Trump said today you can't have an election in the middle of a political season. Also we had Super Tuesday and there was a Tuesday after that and then another Tuesday. Also, Biden is senile.
His new Trump bibles are going for 59.99 to make america pray again...I don't remember Jesus selling bibles.
Trump Goes on Bizarre Rant About ‘CROOKED JOE BUDEN’ Who ‘DISINFORMATES AND ‘MISINFORMATES’ About Obamacare
I think when they seize his properties and bank accounts they should devote the profits to making Trump Tower, his Jersey club and Mar Lago into homeless shelters. Don might need a bunk in one himself when it's all said and done.
Trump is running on raising prices. He proposed an across the board 10% tariff on all imports. He showed while in white house he doesn't understand tariffs, thinking they were somehow paid to the US. No. They are an additional tax paid by consumers. Great campaign slogan. Make bananas, refrigerators, cell phones, clothing expensive again!
Trump selling a bible that he claims wants to bring back the values to our country that were laid out in the constitution? Perhaps the part about separation of church and state was ‘fake news’? Keep doing stupid stuff that the sheep eat up and the moderates find repulsive.