Fuck LaMarcus. Screwed us over and then it's our fault for not wanting him back once he realized he'd fucked up? Unlike just giving him a new contract when he was our free agent, we'd have had to figure out a trade to bring him back.
There's plenty of blame to go around (a lot of it goes around the neck of Neil Olshey), but no one put a gun to LaMarcus' head to leave.
Tbh I can’t ever feel much empathy for Dame OR LA. They both jumped ship for greener grass. We moved on from both. Or at least I did.
Lamarcus would have been the best player playing with Dame if we reaquired him. Easily would have dealt the 2 firsts for LMA back instead of Covington. Yes, it sucks he left. But if he wanted to come back Olshey owed it to Dame to put the best players around him possible. We even could have signed him for cheap at the end to retire a Blazer. Petty shit.
I wish it all would have played out differently, but it's his own damn fault. He was a diva, and didnt like the fact that Dame was taking over as the face of the franchise and getting all the attention. LaMarcus wanted all the glory but didnt want the responsibility and leadership that goes along with it. But in his defense he was young and has obviously matured a lot since then.
Didn't he also want to be closer to his son in Texas? Can't really fault him for that. Playing for Pops was a once in a lifetime type opportunity too.
Nope... Olshey should have traded him in '13 or '14. He was significantly over-rated as a 'star'. His game is very inefficient and not conducive to winning basketball.
For sure and definitely by the 2015 trade deadline. We could have got a decent return for him... instead we added Arron Aflalo and the rest is history.