.

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