Top 10 In The League

Discussion in 'NBA General' started by Stefen, Aug 7, 2003.

  1. TommyFabs

    TommyFabs JBB JustBBall Member

    Aug 7, 2003
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    "1. Shaq (most dominant player ever!)
    2. Tim Duncan (Mr. Fundamental...helps draw double teams and wins championshiips)
    3. Jason Kidd (led Nets from one of the worst to best in the east for 2seasons)
    4. Kevin Garnett (could take Wolves to the playoofs with basically no help)
    5. Kobe Bryant (great all around game)
    6. Tracy McGrady (takes his team to the playoffs single handedly)
    7. Allen Iverson (little guy plays big)
    8. Gary Payton (great stats, great defense but still underrated)
    9. Dirk (lack of D but his offense is too strong to keep him off the list)
    10. Michael Jordan (even if he were to play next season i still think he would be really good. he was able to hold up for 82 games last season being 40 years old and he only gets smarter.)"

    i'm sorry but I don't agree with that Michael Jordan?? IMO He's getting to old to compete with these younger players. IF this were top 10 of all time...he'd possibly be number 1. That's not the case, i agree with most of ur list except..wheres the pierce love. Where would the Celtics be without Pierce..I attend half of there games a year, and everygame I go to the C's would not have a chance w/out pierce. BTW nice avitar [​IMG]
  2. Vintage

    Vintage Defeating Communism...

    Feb 22, 2003
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting shapecity:</div><div class="quote_post">1. Shaq
    2. Duncan
    3. Garnett
    4. Kobe
    5. McGrady
    6. Kidd
    7. Pierce
    8. Iverson
    9. Nowitzki
    10. Webber</div>

    Same as mine.................

    Copycat :P
  3. txuonline

    txuonline JBB Banned Member

    Jul 10, 2003
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting TommyFabs:</div><div class="quote_post">i'm sorry but I don't agree with that Michael Jordan?? IMO He's getting to old to compete with these younger players. IF this were top 10 of all time...he'd possibly be number 1. That's not the case, i agree with most of ur list except..wheres the pierce love. Where would the Celtics be without Pierce..I attend half of there games a year, and everygame I go to the C's would not have a chance w/out pierce. BTW nice avitar [​IMG]</div>

    i agree with u that peice is a good player but he is not a TEAM player. very often he loses games for the Cs bcuz he hoggs the ball too much. just look at him in the international games last season as well as the Nike commerical with Jermaine o'neal. :mrgreen:

    mj was still able to hold up last season and if he is surrounded with more talented and more willing players then he could have taken the wizards further.

    and avatar is coo
  4. Shapecity

    Shapecity S2/JBB Teamster Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 30, 2003
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting Vintage:</div><div class="quote_post">Same as mine.................

    Copycat :P</div>

    great minds think a like! mine however is in order! :thumbsup:
  5. TommyFabs

    TommyFabs JBB JustBBall Member

    Aug 7, 2003
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    Who does he have to pass to lo....Toine puts up bad shots, hhmm...Battie is JUST OK!!!!!! in the middle(see Celts need a center post in celtics forum)hhmm...no1 else really...HE has to carry this team and he does a damn good job of doing give him some credit

    I would like to see that lady in the avatar go between the legs(no offense)
  6. t-mac

    t-mac JBB JustBBall Member

    Aug 2, 2003
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    good topic!
    in order id say
    1. t-mac
    2. duncan
    3. garnett
    4. shaq
    5. kobe
    6. dirk
    7. webber
    8. kidd
    9. carter
    10. iverson
  7. slamduncan21

    slamduncan21 JBB JustBBall Member

    May 24, 2003
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    1. shaq. yea. i hate to say it.
    2. duncan, of course
    3. kg
    4. kobe
    5. tmac
    6. kidd
    7. pierce
    8. webber
    9. nowitzki
    10. iverson
  8. Premium

    Premium JBB I'm kind of a big deal

    Jun 29, 2003
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    hmmmm...for right now, ill have to go...

