This could go under Musk because we know who is calling the shots and doing the work. Six years ago two insect pests devastated Florida citrus industry. Millions of dead trees, billions of dollars in losses. Department of Agriculture hired country's foremost expert on these insects to monitor and prevent another outbreak. He was just fired. Also fired, cyber security team that monitors country's infrastructure 24 hours a day to counter cyber attacks. Or did. They are gone. Musk/Trump had zeroed out item in VA budget for medical physicists. The people who keep X-ray and MRI working. They got restored but instead technicians who sterilize equipment zeroed out. People had surgery without sterilization for centuries. Sure, a lot of them died but the tough ones lived. Natural selection! Kennedy announced HHS will study link between vaccines and autism. Studied repeatedly for decades. No link. Efficiency! Department of Homeland Security spent $40,000 of taxpayer money in ads that ran on TV in West Palm Beach while Trump spent weekend there. Ads in which dog killer Kristi praised how amazing and awesome Trump is. Efficiency!
Kristi Noem is a ball gargler extraordinaire. You know it’s a cult when women bow down to that guy. “Sacrifice yo wife! In the name of all things holy. For Trump is a prophet sent from Babylon”
This is stuff that should be reported by our msm but they're too busy being mad about Trump's decorum.
Migrants the US dumped in Panama have been released from custody there and given 30 days to leave the country. The people, who are variously from Afghanistan, Iran, Nepal, China, Russia and Pakistan, can't return to native countries, have no money, nowhere to go. Do you feel safer now?
Veterans Administration cancelled clinical study of veterans with cancer for which there is no current treatment. This was their only hope. Suckers and losers. Should have declared bone spurs.
Brain worm claiming dozens of people in Southwest have been injured by measles vaccine (lie). He blamed victims got measles due to poor diet (no evidence of poor diet and measles caused by virus). He claimed "miraculous" cures from Vitamin A (no evidence and high doses of Vitamin A are toxic) and antibiotics (measles is caused by virus. Antibiotics do not work against viruses. Biology 101.) Hey hey RFK, how many kids did you kill today?
This administration doesn't care about veterans or most anyone else. They continue to prove this with their actions. They are going to cut more than this when it comes to veterans. How can you treat men and women who put their lives on the line for country like this?
The continued propagation of such alternative facts is going bring harm and yes possibly death to many children from measles and other viruses/outbreaks. Our children should not be the victims of such lies and divisive politics. We can not let conspiracy theory take away from the true care they need to support their health. RFKjr backed down when it came to the measle outbreak in Texas. Hopefully, he will see the truth in other cases too, of which unfortunately their will undoubtedly be more during this administration.
I know we have a couple people in the steel industry on the boards here. I wonder how they're feeling about the new 50% tariff that was announced. I have a feeling this is going to hit the manufacturing industry harder than expected.
Pardon attorney at Department of Justice was asked to compile list of people who had received pardons who should have gun rights restored. She put together a list of 90 people. All with conviction for nonviolent crimes, all convictions were years in the past and all individuals had lived exemplary lives since. She was then asked to select nine who could be publicly presented, which she did. She was then told to add Mel Gibson to the list. She did not as he did not fit criteria. She was told he is a friend of Trump, no other criteria needed, and fired
My suppliers have been telling me prices will go up. But a lot of people in the steel industry absolutely love Trump... So I'm getting mixed signals. Some are saying not much steel goes through Mexico or Canada. Prices have definitely been coming up.... Hasn't been a huge hit yet. Of course, the tariffs haven't hit yet...
Yep. It's pretty maddening sitting in the office listening to it. Depressing. On the other hand, Democrats need to be better. It is so hard to get anything done in blue states as a business or a developer. Look at Californias High Speed Rail. It's been in the works since the 80s... Still nothing. The homeless problems. There's nothing stopping us from building up except us. We don't need more land. We need taller buildings. Or we need to convert office space. There are solutions. Democrats just aren't interested in finding those solutions for some reason.
I feel like if Democrats would get that figured out and focus on universal education, universal healthcare, a great social safety net, and data based police and judicial system they'd win in a walk. But they seem to want to break everything down into these small little battles that only a few people care about. Yes everybody has some of those small little things that they care a lot about. But simply following those guidelines would pretty much solve (or at least positively impact) everything else... <Sigh>
Environmental Protection Agency will close all environmental justice offices. They were part of a program to address differences in pollutants in rich and poor communities and to regulate industries that dump toxic pollution in low income and Black and Latino communities.