The one thing Shaq and Kobe have in common.

Discussion in 'Out of Bounds' started by ChicagoSportsFan, Sep 19, 2004.

  1. ChicagoSportsFan

    ChicagoSportsFan JBB JustBBall Rookie Team

    Sep 2, 2004
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    Okay we all know Shaq and Kobe HATE eachother but they do have one thing in common.Remember when Kobe got in Reggie Millers face and tried to punk him? well if you dont remember Reggie body slammed Kobe through the 2nd row seating. Kobe failed to realized reggie played in the 80's and 90's when everyone threw blows(not just talk about fighting). Now let me take you back to 1993 shack tries to intimidate the king of b-ball badboys Sir Charles. If you dont remember, shaq was also body slammed onto the nba hard wood not only that charles stood over shaQ and dared him to get up. aaaaah Memories. So shaq and Kobe are woven from the same cloth.

    (the dates may be a little off so dont crucify me)
  2. TheAnswerIsAi3

    TheAnswerIsAi3 BBW Member

    Jun 22, 2004
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    LMFAO [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] Thats pretty funny. Ive always remembered when Barkley slammed Krispy Kreme Shaq. Thats what the fat man gets I guess. Kobe got a punch in on Reggie at first tho until Reggie tackled him into the croud. And then Crosheres jersey hangin below his stomach due to Shaq tryin to plow through the croud. Funny stuff but I think this thread could be deleted soon haha.

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