There is zero evidence Trump was shot in the chest. As a side note. Just read a report, but, so far, I can not verify if this is true. The claim is, the kid shooter was rejected by a shooting team. He was such a bad shot, he was considered dangerous to other team members. Has anyone else heard about this?
I have no idea if the Trump shooting was real, or staged. What I do know. The round that may have gone threw Trumps ear, would not of blown his ear off. The round had a diameter of less than 1/4". It is such a small light round, it is illegal to hunt deer with it in many states. All it would do to a thin ear is punch a small hole threw, same as punching a hole threw a thin cardboard target.
There was video of the teleprompter after the shooting. The teleprompter was not damaged. Or am I missing something?
Kinda strange how it was on his mouth like that. I suppose if he had his head down at a certain angle, the blood could have dropped from his ear to his face, the streamed down to his mouth. But, you have two streams, and looking at it, does it start from the mouth or end there? Probably ends there and it's explained by what I said above. Two streams because he moved and then moved again. Interesting though.
I saw that too. Maybe they also had those big ones on the stage like the one that they tried to kick Lake off the stage with? Not sure what else is being referred to.
The two on each side of him seemed to be intact after, but yeah perhaps there were more than those two.
Maybe the bullet actually went in his ear, ricocheted off the inside of the empty skull, and exited through his mouth, tearing his lips in the process. barfo