Trump put up over 100 truth social rants in a 6 hour period. The stock market seems to be making him lose his mind.
Can you force someone to buy a Tesla? Oklahoma is forcing all schools to buy Trump Bible, no other is acceptable. But that is still government entity, not private individual. Trump spent years hating electric cars.
Well he better be careful, the electric car he claims he is buying may cause him cancer like those windmills he is stopping from being used.
I often wonder if the guy is developmentally disabled. In the least he is talking out of his ass. It isn't illegal to boycott anything.
If you noticed, he stopped short of saying he is buying one. Just that his friend has one and he drove it. He supported Musk by driving his friends Tesla.
Does he not comprehend the consequences of doing this? He thinks these other countries are just going to pay and everything is going to be peachy keen? He is going to screw over the steel and aluminum industries and thus all the blue collars workers employed by them.
He does say it in one of his propaganda posts that he will. But he lies about everything and loves to screw over everyone so