How do we know that the Bird people haven't hired these Haitians to strike back at all these people who have outdoor cats that are decimating the bird population!?!?!
Obviously scanning the skies for birds to herd into the turbine....and wearing protection against bird droppings and birds dropping......
Haitians in Springfield now saying they are being harassed at work, they are afraid to let their children play outside. They left violence in their home country only to face Trump.
I found it pretty amusing. Considering the people they were interviewing. White trash inbreds pissed that the Haitian’s are getting in on the welfare.
Fueling racism, bullying and scaring the fuck out of poor brown children is not fucking making america great again. Trump has to go away forever. It's how we'll heal
He never really gave an opinion that needed consideration for whether he was serious. He really just interviews people and lets you form your opinion.
Sure it's dumb, but at least it's adorable. If every political billboard were kitten-based, campaign season would be much more tolerable.