Movies you've seen recently and have enjoyed?

Discussion in 'Blazers OT Forum' started by PDXFonz, Aug 8, 2015.

  1. bigbailes

    bigbailes Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2008
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    It's the greatest film trilogy for a reason! A few years ago our local Alamo Drafthouse was showing Part 1 and I got the wife to go with me, she'd never seen the original and it was good enough to get her to go to Part 2 as well and then they had Part 3 and she decided to just finish the series on the big screen (of course the margaritas helped as well). One and Two are masterpieces, Three is a good flick but just could never live up to the exceptions that got tossed on it. Not having Duval I think really hurt it, along with Sophia as the daughter was just brutal. That said it's become an underrated movie in my book.
  2. crandc

    crandc Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2008
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    Another oldie. Watched Taxi Driver. Controversial casting then 12 year old Jodie Foster as 12 year old prostitute.
    bulls_with_booz likes this.
  3. PtldPlatypus

    PtldPlatypus Let's go Baby Blazers! Staff Member Global Moderator Moderator

    Nov 10, 2008
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    Just watched "Young Woman and the Sea" on Disney+ a few days ago. I enjoyed it immensely, but I've always loved the stereotypical underdog-overcoming-adversity sports triumph movie.
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  4. bigbailes

    bigbailes Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2008
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    Movies we've seen recently ...
    Maxxxine- was pretty good little suspense/horror flick with 80s feel, right up until the last 15 minutes where things went off the rails. Not bad but not sure I'll ever watch again. 6.7/10
    Trap- M. Night knows how to make a badass trailer but his movies just haven't hit consistently. Loved the premise for this one and first 60% is good, the final 40% of the movie things get weird and everyone starts making really bad decisions. 6.2/10
    Longlegs- this is one of the more divisive movies of late with Nic Cage playing a very creepy character. Set in Oregon it's another good little suspense movie and this one had me for 90% of the movie until the end, but still an interesting watch 7.9/10
    Twisters- I actually liked this one more than the original that I went back and watched before seeing the sequel. It's got some great set pieces (though nothing quite like the drive-in from the OG) and I thought had a better story, plus I find Glen Powell to be very likable in his movies. 7.5/10
    bulls_with_booz and PtldPlatypus like this.

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