    tim duncan
    kevin garnett
    Shaq daddy
    Jason kidd
    tracy mcgrady
    kobe bryant
    allen iverson
    paul pierce
    chris webber
    dirk nowitzki

    hon. mention to starbury, steve franchise, matrix, elton brand, jermain oneal and vince
  9. olskoolfunktitude

    olskoolfunktitude JBB The Pig Pirate

    Feb 9, 2003
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    1.Shaq (still the most dominant when hes healthy)
    2.Duncan (Only guy who couldve beaten shaq this year)
    3.KG (some people think hes better than Duncan...and shaq for that matter)
    4.Kidd (might not have top 10 numbers himself but he's a one man winning team)
    5. Tmac (unless u think KObes better)
    6. Kobe (unless u think hes better than Tmac)
    7. Pierce (unless u think hes better htan kobe or tmac....wouldnt be where he is now without walker)
    8. Dirk (Lacks D and thats about it)
    9. Iverson (unless u think hes up with PiKoMac--aw forget it their all great)
    19. Jermiane Oneal (unless u think Webbers better)
  10. olskoolfunktitude

    olskoolfunktitude JBB The Pig Pirate

    Feb 9, 2003
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting txuonline:</div><div class="quote_post">i agree with u that peice is a good player but he is not a TEAM player. very often he loses games for the Cs bcuz he hoggs the ball too much. just look at him in the international games last season as well as the Nike commerical with Jermaine o'neal. :mrgreen:

    mj was still able to hold up last season and if he is surrounded with more talented and more willing players then he could have taken the wizards further.

    and avatar is coo

    Pffft! yea sure pierce is a ball hog [​IMG] thats why he averaged over 4 assists a game this year. then averaged 6 a game in the first round of the playoffs. and almost EIGHT a game in the second round!! get real. Pierce is as good a team player as youll find in the league who isnt a point guard. Hes not out there just padding his stats hes trying to win the game any way he can. Thats why when he drives to the hole and find himself in a sea of defenders he dishes it to the open man on the peremeter for a three. thats why the celtics have gotten in the playoffs the last couple yearts. whatch teh games genius. Pierce took the shots in the summer championships cause he had to. cause no one else wanted to and his performance in the year suffered as a result of it. ud know if u whached those games
  11. VC rox

    VC rox JBB JustBBall Member

    Aug 7, 2003
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    1. TD
    2. T-Mac
    3. Shaq
    4. Kobe
    5. KG
    6. JO
    7. VC - if healthy
    8. AI
    9. JKidd
    10. CWebb

    didnt realise so many players names wree abbreviated to 2 letters
  12. Pacers Fan

    Pacers Fan JBB JustBBall Member

    Jan 26, 2003
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    1. Kobe (Hate to admit but he and T-Mac are almost the same except he is clutch)
    2. T-Mac (Best in the NBA but sucks in the clutch)
    3. KG (Very versitile with the all-around skills to go with it)
    4. TD (MVP 2 years in a row, didn't deserve it but he's still one of the best)
    5. Kidd (lead the sucky Nets to the finals 2 straight years, clutch player and top assist man)
    6. Shaq (Not the player he used to be but still dominate)
    7. AI (More of a team player, great scorer. Has once lead Philly to the Finals, got them top the playoffs with only role players)
    8. Dirk (Unstoppable sometimes, but also very stoppable sometimes, can play 4 positions)
    9. Pierce (Great scorer, when he's hot he's unstoppable but not a team player which is why he slips to 9)
    10. Jermaine O'Neal (Gotta love the Pacers! Jermaine has a lot of post moves while he can also block shots on D)
  13. JWilltheFreak

    JWilltheFreak JBB JustBBall Member

    Aug 7, 2003
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    duncan (he just dominated the playoffs)
    KG(best all around player in NBA)
    Oneal(most dominated player)
    TMac(better then kobe)
    Kobe(takes to many shots)
    IA(can score any time he wants)
    Webber(PF plays like PG)
    nowitzki(7footer makes 3 pointers)
    Carter(when healty )
  14. olskoolfunktitude

    olskoolfunktitude JBB The Pig Pirate

    Feb 9, 2003
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting J Tins11 JO7:</div><div class="quote_post">1. Kobe (Hate to admit but he and T-Mac are almost the same except he is clutch)
    2. T-Mac (Best in the NBA but sucks in the clutch)
    3. KG (Very versitile with the all-around skills to go with it)
    4. TD (MVP 2 years in a row, didn't deserve it but he's still one of the best)
    5. Kidd (lead the sucky Nets to the finals 2 straight years, clutch player and top assist man)
    6. Shaq (Not the player he used to be but still dominate)
    7. AI (More of a team player, great scorer. Has once lead Philly to the Finals, got them top the playoffs with only role players)
    8. Dirk (Unstoppable sometimes, but also very stoppable sometimes, can play 4 positions)
    9. Pierce (Great scorer, when he's hot he's unstoppable but not a team player which is why he slips to 9)
    10. Jermaine O'Neal (Gotta love the Pacers! Jermaine has a lot of post moves while he can also block shots on D)</div>

