Its' Safe To Say the Cavs are 1 star away..

Discussion in 'Cleveland Cavaliers' started by Da_Future_2k5, Jan 28, 2005.

  1. Da_Future_2k5

    Da_Future_2k5 JBB Banned Member

    Jan 26, 2005
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    Its' Safe To Say the Cavs are 1 star away from being serious title contenders, most likely an outside shooter.. so who do you think the missing piece is? I think either Michael Redd or Ray Allen would help the Cavs tremendously and make them East contenders.
  2. Mr. J

    Mr. J Triple Up

    Aug 25, 2004
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    If they can get Ray Allen or somone else, than yeah I will consider them real contenders. They are contenders in their own right but, no one really expects them to go too far in the playoffs because of their youth. When they probably make it this year, it will be some valuable experience for them which will be vital if they ever want to be considered contenders. I will say that they certainly aren't far, with James and their supporting cast, they will go really far.
  3. Shapecity

    Shapecity S2/JBB Teamster Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 30, 2003
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    I think the bigger concern for the Cavs is the decision they need to make with Ilgauskas. Before Shaq, teams in the East could get away without a post presence, but any team coming out of the East will likely have to go through Miami. Ilgauskas is a free agent after this season and a lot of teams will throw money at him. With his health concerns and inconsistent play, do the Cavs invest in him to be their big man? And if not Ilgauskas, who does Cleveland go after to replace him?
  4. Deadlock

    Deadlock JBB JustBBall Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    I've thought about this awhile and this is what i'm coming up with.

    Either trade Z now or sign him to less then 10 million a year.. If he wants more then that then I say we have to trade him because his not worth it. Then we have to get a guy like Allen, Redd or someone that can shoot. There is a lot of rumors going on with Z right now so he might be traded but I'm not totally sure because James likes Z and he has hinted that he wants to retires as a clevelander and might take less money. But who knows.. can't really take anyones word in Cleveland anymore.

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