I remember watching Shelstead as a freshman in HS coming off the bench. It was crazy how fast and physical he was compared to everyone else. A whole nother gear. I got no time to watch the Ducks during basketball season though. Lol
He's been nominated for this umpteen times. He knows he's blessed and is all about getting the most out of his gifts and giving back to the next generation. Stud STOMP
Something is wonky with the games won stat because Mariota definitely won one of those games for them.
Cowboys oh well, Oregon loses a GREAT recruiter and coach but shows itself to be a prime spot for the next guy hoping to work their way up the coaching ranks (which is pretty much everyone). Dan should have no shortage of solid candidates lining up. Also, Junior is leaving the cupboards stocked with awesome talent for next year and beyond. STOMP
Not great. But every person Lanning has replaced, he’s done so with someone who is equally impressive. I’d be more concerned if Marshall Malchow departs.
though it hasn't been made official yet, the new WRs coach sounds like a winner https://duckswire.usatoday.com/stor...-coach-ross-douglas-what-to-know/78805849007/ STOMP
it's official, Oregon has added a complete stud in Ross Douglas as their new WR coach. Also, he and RB coach Samples have been going back and forth on line about the great things they're going to accomplish together so it seem concerns about Coach Samples leaving for Texas are over STOMP
Yeh, i know I said I would not watch the basketball team again but what else is there to do at 9 on a Saturday morning? Probably their best game of the season. Down 15 in second half, I'm thinking they are just totally outclassed and can't shoot for beans as usual. Somehow they cam back against #11 Wisconsin at Wisconsin and Shelstad hit a three in the closing seconds to take it to overtime where Ducks won! Forced 17 turnovers and needed every one since they got outshot and outrebounded.