For all you Maverick fans I have a question for you. Say that Dirk played for the Clippers right now or whoever and Mavs record is 3-15. Would you still like the Mavs as you do right now or what?
I know that a lot of the fans I know chose their teams based on their location. In that case, I'm sure they'd remain a Dallas fan regardless of their record or who leaves the team, like they do the Cowboys. But I also know fans of Dirk who like the Mavs because they like Dirk. In that case, I'm sure they wouldn't remain a Mavs fan if he left. Depends on the situation I suppose. I think it's hard not to feel different about a team if your favorite player(s) leave.
The question was: "Would you still like the Mavs as you do right now?" My honest answer would be no. I would most likely still root for the Mavs but I can't say that I would like them the same without Dirk.
I started really liking the mavs because of dirk, so if dirk was traded i would most likely be a bigger fan of the team he got traded to than the mavs. I would still root for them, but i wouldnt be anywhere as big of a fan as i am now.
^^I agree. I mean Dirk is the heart and soul of the team. Losing him would really lose Dallas fans. For me, losing Nowitzki would make me drop some of my "fanism" for the Mavericks. Yeah and if we lose Finley, who I still think is underrated, I think I`ll stop supporting my Mavs. But don`t worry guys. Dirk and Cuban are like lovers, I don`t see Dirk leaving.
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting Air Pietrus:</div><div class="quote_post">So if Kobe moved you would root for whatever team he goes to?</div> Yes i wud like wutever team he went to.
I was brought home from the hospital in a green diaper and got tattoes of Alan Bristow and Tom LaGuarde I was in first grade. So yeh, I'll always be a Mavs fan, with or without Dirk. But I "like" teams based on players. I like watching the Suns now with Phoenix, and "like"d the Lakers because of Shaq, but now I "like" the Heat. On the other hand, I "HATE" San Antonio... I "like"d Utah and Memphis because of their coaches, and "like" any team Phil Jacksons coaches, but "HATE" any team Pat Riley coaches. And I "like" any team Jason Kidd, Ben Wallace or LeBron James play for because they play the game the right way. That doesn't make me a fan of those teams. I'm an NBA fan and a Maverick fan.
well im not a mav fan but i dont think that dallas would win too many games if dirk wasnt in their line - up.
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting Air Pietrus:</div><div class="quote_post">So if Kobe moved you would root for whatever team he goes to?</div> Yup
I like watching the Mavs, because of their great offensive ability. However if they were to trade Dirk, I wouldn't really care about them anymore. Unless they had traded Dirk + Damp or something for Shaq and resigned Nash. Imagine the line: Nash / Henderson Finley / Terry J. Howard / Daniels Jamison (if they kept him) Shaq
I would stick with Dallas no matter what if I was a Maverick fan. If any Knick got traded...Marbury, Crawford, Kurt Thomas you name it I will always go with my Knicks.
^^^ Well i still dont refer to Crawford and Thomas and even Starbury as Knicks. When i hear Crawford i still see a bull, and a sun in starbury and Thomas hasn't earned anything. I would think Allan Houston is a better representative of the Knicks despite the injuries. On the other hand Dirk and Fin are the only certified Mavericks on that team and it would be heart breaking for anyone mav fan if they left but i'd stick with em'. Not as interested but i'll stick with em'.
Well i'm not a Mavericks fan so meh if he left, but one of my friends likes the Mavs just because of Nowitzki and another likes them because of Bradley :S, anywayz you could ask the same question for any team, why'd u choose the Mavericks and Nowitzki?