Grant, Odom, pick an option for Lakers <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">The Lakers, intent on trading a disgruntled Shaquille O'Neal, might make a deal with the Heat that would include Lamar Odom, Brian Grant and probably a first-round draft pick, sources told the Riverside Press-Enterprise for Thursday's editions. The team is considering a handful of the 17 or 18 offers it has received for the center, the paper reports. "Just like the coach deal with Phil [Jackson] being let go, Dr. Buss thinks it's time to deal Shaq," a team source told the paper. </div> This would leave the Lakers with a huge hole at the center spot, but we get a very young talented young player in return. I actually don't think this is enough for Shaq, but I really do like the idea of getting Odom a lot. Maybe if they can throw in Caron Butler I'd do this trade.
This is a terrible offer for the Lakers. Brian Grant's knees are shot, I would be surprised if he can even pass a physical and of course his contract kills the Lakers financially. Lamar Odom had a great year, but his game and career went down hill while he was in LA. He's too, much of a risk at 12M a season to deal Shaq for him. I would also ask for Dorrell Wright and Caron Butler or a 1st round pick to send Shaq over. Out of the 17 or 18 offers reported in the article, I find it hard to believe this is the best one available. And as for Shaq saying he wants to play for the HEAT. It's irrelevant where he wants to play, the Lakers control his destination. Does he not understand that?
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting Sasha:</div><div class="quote_post">Lang Whitaker is also saying that the Lakers want Wade as well.</div> personally i think this trade reeks of desperation. can't buss for one second stop thinking short term and think long term? We need to get equal or comparable value and Odom/Grant/and probably mid range pick next year aint cutting it. Why can't we get Odom, Wade, jones, and future #1 pick? ive always liked eddie- wouldn't mind if he came back.
Yeah, I doubt this trade will go down without a few more players in it for the Lakers. Miami is lowballing right now.
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting Phreeze:</div><div class="quote_post">Grant, Odom, pick an option for Lakers This would leave the Lakers with a huge hole at the center spot, but we get a very young talented young player in return. I actually don't think this is enough for Shaq, but I really do like the idea of getting Odom a lot. Maybe if they can throw in Caron Butler I'd do this trade.</div> On SportsCenter, Bucher was saying that it's very likely that Caron would be in this trade if it were to happen because, with just Grant and Odom, he said that it still wouldn't be enough for the salary of Shaq. And, personally, if I were Lakers management, I wouldn't take the trade unless Butler or someone else is thrown in. They'd be getting screwed in my opinion.
Butler definitely needs to be a part of this deal...I feel he just had an off year and he'll have a bounce back season the worst, Butler can be the Lakers designated defensive stopper... I'm not really thrilled about Odom and Grant...however, I tihnk Grant will be a servicable big man if we move him back to PF....but as someone mentioned above, there is a gaping hole at Center...the Lakers will have absolutely no shot blocking threat at all. I'd much rather have a 3-team deal where we can deal Odom for a shot blocker..then he could play center and Grant (or Malone) can play the PF spot...Butler at the 3, Kobe at the 2, and GP at the point.
Ehh, I dont like this offer much...Grant is practically done, Odom might be tempted to use drugs again in L.A., not that Miami is much better...He had it together for one year, can he keep it together though...the only way I will be satisfied with this deal if Caron and Wade are involved.
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting notMuchgame:</div><div class="quote_post">Butler definitely needs to be a part of this deal...I feel he just had an off year and he'll have a bounce back season the worst, Butler can be the Lakers designated defensive stopper... </div> Caron Butler, if you do remember, was also injured for the first 14 games. I remember this cause he was on my fantasy team doing me no good whatsoever for the longest time. And, even after he returned from being injured, he didn't start right away. Also, remember, when you get injured, it takes time to return to the player you were prior to it. So, I think that a large part of the beginning of his season, he wasn't fully back and was still getting into basketball form. He was also coming off the bench getting limited minutes. So I think that is a large reason as to why his stats were down. Also the fact they added Dwayne Wade and Lamar Odom.