    first of all, neither kobe OR Tmac is better or more complete than KG or Duncan. and u could make the case that none of them are as dominant as shaq even now. and if u whatch the games instaeda of just going by what youve heard youll Paul Pierce is more of a team player than kobe or iverson.
  15. Pacers Fan

    Pacers Fan JBB JustBBall Member

    Jan 26, 2003
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting olskoolFunktitude:</div><div class="quote_post">first of all, neither kobe OR Tmac is better or more complete than KG or Duncan. </div> They may not have the post the post moves or shot blocking skills but neither KG or TD has the ball handling skills of -Mac or Kobe. KG can handle the balll sure but both T-Mac and Kobe are proven of being average at posting up. KG does not have the ability to take over a game like T-Mac or Kobe. Tim Duncan can take over a game as good as T-Mac or Kobe but still isn't as clutch as Kobe. And TD is so friggin boring! remember the 80s? Larry Bird best all-around player at the time right? Was he the best? NO. Even give that question to a panel of experts and they'll agree the ball-handler was a player while Bird was better all-around.

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post"> and u could make the case that none of them are as dominant as shaq even now. </div> As shaq was yes. Shaq's lost a lot of skills and got up to what 370? Who couldn't be dominate at 370? Who do the Lakers go to as their #1 option in the clutch now? Kobe. Shaq is just their #2 option. Flashing back to the 70s. Who was better on the Bucks championship team? Oscar Robertson or Lew Alcindor (Kareem Abdul-Jabbar) I would say Alcindor because he was rising while Robertson was going down on the skill level. All the players still rising, TD, T-Mac, KG, Kobe are still rising up while Shaq is going down. Kidd's just about at his prime and going down i think which is why over the next few years on my top-10 list i'll judge as he is then not his ovreall career.

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post"> and if u whatch the games instaeda of just going by what youve heard youll Paul Pierce is more of a team player than kobe or iverson.</div>

    Paul Pierce is more of a team player than AI. I was just saying I saw some Sixers games in the playoffs and the season and it looks like AI's getting his team mates involved more now than ever. Pauil Pierce and Kobe i'd rate almost the same on the non-passing ball hog scale. (PP more of a ball-hog i think) When they both get on fire they never pass. But is it Kobe taking 3s almost every time he gets the ball out on the wing? NO. It's Pirece who instead of driving and looking to pass or shoot stands out at 3-Point range gives a pump fake and when he cleary has his defender beat chooses to shoot the 3.
  16. Vintage

    Vintage Defeating Communism...

    Feb 22, 2003
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting J Tins11 JO7:</div><div class="quote_post">They may not have the post the post moves or shot blocking skills but neither KG or TD has the ball handling skills of -Mac or Kobe. KG can handle the balll sure but both T-Mac and Kobe are proven of being average at posting up. KG does not have the ability to take over a game like T-Mac or Kobe. Tim Duncan can take over a game as good as T-Mac or Kobe but still isn't as clutch as Kobe. And TD is so friggin boring! remember the 80s? Larry Bird best all-around player at the time right? Was he the best? NO. Even give that question to a panel of experts and they'll agree the ball-handler was a player while Bird was better all-around.


    First of all, if you asked GMs around the league, who'd they rather have, Kobe, Tracy, Kevin, or Tim, most would say Tim. Tim isn't clutch? How? Did you watch the LA series? That was clutch. Just bec. Kobe has a better outside shot, that doesn't make him more of a clutch player. Tim gets it done when it counts; when the game is on the line. That's clutch. It doesn't matter where the 2 points come from at the last second; it only matters that the player scored them when needed. Thats what being clutch is all about. Tim Duncan is a clutch player.

