Accidentally went back too far in the thread. A lot of amazing posts in the first 10 pages or so. I forgot that @Phatguysrule ’s crush on Elon went all the way back.
Ass handed to me? Did you read what he posted? I keep going back to reread it and see if I missed something, only to find it more ridiculous each time. If that’s what our labor department shits out then I want my tax money back. Those aren’t facts that address anything I said. There is not a shortage of qualified labor here. People with four year degrees CANNOT FIND JOBS and you are willing to have them replaced by cheaper foreign workers because you are so blinded by political rage you can’t think straight. You and him are STILL refusing to address the issue I brought up of foreigners being payed cheaply for labor and undercutting Americans. You two knuckleheads are handing the wrong asses to the wrong people. Don’t go high fiving eachother just yet.
Go down to Starbucks or the closest bar and ask the person serving you, who has a degree, about the big “labor shortage”. Don’t forget to shit on them about their unsatisfactory education, either.
Some people with 4 year degrees can't find jobs, that's true. But it's always been true, and presumably will always be true. Unemployment is pretty low right now, historically speaking, no matter what measure of unemployment is your favorite. We need immigrants for manual labor, and we need immigrants for jobs that require extensive technical skill. In both cases, we need immigrants because too many Americans are too lazy and entitled to do what's needed to get and keep those jobs. And our education system appears to be getting worse. And yes, immigrants do drive down wages for American workers. Why wouldn't a company hire a more productive worker at a lower rate of pay? But that's capitalism for ya. These problems are not going to be solved by rejecting immigrants. That will just move the jobs to wherever the would-be immigrants are, or are allowed to go. The only solution (if you don't like immigrants) is to make American workers more attractive, either via better training, lower wages, or plastic surgery. It is the case that the current immigration system sucks and needs a lot of fixin'. But the fix it needs is reform, not cancellation. barfo
It boggles my mind that people can look at Elon Musk's preferences and history and not very quickly surmise that any decision he advocates for is only self-serving, only beneficial to billionaires, and will make the lives of non-billionaires worse. I have jonny on ignore because he thinks I'm an abomination against biology, but he's right about this. Elon's only looking out for Elon, and if he wants a bunch more H-1B's, then we ought to be asking ourselves why.
Here in Canada, we literally just imported Indians on a fake student VISA campaign (most are young men from Punjab which is a largely agrarian part of India) and then let them bring their spouses and family members even if they're in basic undergraduate courses. It's led to the Trudeau government essentially collapsing, a mass political activation of the right wing in Canada, and completely eroded the general liberal attitude Canadians had towards immigration in under 4 years. So as cynical as this is for me to say, if you're just Never Trump before anything, before even the quality of life in America, pray he goes down this mass H1B staple a permanent residency to literally any degree type of policy. Not only will it destroy him in the midterms, it will end MAGA as an entity, if it's associated with 4+ years of mass barely vetted Indian immigration. You won't have to worry about J.D Vance, Don Jr etc. I love that Trump has betrayed his base to such a degree that Bernie Sanders is having to teach him how to MAGA:
Lol. I wouldn't call it a crush. He's doing what the law allows. And he's being more successful at getting real products developed than others. We need to change the laws to protect people from being abused by driven people. In my defense, Musk wasn't MAGA when it first started, though he had started acting increasingly erratic. So I was cautiously hopeful at that point. But I don't hate rich people for taking advantage of the laws we have. I would rather change the law so we could hold them accountable for violating the law.
No doubt Elon is abusing the H-1B system, he abuses every system. He's only useful to the discussion in terms of showing what's necessary to prevent abuse. As the Jackson 5 said, "One bad asshole don't spoil the whole bunch, girl." barfo
If you’re contending that there are even bigger losers than Elon, sure. If you’re contending he’s been a net positive on any project he’s been on, you’re just incorrect. At best his human presence (not his money, which is just money) has been neutral to the development of products that bear his name, and mostly he’s been a distraction or even a hindrance.
Yeah, I'm not supportive of pretty much anything he's done as a human. Just the things he's put money into and helped advance. He's a piece of shit human being.
You don’t have to give him credit for being rich. That money would have come from somewhere regardless, and reasonable management might have made Teslas less of a death trap, or designed the spacex launch pads correctly instead of making them look cool to his 11-year-old boy sensibilities.
I honestly don't think it would have. He had to risk losing all of it to get that stuff going and go against the grain for a lot of it. And that's really why I give him any credit at all. He's crazy enough to put money where I don't think anybody else would have risked it. And I think he actually has better manufacturing sense than most billionaires. But a total POS as a human.
Elon is a father who gets lots of sex Elon’s burner account posting in 4chan
This is not an overly difficult task if you just reciprocate... Or, I suppose, if you have BILLION$...
Trump totally flipped on this. In his usual fashion, he completely melts for anyone who kisses his ass. He has no defense against people who stroke his ego. He’s going into this term with a handful of positions I agree with (as opposed to zero from Democrats, that’s why I always shit on them and somehow get accused of loving Trump for it) but we stand to see how many of these “decent” policies actually stick. I don’t have a lot of faith to be honest.