Hey guys, tell us more about “pOLItIcAL vIoLeNcE!!!!” And “TrYiNg tO dIsRuPt dEmOcRaCy!!!!” And how Trump must be stopped. Interesting when someone radicalized by the same talking points you all spew gets on a roof and starts blowing people’s brains out. Tell us more about all the ‘scary’ Trump things lol.
Can anyone guess what Trump would have said if it was reversed? Probably crow about Biden is unpopular and make jokes about him getting out of the way.
I thought you didn’t like Trump? That’s been your schtick all along? Am I right? Doesn’t seem neutral to politicize this
Who said anything about political violence? Trump literally said he'd be a dictator on day one. Doesn't leave much room for democracy...
A more detailed picture of the gunman dead on the rooftop is out there. I'll just say it's immediately clear that he isn't the heavy antifa guy posted earlier, unless he lost a significant amount of weight since that photo was taken.
Two famous celebrities died today. Yet the biggest story of the day is that a third celebrity, and most deserving to die, lived instead. Go figure.
This man was very near the man shot in the head. He is a doctor, and gives a clear report He believes a woman may also have a wound in the hand or arm.
I think we should maybe wait to find out more info instead of jumping to conclusions. As much fun as that can be.
If we are going to go down the civil war route, Trump could have at least been disfigured like Darth Sidious from that.