    Boring? Since when is 20/20/10/8 boring? Those are amazing numbers. TMac and Kobe will never put up those kind of numbers. But Duncan did. Just bec. Duncan is fundamentally sound, instead of all flash, doesn't mean he is boring to everyone. I love watching him play, bec. he is a complete basketball player. Maybe you think he is boring, and perhaps some GMs might think so too...........but I am willing to bet that most of the GMs think he is the best player in the league RIGHT NOW!
  17. Premium

    Premium JBB I'm kind of a big deal

    Jun 29, 2003
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    i agree with vintage, how can you not call T.D. clutch??? the guy almost busted out a quadrouple (sp?) double in the last game! if thats not clutch, wtf is???

    and although duncan isnt very pleasing on the eyes to watch play, that has nothing to do with skill...just because he doesnt throw down windmills and streetball style crossovers, dont mean hes not the don...he's the man, there is no denying it. im not even a fan of duncan, but i give props where props are due, and duncan deservs props

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">Who couldn't be dominate at 370?</div>

    two words...tracktor trailer
  18. olskoolfunktitude

    olskoolfunktitude JBB The Pig Pirate

    Feb 9, 2003
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting J Tins11 JO7:</div><div class="quote_post">They may not have the post the post moves or shot blocking skills but neither KG or TD has the ball handling skills of -Mac or Kobe. KG can handle the balll sure but both T-Mac and Kobe are proven of being average at posting up. KG does not have the ability to take over a game like T-Mac or Kobe. Tim Duncan can take over a game as good as T-Mac or Kobe but still isn't as clutch as Kobe. And TD is so friggin boring! remember the 80s? Larry Bird best all-around player at the time right? Was he the best? NO. Even give that question to a panel of experts and they'll agree the ball-handler was a player while Bird was better all-around.</div>

    just cause YOU like them better and YOU think theyre more fun to whatch doesnt make it so. every gm in the league would rather start their franchise with a complete force like duncan and KG as opposed to an explosive guard like kobe or tmac

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post"> As shaq was yes. Shaq's lost a lot of skills and got up to what 370? Who couldn't be dominate at 370? Who do the Lakers go to as their #1 option in the clutch now? Kobe. Shaq is just their #2 option. Flashing back to the 70s. Who was better on the Bucks championship team? Oscar Robertson or Lew Alcindor (Kareem Abdul-Jabbar) I would say Alcindor because he was rising while Robertson was going down on the skill level. All the players still rising, TD, T-Mac, KG, Kobe are still rising up while Shaq is going down. Kidd's just about at his prime and going down i think which is why over the next few years on my top-10 list i'll judge as he is then not his ovreall career.</div>

    Shaq IS number one on the lakers. doesnt matter if kobe shoots more or scores more. Shaq is what makes them win and SHaq is the one you go to when you NEED 2 points.

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">Paul Pierce is more of a team player than AI. I was just saying I saw some Sixers games in the playoffs and the season and it looks like AI's getting his team mates involved more now than ever. Pauil Pierce and Kobe i'd rate almost the same on the non-passing ball hog scale. (PP more of a ball-hog i think) When they both get on fire they never pass. But is it Kobe taking 3s almost every time he gets the ball out on the wing? NO. It's Pirece who instead of driving and looking to pass or shoot stands out at 3-Point range gives a pump fake and when he cleary has his defender beat chooses to shoot the 3.</div>

    u think hes a ballhog but you dont know do you. Paul Pierces assists per game have gone up every year hes been in the league and will again this year. how do I know? Pierce averagded 4.4 assists this year. not too shabby for a scorer huh? well in the first round of the playoffs he averaged 6 assists per game, all while averaging 25.8 points a game and 9.2 rebounds. u know what he did in the second round? he averaged almost EIGHT assists per game. still while pouring in his 29 points a game and almost 9 rebounds a game.
  19. jbbFranchise

    jbbFranchise JBB JustBBall Member

    Mar 7, 2003
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  20. olskoolfunktitude

    olskoolfunktitude JBB The Pig Pirate

    Feb 9, 2003
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    the 10th spot is a tough call. it seems to be a tossup betwen webber and jermaine. sometimes I think Jermaine might be a little better because of his youth and because Webber has so many injury problems. the funniest thing is all these people putting Vince Carter in the top 10 (when healthy)...when healthy??? thats like saying GRANT HILL and ALONZO MOURNING are still in the top 5 (WHEN HEALTHY) you might be right. you never know. cuase they never are

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