<div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">It is now becoming quite clear that Carter will not get his wish to be traded. With that he must return to training camp and face his teammates in preparation for the 2004/2005 season. "It won't be a major distraction if you're playing hard and giving 100% effort," Raptors General Manager Rob Babcock said. "Otherwise you're not on that court." Carter?s good friend, guard Milt Palacio, believes Carter will be professional enough to get past the fact that he was not traded. On whether he Carter might try to sit out training camp Palacio said, "Vince is not a bad guy." "He'll be here." </div> Full Story
he'll show up , but the reaction from fans and media will make him think twice about goin public with his demands.
does anyone think he'll get booed by the fans come first game? By the way, i strongly urge people NOT to boo Vince simply because if we have to keep him, we might as well not discourage him more from playing as to ruin our record.
If the Raptors start winning, Vince will shut up. I guarantee that. Winning can change anyone's mind in the league. vince only wants to get traded to win and get respect again. Well, If you start winning, you'll start gaining respect. The American public has not seen that much of Carter since 2001. If he leads the Raptors to the playoffs this year and plays his heart out, people will notice. Vince is trying to be like the likes of Kobe, KG etc. just play your heart out and you will get respect.
Im gonna go out on a limb here and say Vince will be great this season and people will have to cheer for him and not boo.
Thats very intresting,I wouldnt do that though,its just going to make the Raptors worse.Babcock seems like he is being to stiff with the way he is handling this VC situation,he should look at more offers and maybe take lesser value. Babcock claims he wont trade Carter for someone who wont fill seats,but he will tell the coach to bench him?Nobody wants to come to a game and see the teams suprestar sit the bench.
I find that to be an idle threat by Babcock. If the Raps aren't winning with VC on the bench, he's either going to play him or trade him. VC may not be on "that court", but he'll be on some court, somewhere. I don't see VC being that much of a baby that he'll be a problem child to the point where they'd have to bench him, but then again, I don't see them benching him either. They'll trade him for less than value first, IMO.
Yeah I agree that if the Raps are winning Carter will be happy. He just wants to win and lets face it, the Raps didn't do much this offseason to make things better, other than bring Rafer back. They hired a rookie coach and "many" claim they drafted a project, although personally I think Araujo will become a good player quite soon. The Raps depth chart is still pretty weak. I remember how excited Carter was when we signed Akeem. I think he thought Akeem could carry the Raps all the way.
if babcock was smart he'd play vince...let vince play well and generate some interest from other teams. if boston or seattle start to suck, and vince is playing really well, they might offer up pierce or ray ray going out on a limb there...but its possible. vince's best chance to be traded is to play and play really well
I'm thinking Babcock is being FAR too stubborn about this entire situation. He has a disgruntled superstar on his hands that wants traded, but he's not willing to do that. Babcock, througout this entire situation, has overvalued Vince Carter, making him worth more than what he is actually worth. Vince Carter fills seats, I'll admit to this, but he doesn't win. In his tenure in Toronto, how many winning seasons has he brought in? What, two maybe. Not many. He's not a winner. And right now, the only thing he is, is a whiner. Babcock is doing the wrong thing keeping him around. He doesn't want to play there anymore. If they don't trade him off, it's going to become a distraction. I realize he thinks Vince should fulfill his contract, but I just don't think that's the smart idea. This situation can only get worse from here. Trade him off before it does get worse.
<div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">if boston or seattle start to suck, and vince is playing really well, they might offer up pierce or ray ray</div> You guys need to get past the thought that Boston is going to trade Pierce for Carter, it simply won't happen. I doubt Seattle would move Ray Allen for him but their reasons for discontentment with Allen stem from his contract demands and it might be more plausible for them to move him. Pierce is happy in Boston, wants to be in Boston, and despite what alot of other star players do when faced with adversity, he's remained loyal to the franchise, even when he's admitted not being happy at some moves. Raps fans can drool over the scenario all you want, but Danny Ainge would need the first ticket out of Boston he could get, if he were to trade PP for VC, because simply put: the fans would be looking to kill him.
DONT BOO HIM. he's not a bad guy, he just doesnt like direction or the team management. BUT HE LOVES THE FANS...AND THE CITY. To boo him would only give other players second thoughts about ever coming to this city to play
But, the fans do have reason to boo him right now. He WANT'S to leave that team. He has next to no faith in that team. I think, if fans want to boo him, they have all the right too. He wants to leave, he doesn't want to be there. I realize it's not the fans, but, they still have all the right to boo him.
well..thats ok if you feel that way. but i feel sometimes people (players/managment) grow apart. when a gm/coach gets tired of a player they trade him away and no one boo's them at the games, but when a player grows tired and ask to leave they get heckled. I dont think VC has been a jerk about all this. I hope he succeeds in whatever he does, wherever he plays.
ppl of toronto are smart when it comes too bball contrary too popular belief .... if the raps start winning early on ,, vince will still be booed by fans ,, because what he is sayin right now is that this team has no chance of being good untill 2 ys ..if they win and he starts changing his attitude ppl will still boo him cuz of what hes said.
I know for sure if I go to a few games I'll be booing Vince, I might even make a sign or two to show him how much he sucks.
although i kinda have no respect for him, i dont think u shud, itll make our citys image even more torn up
Hagrid is exactly right, there's no way in hell Boston will trade Paul Pierce for VC, especially not now.
He will definitely get boo'ed because of his statement.. its wrong, and the only reason ppl will boo him is because they know he is all we have as a basketball star. Bosh cant fill seats liek carter can.. no one on raptors can.. i hope they cheer for him so he rethinks his demands for a trade.. raps will do well, and i perosnally dont see a team in the east that we could possibly trade with where carter would win? i think raptors are his best hsot at winning right now in the east