Boy what shot WAAAAAAAAAAAY off, :shock: Though, when you first look at it, it looks like a fould since he missed so bad. Then when I saw the replay, the Kidd didn't foul. Well, looks like NJ is going to the finals. Only to get crushed by the Mavs
he was trying to draw the foul, and was expecting the foul, so he just threw up some junk. but the pistons will be on fire in NJ. pistons win 4-3
i dont think they r out....i think they will take 2 of the next three games...tyo make it 3-2..then they will take the last 2
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting "olskoolFunktitude":</div><div class="quote_post">why doubt it. theyre young. theyve had a tough sesaon and there less tough physically then detroit.</div> Nets wont get tired, You can pray all you want, It's not going to happen. :roll: