This is the problem with foreign AIDS! Why are we sending 29 tons of silver to shithole countries? They eat with their hands, they don't need it! We should be distributing that silver to people who have table manners, here in America!!! barfo
No, but Elon will be able to access any data you have on your phone, if that's something you'd be interested in. barfo
Well, there's the alternate universe Internet, where TCP/IP is evil and DNS has a beard. Or maybe that's the one in our universe. barfo
Why doesn't our government have this for us already? It's insane that Musk has the best satellite coverage on planet. We have to figure out an alternate way to fund quality politicians and vote against anybody who takes money from corporations or oligarchs.
Yeah, no idea what Internet provider to pick. T-Mobile froze rate for as long as I use it, everyone else has great start rate and then skyrockets. Suggestions?
Highly recommend Ziply (they've been incredible, but I hear they've been purchased by a very bad Canadian ISP) or Sonic (both fiber optic) if you can get them. I think both are available in the San Francisco area. But I'm not sure exactly what area you're in or what neighborhoods are covered by which. Probably lean toward Sonic if possible.