Yea he wasn't getting into the rythm with the team, so he wasn't part of the offense, he was just their to play defense and rebound, and then later he was getting his touches, but not enough to bring his average up. I hope we can keep Caron and give them the first round pick , it's going to be something like the 25th or 26th pick anyways, so it's no big loss. Also Kobe wants Wade, sorry buddy but you aren't getting him.
i personally thought about getting brian grant and packaging him away for dampier, then the deal would pay off. but i think odom will stay clean and be a great contributor to the team. caron butler, i dont know about him i know he was a big name rookie for the draft but i didn't hear anything about him in the regular season.
Now that it looks like its a done deal, what do the lakers need to do... Obviously #1 would be to re-sign Kobe... The big #2 is sign a shot blocker!! The Lakers will have Brian Grant, Odom, Malone, and Cook...none of these guys even average 1 bpg .... The Lakers could potientially have a very formidable defense if they can get a defensive threat in the middle...
I hate this trade, L.A. isnt getting enough...I have a feelin gKobe wont resign because they couldnt get Wade and Maggette and him are good friends.
I don't want this deal to go down just as much as Laker fans don't want to see this deal go down. This is terrible, Riley isn't dumb enough to completely dismantle the solid core of this team to RENT Shaq out for 1 season, and even that he only has 2 or 3 good years left in him. Riley has already publicly stated that he will not tear down the team that he has built to acquire Shaq. There is no guarantee that Shaq won't opt out of his contract and Shaq isn't the same player he used to be, now I don't mean to take anything against Dwyane Wade but the Heat will still have to go through the Detroit Pistons to even make it to the Finals and the Fakers got destroyed when they faced the Pistons in the Finals even with Shaq and Kobe! Shaq can't even win with Kobe anymore so what makes anyone think he'll be able to win with Dwyane? Shaq isn't the same player he used to be and if the Heat do this deal, they will be doing it with one thing and ONE THING ONLY in mind: Filling the seats in American Airlines Arena during the regular season. Lamar Odom doesn't sell seats, but Shaq does, and if this deal goes down that will be the only reason Riley and Pfund approve of it. Odom and Dwyane have an amazing chemistry, they'll be playing on the olympic team together, and it only gets better from here on out. Why ruin this for a 1 year rental of Shaq? Once Shaq is gone, this team will be in complete disarray and in rebuilding mode again. Shaq alone is not capable of winning championships anymore and just because he is in the east makes no difference at all. :thumbsdow Shaq :thumbsdow
The Shaq will not be a one-year rental. He has more than one year left in him. Question: Could we challenge Detroit better without the Shaq than with him? O'Neal will make everyone around him better and he will bring more excitement to the games. Yes, I do not look forward to not having Odom and Butler on the roster, but we are talking the Shaq! That guy will make any team better. The likelihood is that the Shaq will help the Heat rather than hurt them- even in the long run. By the way, your views are in the minority because most (nearly all Heat fans) want the Shaq. Who wouldn't?
Most Heat fans want Shaq due to the novelty factor, they aren't being realistic about it and haven't thought about this long and hard and obviously are not thinking about the future. The Shaq is today is not the dominant player that he was 5 years ago and he is not worth the almost 30 million dollars he is getting paid and he is not worth both Odom and CB4. Like I said, if this deal goes down, the motivation for Riley/Pfund/Arison would be to fill seats and nothing else. Shaq does not fit into the game plan of the Heat, he does not run the floor, he is not the athletic and well conditioned player he used to be, and just pitching a tent the entire game won't cut it.
From what I've been hearing on ESPN and reading on it sounds like this is pretty much a done deal. Although I'm pretty sure the Lakers will be making another deal or two after this, it looks like Shaq is really gone. I'm actually looking forward to the change, and I can't wait until next season starts.
Shaq does have power over the trade. Maybe he can't veto, but the other teams won't want him if they don't think he is going to resign after next season.